Asanas Flashcards
Adho Muka Shvanasana
(adhO-mooka-shvanas-ana) DOWNWARD FACING DOG Benefits: Pg. 75 Stretches Shoulders, hamstrings, claves, arches, and hands; Improves digestion; relieves symptoms of menstruation and menopause
Akunchana Prasarana
(aukoon-chana) (pra-sar-ana) ABDOMINAL SQUEEZE Pg. 30 Benefits: Tones, massages, and improves circulation to the abdominal organs and strengthens the abdominal wall; coordinates diaphragmatic breathing with abdominal movement.
Ardha Matsyendransan
(arha-matsyen-drasana) SEATED SPINAL TWIST Pg. 110 Benefits: Strengthens the diaphragm; improves circulation to the abdominal organs; stimulates and balances digestive, reproductive, and eliminative systems; increases flexibility of hips, shoulders, and spine; improves all sitting postures.
Baddha Konasana
(baud-ha) (konas-ana)
Pg. 106, 141
Tones the pelvic floor; increases flexibility of hips, pelvis, inner thighs, lower back, knees and ankles; normalizes reproductive system and urinary system.
*This pose is particularly helpful for menstrual problems.
Pg. 34, 89, 104
Stretches the shoulders and the back.
Pg. 36, 94
Opens the chest, strengthens the upper back, increases flexibility and circulation in the upper spine and tones the buttocks and lower back.
*Dispels sluggishness, awakens vital energy, and freshens the mind.
*Enhances breathing by releasing the tension in the chest and abdomen that keeps the diaphragm from moving freely and the lungs from expanding fully and evenly.
(bahn-aras-ana) LUNGE (with variations) Pg. 35, 132 Benefits: Stretch for proper alignment of the pelvis. Stretches the hip flexor muscles deep in the pelvis and front of thighs.
(bee-da-as-ana) CAT POSE Pg. 32 Benefits: Strengthens the back; improves balance and coordination.
(gau-roodas-ana) EAGLE STRETCH/HALF EAGLE Pg. 174 Benefits: Stretches that hard-to-reach place between the shoulder blades; refreshes arms.
(gO-mookhas-ana) COW FACE POSE Pg. 105 Benefits: Improves flexibility in the shoulders and hips; supports an erect, steady posture; facilitates diaphragmatic breathing.
Hip Balancing Sequence
108, 166
Strengthens the abdomen and lumbar spine; helps with spinal alignment; improves meditation postures.
Janu Shirshasana
(jau-noo) (ser-shas-anan)
Pg. 103, 151
Stretches the hamstrings and back; improves hip flexibility and pelvic alignment; tones the abdomen; quiets and soothes the mind.
(kau-pah-lah-BAH-tee) BREATHING TECHNIQUE *See Notes, no reference in book Benefits of Kapalabhati 1) Kapalabhati cleanses the lungs and entire respiratory system. 2) The blood is purified and body gets an increased supply of oxygen to all cells. 3) Digestion is improved. 4) Abdominal muscles are strengthened. 5) Prepare the mind for meditation. 6) Energize the mind for mental work.
(kau-pOtas-ana) PIGEON POSE (and preparation) Pg. 100 Benefits: Improves flexibility and pelvic alignment by stretching the hip rotators and hip flexors; excellent preparation for mediation postures and backward bends.
(mauk-auraus-ana) CROCODILE POSE Pg. 20 Benefits: Establishes deep, relaxed breathing; centers awareness; brings attention into the present.
(muhn-dookas-ana) FROG POSE Pg. 140 Benefits: Groin Opener; intense for everyone. They take advantage of gravity and the wight of the legs to stretch the inner things and groin.
Mula Bandha
(moola bandha) ROOT LOCK Pg. 46 (Moving Inward) "MULA" refers to root; the base of the human torso (the perineum, where it is associated with the Muladhara chakra; the lowest of the energy centers along the spine. "BANDHA" refers to a bond a connection.
The practice of mula bandha is similar to Kegel-style exercises focused on building muscle strength in the pelvic floor; reducing problems associated with prolapsed pelvic floor/organs.
Benefits: Improves menstrual cycle, lowers respirations rate, reeducates heart rate and blood pressure, soothes sympathetic nervous system arousal, improves digestion, and improves urogenital, bladder, and sexual functioning.
Pg. 37, 98
Strengthens the backside of the body; stimulates the abdomen and nervous system; improves circulation and overall body and breath awareness.
(pars-vahkOnas-ana) SIDE ANGLE POSE Pg. 130 Benefits: Develops strength and flexibility in the hips and pelvis integrating awareness with postural movements. Increases mobility deep in the hip joints; strengthens the quadriceps and other muscles of the legs and pelvis; stretches muscles along the entire side of the body; and expands the chest.
