Ascending Systems 2 Flashcards
sensory first order neuron location
peripheral process and DRG in PNS
central process enters cord
sensory first order synapse location
cord or brainstem
sensory second order neuron synapse
ventral posterolateral thalamus
sensory third order neuron synapse
location of sensory decussation
at the gracilis or cuneate nuclei
DCML does
discriminatory touch
location of second order synapse above T6
cuneate fasiculus
location of second order synapse below T6
gracilis fasiculus
in what do the fibers decusate
internal arcuate fibers
what forms medial lemniscus
internal arcuate fibers from the gracilis/cuneate nuclei
in what do fibers travel from the VPL to the cortex
posterior limb of the internal capsule
what is the post synaptic dorsal column system
alternate route of DCML information- fibers synapse immediately upon entering cord
for pain sensation
medial division of the dorsal root entry zone
large heavily myelinated fibers
synapse at laminae III-V
lateral division of the dorsal root entry zone
small axons with little to no myelination
join Lissauer’s tract
somatotrophic arrangement of medial lemniscus
legs are most anterior
arms more posterior