AS & Philips Curve Flashcards
In our previous model we assumed price level was constant in sr (horizontal sras curve)
Now we consider 2 models of AS in sr:
Sticky price model
Imperfect information model
Sticky price model
firms do not instantly adjust prices in response to demand changes
Reasons for sticky prices: long term contracts between firms and customers, menu costs, firms do not want to annoy consumers with constant price changes
Assumptions: firms set own prices
Imperfect information model assumptions
All wages & prices are perfectly flexible and markets clear
each supplier produces one good and consumes many
each supplier knows one good and consumes many
Phillips curve
Inflation depends on expected inflation
Cyclical unemployment - deviation of the actual rate of unemployment form the natural rate
Adaptive expectations
people form expectations of future inflation based on recently observed inflation
Rational expectations
people base expectations on all available information including information about current prospective future policies
Demand Pull and Cost push inflation
Demand pull - inflation resulting from demand shocks, positive shocks to AD cause unemployment to fall below its natural rate which pulls inflation up, negative demand shocks pull inflation rate down
Cost push - inflation resulting from supply shocks, adverse supply shocks raise production = increase prices = inflation
Sacrifice ratio
measures % of a years real GDP that must be forgone to reduce inflation by 1&. Usually 5 - for evert 1% fall in inflation, 5% of GDP must be sacrificed
Sticky wage model
Assumes firms and workers negotiate contracts and fix nominal wage before they know what price level will be