(parsh-voh-tahn-AHS-anna) parsva = side, flank ut = intense tan = to stretch or extend (compare the Latin verb tendere, “to stretch or extend”) ANGLE POSE Pg. 82 Benefits: Stretches the hamstrings; builds strength and flexibility in the legs and pelvis; stretches the hip rotators in the pelvis (felt deep in the buttocks.) Improves balance.
(pauva-nau-muktas-ana) WIND RELEASING POSE Pg. 45, 99, 118 Benefits: Releases lower back tension; massages the abdomen; flexes knee and hip joints.
Prasarita Padottanasana
(prausa-rita) (paudOt-tanas-ana) STANDING SPREAD-LEGGED FORWARD BEND Pg 84 Benefits: This series stretches the hamstring muscles and adductor muscles of the things, increases flexibility at the hip joints; strengthens deep lower back and pelvic muscles; twists and stretches the entire torso; improves balance.
Pg. 180
This plank pose opens the chest; strengthens and opens the shoulder and generally tones the muscles of the back of the body.
Reclining Leg Cradles
Pg. 39
Increases hip flexibility; releases tension in the hip rotators; prepares the hips for sitting postures.
Jathara Parivartanasana
(jatara) (pah-ree-vartanas-ana) Reclining Twist Pg. 22, 92,117,154,165 Benefits: The reclining twists stretch the whole spine, but they are particularly effective for stretching the muscles of the lower back. There are many different variations, the one on this page emphasizes the legs, inner thighs and lower spine.
Pg. 24-25 (Moving Inward)
or 210 in (Mastering the Basics)
Meditation seated pose; one of the four mediation seated postures
This pose is most comfortable for the majority of students. Legs are crossed simply, somewhere near mid-shin, and the hands rest on the thighs (either leg may be drawn in first)
Hips should always be higher than knees; elbows bend, hands on thighs. Cushions may be required.
AUSPICIOUS POSE (favorable to success)
Pg 26-27 (Moving Inward)
or 211 in (Mastering the Basics)
Meditation seated pose; one of the four meditation seated postures.
This pose is more stable and more collected than the easy post because it draws the feet and legs more tightly together and closer to the torso. Elbows bent, hands on thighs. Cushions will be needed for the pelvis and possibly for the knees.
(mau-itryas-ana) pronunciation ?
Pg. 28 (Moving Inward)
or pg. 211 in (Mastering the Basics)
Meditation seated pose; one of four meditation seated postures.
This pose is indicated for individuals with compromised knee, hip or lower bcdy flexibility.
Student are to sit on the front of the seat; hips should be higher than the thighs; cushions may be required. Elbows bent and hands rest on thighs.
Bench Pose
Pg. 29 (Moving Inward)
Meditation seated pose; one of four meditation seated postures.
This pose is indicated for those who would like to sit on the floor but have problems that prevent them from sitting cross-legged.
Cushions may be required to keep the pelvic area comfortable. Elbows bent and hand rest on thighs or nested together.
(sha-la-bahs-ana) LOCUST POSE Pg. 96, 155 Benefits: Strengthens the legs, buttocks, and lower back; massages internal organs; stimulates the nervous system; adjusts the alignment of the pelvis; develops subtle awareness of the interrelationship among the legs, pelvis, abdomen, and lower back.
Pg. 47, 119
Integrates and consolidates the benefits of the other postures. Quiets the mind; restores energy; balances the nervous system. Eases strain on the heart by placing the entire body at the same level. Permits deep, relaxed breathing.
Pg. 14 (Exercises for Joints and Glands)
This pose stimulates circulation to the throat, relaxes the voice box, and improves sore throat, bad breath, and clarity of speech. It is also said to strength the intellect.
Fire Series
Single Legl-lifts and Bicycling
Pg. 90, 159
Strengthens the abdominal muscles; increase vitality; improves digestion, elimination and circulation.
Supta Padangusthasana
(soopta) (pa-dan-goosh-tas-ana) HAMSTRING STRP STRETCH ON BACK Pg. 148 Benefits: Excellent stretch for those with a limited range of movement as well as for more flexible students, because in this pose the lower back is supported by the floor and the stretch is concentrated in the back of the leg.
Surya Namaskara
(sooria) (nam-askar) SUN SALUTATION *any version Pg 70-77 Benefits: Is a sequence of 12 classic postures that traditionally begins every asana practice session. It stretches and strengthens all the major muscle groups, flexes the spine forward and backward, activates the naval center (solar plexus), stimulates circulation, and warms the body. It coordinates body, mind, and breath, and awakens a sense of joy.
Symmetrical Stretch on Floor
Pg. 21
Stretches the muscles and connective tissues of the whole body. Prepares for many other yoga postures.
Pg. 23,28
Establishes a neutral, balanced alignment of the body that provides an inner reference for standing and other poses. Brings awareness to posture in daily life.
