Asanas - 2015 Spring YTT YogaPod Flashcards
Child’s Pose
Staff Pose
Dandasana/Sitting up legs straight in front of you
Easy Pose
Mountain Pose (hands side)
Mountain pose (Hands above head)
Urdhva Hastasana
Mountain Pose (hands in prayer, arms straight)
Standing Forward Bend
Downward Facing Dog
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Upward Facing Dog
Urdhva Mukha Svasana
High Push Up
Plank Pose
Four Limbed Staff Pose
Chaturanga Dandasana
Sphinx Pose
Salamaba Bhujangasana
Cobra Pose
Sun Salutation
Surya Namaskar
Classical Surya Namaskar (back to lunges), Surya Namaskar A (back to Chaturanga, jump forward to Uttanasana), Surya Namaskar B (back to Chaturanaga->DD->Warrior 1 left->Chaturanga->DD->Warrior 1 RightChaturanga->DD->jump forward to Uttanasana
Ashtanga - Eightfold Path From Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra (Raja Yoga)
1.Yama-retraints; 2.Niyama-observances; 3.Asana-posture; 4.Pranayama-control of Prana; 5.Pratyahara-withdraw of senses; 6.Dharana-concentration; 7.Dhyana-meditation; 8.Samadhi-super conscious state
5 Yamas
1.Ahimsa-nonviolence; 2.Satya-truthfulness; 3.Asteya- nonstealing; 4.Brahmacharya-sexual celibacy/fidelity ot control of sexual energy; 5.Aparigraha-noncovetousness
5 Niyamas
1.Saucha-cleanliness; 2.Samtosa/Santosha: contentment; 3.Tapas-heat/spiritual austerities; 4.Svadhyaya-Self study/study sacred scriptures and guru; 5.Isvara/Ishwara Pranidhana-surrender to God
Dualistic Philosophy
Samkhya (which Patanjali of Yoga Sutras follows) posits dualism between Purusha (the Self/Seer/Soul/Consciousness, literally “man”) and Prakriti (the World/Seen?Matter/Nature/Body/Mind, literally “creatrix,” the female creative energy).
The core belief here is that the practice of yoga – in particular what we can identify as concentration-based meditation, is for the purpose of overcoming attachment to the phenomenal world of appearances (or what is Seen) and to become identified with The Seer – and thereby to know God.
Non-Dualistic Philosophy
Advaita Vedanta – Brahman/God/Ultimate Reality is the all-pervading, ever-present nature of all things, Man’s essential nature is the Atman/soul. Atman and Brahman are one, Purusha and Prakriti are one – but we live in a world of illusion or Maya, in which we are unable to see this until we shed avidya/ignorance and awaken. In our ignorance we identify with the body, mind, senses…instead of identifying with Atman/inherent divinity/Brahman. It’s all God, but until we pierce the veil of illusion we cannot see this.
Tantra – Radical nondualism - Everything that exists is a manifestation of the one Reality that is pure consciousness and bliss. Prakriti/Shakti (universal object/Brahman) evolves through all the forms of the material world without ever losing it’s nature as pure consciousness or Purusha/Siva (universal Self/Atman). Embraces all as God, including Maya, hence the breaking of taboo/embrace of sexuality
Literally means end of the Vedas (“knowledge”). The Vedas are the ancient scriptural wisdom and truths revealed to the Rishi. The Rishi did not create the Vedas, they had spiritual experiences through which they came to realize this eternal knowledge. The Rishi are the medium through which this eternal knowledge was transmitted to us. Vedanta is a philosophical system based on the teachings of the Upanishads, a collection of texts in the Vedic Sanskrit language which contain the knowledge or the Vedas and mark the conclusion of the Vedic time.
Sanskrit texts containing the knowledge of the Veedas. The writing of these Vedic text mark the end of the Vedas. There are more than 200 Upanishads. They contain revealed truths (Sruti) concerning the nature of ultimate reality (Brahman) and the Self (Atman) and describing the character and form of human salvation (moksha/liberation). Most are thought to be prior to 600 BCE and thus pre-Buddhist.
Chair Pose
Chair Twist
Parivrtta Utkatasana
Low Lunge
Low lunge Twist
Parivrtta Anjaneyasana
High Lunge
Crescent Lunge/Ashta Chandrasana
High Lunge Twist
Crescent Lunge Twist
Standing Straddle Forward Bend
Prasarita Padottonasana
Supported Warrior III
Supported Virabhadrasa III
Warrior III
Virabhadrasa III
Warrior III
Standing Split
Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana
Revolved Half Moon Pose
Parvrtta Ardha Chandrasana
Standing Big Toe Pose
Utthita Hasta Padangustasana
Dancer Pose
Eagle Pose
Warrior II
Virabhadrasana II
Humble Warrior Pose
Baddha Hasta Virbhadrasana
Head to Ankle Pose
Head to Ankle Pose :)
Pyramid Pose
Revolved Triangle Pose
Parivrtta Trikonasana
Revolved Extended Side Angle Pose
Parivrtta Parsvokonasana
Warrior II Pose
Virabhadrasana II
Reverse Warrior II Pose
Viparita Virabhadrasana II
Triangle Pose
Utthita Trikonasana / Trikonasana
Extended Side Angle Pose
Utthita Parsvokonasana
Side Lunge (cycled side-to-side)
Yogi Squat
Malasana / Garland Pose
Yogi Squat Twist
Parivrtta Malasana / Malasana Twist
Half Moon Pose
Ardha Chandrasana
Tree Pose