Asch Flashcards
What was the aim?
To see if people would conform to the opinions of others by giving an answer they knew was wrong
What was this study called?
Asch’s Conformity Study
What type of study was this?
A lab study
What makes this study easy to replicate?
It had a standardised procedure
Who were the participants?
Male American college students
How many people were in the groups?
7-9 people
What were groups shown?
Sets of 4 lines
What were the groups asked to identify?
Which one of the lines was the same length as the ‘standard line’
Was the actual answer clear?
Did the group go for the actual answer?
How many real participants were in each group?
Only one
What were the other people in the group told to do?
Give the same incorrect answer
Was the real participant first or last to answer?
Always last
Overall, how much of the time was it found the real participants gave the same answer as the rest of the group?
36.8% of the time
How many conformed at least once?
How many never conformed?
What was the conclusion?
People conform to fit in, even when they know they’re wrong
What about the group size made conformity rise?
When it was increased to 3
What changes to the task made conformity rise?
When it was made more difficult
What did the participant do which made conformity rise?
The participant has to say the answer out loud rather than anonymously
What about this study made ecological validity low?
It was a lab experiment, therefore people may have acted differently
Does this reflect real life instances of conformity?