Asanas Flashcards
Adho Muka Shvanasana
(adhO-mooka-shvanas-ana) DOWNWARD FACING DOG Benefits: Pg. 75 Stretches Shoulders, hamstrings, claves, arches, and hands; Improves digestion; relieves symptoms of menstruation and menopause
Akunchana Prasarana
(aukoon-chana) (pra-sar-ana) ABDOMINAL SQUEEZE Pg. 30 Benefits: Tones, massages, and improves circulation to the abdominal organs and strengthens the abdominal wall; coordinates diaphragmatic breathing with abdominal movement.
Ardha Matsyendransan
(arha-matsyen-drasana) SEATED SPINAL TWIST Pg. 110 Benefits: Strengthens the diaphragm; improves circulation to the abdominal organs; stimulates and balances digestive, reproductive, and eliminative systems; increases flexibility of hips, shoulders, and spine; improves all sitting postures.
Baddha Konasana
(baud-ha) (konas-ana)
Pg. 106, 141
Tones the pelvic floor; increases flexibility of hips, pelvis, inner thighs, lower back, knees and ankles; normalizes reproductive system and urinary system.
*This pose is particularly helpful for menstrual problems.
Pg. 34, 89, 104
Stretches the shoulders and the back.
Pg. 36, 94
Opens the chest, strengthens the upper back, increases flexibility and circulation in the upper spine and tones the buttocks and lower back.
*Dispels sluggishness, awakens vital energy, and freshens the mind.
*Enhances breathing by releasing the tension in the chest and abdomen that keeps the diaphragm from moving freely and the lungs from expanding fully and evenly.
(bahn-aras-ana) LUNGE (with variations) Pg. 35, 132 Benefits: Stretch for proper alignment of the pelvis. Stretches the hip flexor muscles deep in the pelvis and front of thighs.
(bee-da-as-ana) CAT POSE Pg. 32 Benefits: Strengthens the back; improves balance and coordination.
(gau-roodas-ana) EAGLE STRETCH/HALF EAGLE Pg. 174 Benefits: Stretches that hard-to-reach place between the shoulder blades; refreshes arms.
(gO-mookhas-ana) COW FACE POSE Pg. 105 Benefits: Improves flexibility in the shoulders and hips; supports an erect, steady posture; facilitates diaphragmatic breathing.
Hip Balancing Sequence
108, 166
Strengthens the abdomen and lumbar spine; helps with spinal alignment; improves meditation postures.
Janu Shirshasana
(jau-noo) (ser-shas-anan)
Pg. 103, 151
Stretches the hamstrings and back; improves hip flexibility and pelvic alignment; tones the abdomen; quiets and soothes the mind.
(kau-pah-lah-BAH-tee) BREATHING TECHNIQUE *See Notes, no reference in book Benefits of Kapalabhati 1) Kapalabhati cleanses the lungs and entire respiratory system. 2) The blood is purified and body gets an increased supply of oxygen to all cells. 3) Digestion is improved. 4) Abdominal muscles are strengthened. 5) Prepare the mind for meditation. 6) Energize the mind for mental work.
(kau-pOtas-ana) PIGEON POSE (and preparation) Pg. 100 Benefits: Improves flexibility and pelvic alignment by stretching the hip rotators and hip flexors; excellent preparation for mediation postures and backward bends.
(mauk-auraus-ana) CROCODILE POSE Pg. 20 Benefits: Establishes deep, relaxed breathing; centers awareness; brings attention into the present.
(muhn-dookas-ana) FROG POSE Pg. 140 Benefits: Groin Opener; intense for everyone. They take advantage of gravity and the wight of the legs to stretch the inner things and groin.
Mula Bandha
(moola bandha) ROOT LOCK Pg. 46 (Moving Inward) "MULA" refers to root; the base of the human torso (the perineum, where it is associated with the Muladhara chakra; the lowest of the energy centers along the spine. "BANDHA" refers to a bond a connection.
The practice of mula bandha is similar to Kegel-style exercises focused on building muscle strength in the pelvic floor; reducing problems associated with prolapsed pelvic floor/organs.
Benefits: Improves menstrual cycle, lowers respirations rate, reeducates heart rate and blood pressure, soothes sympathetic nervous system arousal, improves digestion, and improves urogenital, bladder, and sexual functioning.
Pg. 37, 98
Strengthens the backside of the body; stimulates the abdomen and nervous system; improves circulation and overall body and breath awareness.
(pars-vahkOnas-ana) SIDE ANGLE POSE Pg. 130 Benefits: Develops strength and flexibility in the hips and pelvis integrating awareness with postural movements. Increases mobility deep in the hip joints; strengthens the quadriceps and other muscles of the legs and pelvis; stretches muscles along the entire side of the body; and expands the chest.
(parsh-voh-tahn-AHS-anna) parsva = side, flank ut = intense tan = to stretch or extend (compare the Latin verb tendere, “to stretch or extend”) ANGLE POSE Pg. 82 Benefits: Stretches the hamstrings; builds strength and flexibility in the legs and pelvis; stretches the hip rotators in the pelvis (felt deep in the buttocks.) Improves balance.
(pauva-nau-muktas-ana) WIND RELEASING POSE Pg. 45, 99, 118 Benefits: Releases lower back tension; massages the abdomen; flexes knee and hip joints.
Prasarita Padottanasana
(prausa-rita) (paudOt-tanas-ana) STANDING SPREAD-LEGGED FORWARD BEND Pg 84 Benefits: This series stretches the hamstring muscles and adductor muscles of the things, increases flexibility at the hip joints; strengthens deep lower back and pelvic muscles; twists and stretches the entire torso; improves balance.
Pg. 180
This plank pose opens the chest; strengthens and opens the shoulder and generally tones the muscles of the back of the body.
Reclining Leg Cradles
Pg. 39
Increases hip flexibility; releases tension in the hip rotators; prepares the hips for sitting postures.