ASA Flashcards
What are the 12 key process points of an ASA investigation?
- Initial actions on contact
- Case referral
- Providing specialist support
- Preliminary Interview
- Information feedback
- Medical examination
- Formal interview
- Investigation and evidence assessment
- Resolution options
- Prosecution
- Final actions and record keeping
- Preventative opportunities and responsibilities
In the first key process point of an ASA investigation (Initial actions on contact), what are the steps that must be completed?
Obtain brief details of the complaint to determine initial actions and if necessary conduct these.
In the second key process point of an ASA investigation (case referral), what are the steps that must be completed?
Refer incident as soon as possible to CIB and an ASA investigator.
In the third key process point of an ASA investigation (providing specialist support), what are the steps that must be completed?
Ensure a specialist crisis response person is arranged for the victim.
In the fourth key process point of an ASA investigation (preliminary interview), what are the steps that must be completed?
An appropriate CIB member or ASA investigator undertakes a preliminary interview of the victim.
In the fifth key process point of an ASA investigation (information feedback), what are the steps that must be completed?
Feed back information to the victim.
In the sixth key process point of an ASA investigation (medical forensic examinations), what are the timings around examinations?
Acute (1-7 days) - ASAP
Non-Acute (7 days-6 months) - Refer SAATS medical care
Historic (+6 months) Refer SAATS medical care
In the sixth key process point of an ASA investigation (medical forensic examinations), what are the steps that must be completed?
Organise a medical examination ASAP in appropriate cases. This is especially important in acute reports or suspected drug facilitated sexual assault.
In the sixth key process point of an ASA investigation (medical forensic examinations), what are the 7 steps that must be completed during the examination procedure?
- Ensure Dr had no contact with suspect and tox kit/MEK are available
- Attending officer provides Dr with all relevant info
- Dr seals/labels samples and clothing
- Before sealing MEK, attending officer debrief w/ Dr
- Dr seals MEK in presence of attending officer and hands over exhibits
- Police store in appropriate fridge (not freezer) pending delivery to ESR
- Police collect and preserve any clothing not already collected by Dr.
In the seventh key process point of an ASA investigation (Formal interview), what are the 6 points to remember?
- Follow I.I witness guide + additional procedures
- Explain process/format to victim
- Use specialist interviewer
- Interview using PEACE process, ECI model
- Make support person available (with vic’s consent)
- Electronically record interview (Evidence in Chief)
In the eighth key process point of an ASA investigation (investigation and evidence assessment), what are the factors to consider?
Re-assess investigation and commence or continue investigation phases such as scene examination, witness and suspect enquiries.
How should inconsistent or fabricated complaints be dealt with?
- DSS or above must approve before suggesting to vic
- Consider charging
- Ensure stats properly recorded
In the ninth key process point of an ASA investigation (resolution options), what must be considered?
Consider options for resolution including prosecution.
In the tenth key process point of an ASA investigation (prosecution), what must be considered?
Final actions on case conclusion and ensuring accurate and detailed records and statistics of sexual assault offences are held by Police.
In the eleventh key process point of an ASA investigation (final actions and record keeping), what must be considered?
Final actions on case conclusion and ensuring accurate and detailed records and statistics of sexual assault offences are held by Police.
In the twelfth key process point of an ASA investigation (preventative opportunities and responsibilities), what must be considered?
Consideration as to what can be assessed from an investigation regarding preventative or educational channels or process enhancement, and an outline of responsibilities for district commanders, ASA district coordinators and national coordinator: ASA.
How do Police ensure the needs of ASA victims are met and information is provided to them about the 7 stages from initial contact through to formal interview?
By treating them as per the following
• with dignity and respect
• making their well-being and safety paramount
• referring them to specialist sexual assault support and medical services and be encouraged to have specialist support available to them throughout the investigation until case resolution
• that they are given regular updates on the progress of
the investigation (empowerment) and all other matters they are entitled to receive information about under the VRA 2002.
Why is it important to provide specialist support to ASA victims? (8 Points)
- counselling/therapy
- information about process and rights
- Link Police and victims
- Can refer the victim on where necessary/appropriate.
- Greatly improves outcomes (victim’s evidence/engagement/credibility in court)
- effects how quickly/well the victim recovers
- assists in prevention of re-victimisation
- assists in prevention/minimisation of short/long term adverse psychological responses.
What is the primary objective of a medical forensic examination?
The victim’s physical, sexual and mental health and
safety. Of secondary importance is the opportunity to collect trace evidence.
What are the additional procedures during Formal Interview for witnesses that require special consideration or who have suffered trauma?
You must follow the I.I witness guide including additional procedures for special consideration witnesses/witnesses who have suffered trauma. In some circumstances, other
procedures for special categories of witnesses may also apply, e.g. if the witness fears intimidation, is intellectually impaired or requires an interpreter.This usually means a L3 interviewer electronically recording the interview and using the enhanced cognitive interview model.
Who is accountable for adult sexual assault investigations including planning enquiries, resolution options and reviewing of decisions made during an investigation?
The O/C investigation should work closely with their supervisor/s when considering what options are appropriate in each case. The views, situation and circumstances of victims should always inform considerations. Further consultation may be undertaken with the District ASA Coordinator, Crown Prosecutor, Legal Section or other relevant parties. Final decisions on what options to pursue in sexual assault complaints must always be approved by a supervisor.
What preventative opportunities exist or have the ability to be identified through dealing with ASA victims and investigations?
- Further investigative work that could link this offence to
unsolved or other cases - Preventative opportunities that arise (street lighting etc)
- Interventions to prevent sexual re-victimisation
- Sensitive and appropriate information sharing
- Educational opportunities or messages at either a
local or wider basis. - Parts of the process at a case/local/national level that need addressing for improvement or enhancement.