Asanas Flashcards
_________________________ pose is sometimes referred to as ‘spinal balance’
Balancing Table
If there are knee issues in Balancing Table pose, we can modify by doing which of the following?
Using a folded blanket or mat under their knees
In Bridge pose, feet should be about ___________________________.
Hip-distance apart
In Bridge pose, to protect the neck we can do which of the following?
Tuck the chin into the chest
Boat pose can be advanced by lifting the legs up to what degree?
45 degrees
Beginners in Boat pose could modify how?
feet on the ground, hands on thighs or keep hands behind back
Bound Angle pose is sometimes referred to as?
Butterfly or cobbler’s pose
Which of the following is not something to look for in Bound Angle pose?
Collapsed Chest (Yes), Forced Knees to the ground (yes), Stained wrists (no), strained neck (yes)
Crescent Lunge stretches which of the following?
Hips, chest and ankles
What is the sanskrit term for Cat pose?
If you have knee discomfort or knee injury in Cat pose, you could modify in which of the following ways?
Place a blanket under the knees
In Chair pose, what is a good teaching cue for the feet?
Press weight into the heels
In Chair pose, the arms can be positioned how?
1) Palms together at the chest, 2) Arms up to the sky, 3) arms straight in front parallel to mat
In Chatarunga, the elbows should be bent at about which degree?
90 degrees
To modify Chaturanga for beginners, we can do which of the following?
Practice a modified chaturanga on the knees (Half Chaturanga)
In Child’s Pose, if the forehead cannot reach the ground, we can place a folded blanket or _________________________ under it.
Child’s pose stretches which of the following body parts?
Shoulders, ankles and spine
What is the sanskrit word for Cobra pose?
In Cobra pose, the arms should stay hugged into the body.
Cow pose is often coupled with which other pose?
In Cow pose, it is a good teaching cue to instruct that the knees are directly under the _________________ and wrists are directly under the ______________________?
Hips and shoulders
Which of the following is not a teaching cue for Downward Facing Dog?
1) Pull the belly into the spine (Y), 2) Engage quads (Y), 3) Bend elbows 90d (NO), 4) press heels into the mat (Y)
In Downward Facing Dog, the fingers should be spread wide on the mat.
In Extended Side Angle, the chest should be?
In Extended Side Angle, if the hand cannot extend to the outer edge of the foot, we could modify by doing what?
1) Place block by the foot or 2) place front forearm into the top front thigh
What is the sanskrit word for Eagle pose?
In Eagle pose, we want to ____________ the hips and ______________________ up through the spine.
Sink into, lengthen
Easy pose is often done during the _____________________ of class.
In Easy pose, we want to focus on rooting down through the ___________________________?
Sit bones
In Half Moon pose, it is a good cue to lock the standing knee.
In Half Moon pose, we want our finger tips to be about how many inches away from our standing foot?
8-12 inches
For beginners or students who are not as flexible in Half Way Lift pose, we could modify by doing which of the following?
Bending the knees
In Half Way Lift, we want to focus on keeping the neck _______________________.
In Happy Baby pose, shoulders should be ____________________.
Pressed to the mat
Sanskrit for Happy Baby Pose
Ananda Balasana
In High Lunge, the shoulders should be?
Down away from your ears
If High Lunge is too intense, we could modify by offering which of the following poses?
Crescent Lunge
In Mountain pose, we ground down by ________________________.
Lifting up through the natural arches of the feet
In Mountain pose, we should engage which of the following?
Core and Quads
Savasana is sometimes referred to as ________________________?
Savasana cannot be enhanced by using which of the following props?
Savasana cannot be enhanced by using which of the following props?
In Seated Forward Fold, if the hamstrings are tight, we can place a blanket or bolster under the knees.
In Seated Forward Fold, we should make sure the back is not _________________________?
In Seated Spinal Twist, we should allow the twist to come from where?
Seated Spinal Twist is sometimes referred to as?
Seated Half Fish
In Side Plank, the shoulders do not need to be stacked.
In Side Plank, the neck should be in line with the ____________________________?
To modify Standing Forward Fold, we can keep the ____________________ bent.
In Standing Forward Fold, we should fold from where?
In Seated Straddle, we should root down through the ______________________.
Sit Bones
In Supine Twist, if the knees do not fall entirely to the side, we can modify in which way?
In Supine Twist, the shoulders can lift off the mat.
In Three-Legged Dog, it is a good teaching cue to keep the hips squared to the front of the mat.
In Three-Legged Dog, our shoulders should be ________________________ and our core should be ___________________________.
Broadened, engaged
In Tree pose, we should not allow our lifted foot to rest where?
In Tree pose, our standing knee should have _____________________?
a soft microbend
What is the sanskrit word for Triangle pose?
Utthita Trikonasana
Which of the following cannot be used as a modifying prop in Triangle pose?
Plow pose is usually practiced during which part of a yoga class?
In Plow pose, we should focus on keeping weight in which area of the body?
For beginners, ____________ can be modified by practicing the poses lying down on the back.
Pigeon pose
In Pigeon pose, the back foot should be ____________________________?
rested pressed down onto the mat
In Reverse Warrior, which is of the following should we look out for in our students?
knees splayed out to the side, shoulders hunched over, back foot liftng
In Reverse Warrior, a good teaching cue is to keep length in the side ribs.
We can modify Upward Facing Dog with which pose?
In Upward Facing Dog, our knees are _________________ and our quads are __________________________.
lifted, engaged
In Wide-Legged Forward Fold, we should allow the fold to come from where?
n Wide Legged Forward Fold, we can use which prop if the head or hands cannot reach the ground?
In Warrior I, our front foot should be about __________ degrees and the back foot in at about ________ degrees.
90, 455
What is the sanskrit term for Warrior I?
Virabhadrasana I
In Warrior II, the front knee should be ____________ the front ankle.
stacked over
In Warrior II, the back foot should be lifted off the mat
In Warrior III, our front knee should not be __________________ and the back foot should be ____________________________.
locked, flexed down
Beginners can practice Warrior III using which of the following?
chair, wall
In Wheel pose, to deepen the back bend, we want to focus on deepening the stretch of the _____________________ and ______________________?
Hip flexors, quads
In Wheel pose, our feet should be in what position?
parallel to each other