Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha - Satyananda Flashcards
What does “Sthiram sukham asanam” mean?
That position which is comfortable and steady
According to the yogic scriptures, how many asanas were there originally? And what do they represent?
8,400,000 Asana They represent that same number of incarnations the the individual soul undertakes before attaining liberation from the cycle of birth and death.
What is the underlying cause of stiffness in the body?
Blocked prana
How long after eating should one commence their yoga practice?
3 to 4 Hours
Pawanmuktasana Series 1 is a subtle form of exercise called what in sanskrit?
Sukshma Vyayama
Base position in sanskrit?
Prarambhik Sthiti
Toe bending
Padanguli Naman
Ankle Bending
Goolf naman
Ankle rotations
Goolf Chakra
Ankle Crank
Goolf Ghoornan
Knee Bending
Janu Naman
Kneecap contraction
Janufalak Akarshan
Knee Crank
Janu Chakra
Half Butterfly
Ardha Titali Asana
Hip rotations
Shroni Chakra
Full Butterfly
Poorna Titali Asana
Hand Clenching
Mushtika Bandha
Wrist Bending
Manibandha Naman
Wrist Joint Rotation
Manibandha Chakra
Elbow Bending
Kehuni Naman
Elbow Rotation
Kehuni Chakra
Shoulder Socket Rotation
Skandha Chakra
Neck Movements
Greeva Sanchalana
Raised Leg Pose
Leg Rotations (PMA2)
Pada Sanchalanasana
Leg Lock Pose
Supta Pawanmuktasana
Rocking and Rolling
Sleeping Abdominal Strecth Pose
Supta Udarakarshanasana
Universal Spinal Twist
Shava Udarakarshanasana
Boat Pose
Pawanmuktasana Series 3
Shakti Bandha Asana
(Energy Block Postures)
Pulling the Rope
Rajju Karshanasana
Dynamic Spinal Twist
Gatyatmak Meru Vakrasana
Churning the Mill
Chakki Chalanasana
Rowing the Boat
Nauka Sanchalanasana
Chopping Wood
Kashtha Takshanasana
Salutation Pose
Wind Releasing Pose
Vayu Nishkasana
Crow Walking
Kauva Chalasana
Abdominal Stretch
Corpse Pose or dead mans pose
Shavasana or Mritasana
Revesed Corpse Pose
Superior Posture
Crocodile Pose
Flapping Fish Pose
Matsya Kridasana
Mastery over the asana is called…?
Asana Siddhi
The infinite peace and soulful bliss within you is called?
Atmic anandam
Easy Pose
Half Lotus
Ardha Padmasana
Lotus Pose