(tri-konas-ana) TRIANGLE POSE Pg. 79-81 Benefits: Stretches the spine and spinal nerves laterally; increasers flexibility in the hip joints; adjusts the sacrum and lower back; stretches the back of the legs. Integrates body awareness; develops both strength and flexibility; improves structural alignment.
(oot-kah-tanas-ana) CHAIR POSE Pg. 88 Benefits: This pose developed strength in the muscles of the legs and torso, and flexibility in the ankles and shoulders. As muscles of the inner thighs and pelvic floor contract, energy is drawn upward. Lowering more deeply into the posture shifts the focus of the pelvic contraction from back to front, gradually resulting in increased strength and muscular coordination in the entire region. The the vitality of the posture is ignited and the mind is focused along the vertical lines of energy within the body.
(oot-tanas-ana) STANDING FORWARD BEND Pg. 149 Benefits: This pose opens and stretches the back as well s the back of the legs. They are also calming and quieting to the mind.
Upavishtha Konasana
(oopa-vish-sta) (konas-ana)
Pg 144
This pose is similar to the butterfly posture. It also stretches the adductor muscles of the inner thighs and the hamstrings, and opens the back of the legs and the lower back.
Pg. 90
*Contra-indicated for those who experience knee pain
Relaxes the body; stretches the feet, ankles, and knees; refreshes the legs; restores natural breathing; develops good spinal alignment;prepares the mind to continue with the sequence.
Viparita Karani
(vee-pah-reeta) (karani) INVERTED ACTION POSE Pg. 113 Benefits: With legs raised and head lowered, the effects of gravity on the circulatory system are reversed and a rich supply of arterial blood is brought to the brain,the cranial nerves, and the glands of the upper body. Inversions also drain venous blood pooled in the legs and abdomen, bring ti back to the heart. Psychologically, inverted poses are relaxing and they build confidence; developing internal and strength and poise.
HERO POSE *with variations
Pg. 134-135
The variations of the hero pose with help tight quadriceps, hips, knees and stiff ankles.
*Caution: work slowly wight hess stretch since they put considerable pressure on the knees and ankles.
(verk-shas-ana) TREE POSE Pg. 86-87 Benefits: Improves balance and concentration; strengthens the muscles of the legs and pelvis; opens the chest and shoulders; improves the quality of the breath.
Ardha Matsyansana
(ARE-dah MOT-see-en-AHS-anna)
ardha = half
Matsyendra = king of the fish (matsya = fish
indra = ruler), a legendary teacher of yoga
*See Notes, not in book
Stimulates the liver and kidneys
Stretches the shoulders, hips, and neck
Energizes the spine
Stimulates the digestive fire in the belly
Relieves menstrual discomfort, fatigue, sciatica, and backache
Therapeutic for asthma and infertility
Traditional texts say that Ardha Matsyendrasana increases appetite, destroys most deadly diseases, and awakens kundalini.
Ashvini Mudra
(ash-vee-nee) (moodra)
Ashwa means “horse” in Sanskrit, and mudra is a “gesture” or “sign”
*See notes, not in book.
The practice of a rhythmic contraction of anal sphincter, which allows directing the prana (apana) flow upward the spine through the main energy channel called sushumna. In yoga ashwini mudra is a beginners technique
The mudra works both externally and internally, or, in other words, on the level of the physical body and on the energy level.
In a physical plane the asana stimulates the abdomen and pelvis area including reproductive and digestive organs. This simple practice can help you get rid of constipation, deals with diseases of the rectum and hemorrhoids, and can improve your sexual health. Since it stimulates the prana flow toward the upper part of the body, it slows down the aging process and improves the health in general. It also makes your body more resistant to diseases if you practice thisyoga mudra regularly.
On a more subtle level, it increases the awareness, makes your mind more peaceful, gives more energy, and can even improve your mood.
(bahstreeka) (paranayama)
*See notes, not in book
Translates in English as “bellows breath.”
If you feel sluggish, doing a set of bhastrika breaths will clear the clouds from your body and mind. If you are trying to lose weight, doing a few rounds throughout the day will increase your digestive power and help increase your metabolism. Performing bellows breathing close to bedtime isn’t recommended, however, as it may invigorate your mind and make it difficult to fall asleep.
(don-your-ays-ana) BOW POSE *See notes not in book. This pose is so called because it looks like an archer's bow, the torso and legs representing the body of the bow, and the arms the string. dhanu = bow
Stretches the entire front of the body, ankles, thighs and groins, abdomen and chest, and throat, and deep hip flexors (psoas)
Strengthens the back muscles
Improves posture
Stimulates the organs of the abdomen and neck
(halas-ana) PLOW AND VARIATIONS *See Notes, not in book Benefits: Plow Pose nurtures and rejuvenates the body's entire system. Halasana helps nourish the thoracic and lumbar regions of the spine by increasing circulation and suppleness, releases tension in the neck and throat, alleviates the accumulation of phlegm or mucus in the sinuses and respiratory system, and gradually assists in lengthening and regulating the breath.
Jalandhara Bandha
(jah-lahn-DHA-rah) (bahn-dah) jala = net (for catching birds or fish) dhara = bearing, supporting bandha = bond THROAT LOCK *See Notes, not in book Benefits: Prevents the retained breath from "leaking out" of the torso through the throat Protects the brain, eyes, and inner ears from the internal pressure of the retained breath
(not-ah-raj-AHS-anna) nata = actor, dancer, mime raja = king KING DANCER *See Notes, not in book Benefits: Stretches the shoulders and chest Stretches the thighs, groins, and abdomen Strengthens the legs and ankles Improves balance.
Parivritta Trikonasana
(par-ee-vrit-tah trik-cone-AHS-anna) parivrtta = to turn around, revolve trikona = three angle or triangle REVOLVED TRIANGLE *See Notes, not in book Benefits: Strengthens and stretches the legs Stretches the hips and spine Opens the chest to improve breathing Relieves mild back pain Stimulates the abdominal organs Improves sense of balance
paschimottana = intense stretch of the west (pashima = west
uttana = intense stretch)
“Stretch of the West”
(poetically evokes the ancient ritual of yogis facing the sunrise as they practiced) (Paschima means “west” in Sanskrit, and the yogis were literally stretching the west side of the body as they bent toward the sun).
*See Note, not in book
Stretches the muscles of the lower spine, pelvis, and legs. In addition, the upper back, kidneys, and adrenal glands are stretched and stimulated, thus making Paschimottanasana a potentially therapeutic pose for those with respiratory or kidney problems, as well as for those who suffer from adrenal exhaustion. *When a student has progressed to the point where the torso rests on the legs, the pose also provides a massage to the abdominal organs and a profound calming effect.
(sar-van-gahs-ana) SHOULDER STAND AND VARIATIONS *See Notes, not in book Benefits: Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression Stimulates the thyroid and prostate glands and abdominal organs Stretches the shoulders and neck Tones the legs and buttocks Improves digestion Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause Reduces fatigue and alleviates insomnia Therapeutic for asthma, infertility, and sinusitis
(shear-shahs-ana) HEADSTAND; preparation *See Notes, not in book Benefits: Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and mild depression Stimulates the pituitary and pineal glands Strengthens the arms, legs, and spine Strengthens the lungs Tones the abdominal organs Improves digestion Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause Therapeutic for asthma, infertility, insomnia, and sinusitis
Uddiyana Bandha
(oo-dee-YAH-nah BAHN-dah)
uddiyana = upward (cf. ud = “up, upwards”)
bandha = binding, tying a bond, fetter; putting together, uniting, contracting, combining; mundane bondage, attachment to this world (as opposed to emancipation, mukti or moksha).
Strengthens the abdominal muscles and diaphragm
Massages abdominal viscera, the solar plexus, and the heart and lungs
Increases gastric fire; improves digestion, assimilation, and elimination; and purifies the digestive tract of toxins
Stimulates blood circulation in the abdomen and blood flow to the brain
Stimulates and lifts the energy of the lower belly (apana vayu), to unite it with the energies localized in the navel (samana vayu) and heart (prana vayu)
(oosh-TRAHS-anna) ustra = camel CAMEL *See Notes, not in book Benefits: Stretches the entire front of the body, the ankles, thighs and groins, Abdomen and chest, and throat Stretches the deep hip flexors (psoas) Strengthens back muscles Improves posture Stimulates the organs of the abdomen and neck
-Stretches the chest and lungs, shoulders and neck, belly, groins (psoas)
-Strengthens the shoulders and arms, and the muscles of the back
-Strengthens and stretches the thighs, calves, and ankles
-Strengthens and stretches the legs and ankles
-Stretches the groins, chest and lungs, shoulders
-Stimulates abdominal organs
-Increases stamina
-Relieves backaches, especially through second
trimester of pregnancy
-Therapeutic for carpal tunnel syndrome, flat feet,
osteoporosis and sciatica.
WARRIOR III -Strengthens the ankles and legs -Strengthens the shoulders and muscles of the back -Tones the abdomen -Improves balance and posture
Hatha Yoga
As a combination of two Sanskrit words the word:
“Ha” means SUN
“Tha” means MOON
*which in itself is a union of opposites
Sun is associated with heat masculinity and effort
Moon is associated with coolness, femininity and surrender
Hatha yoga is designed to help us bring pairs of opposites together in our hearts, minds and bodies for the purpose of discovering something deeper about the nature of our existence.
*These opposites have been referred to as steppingstones on the path of Grace
The practice of yoga brings together pairs of opposites into a harmonious union a place in the middle equilibrium