Describe the aims and procedure of the van Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg meta analysis
Aim: to study proportions of insecure avoidant, secure, and insecure resistant attachment types across cultures, and also to look at differences w/in countries to find out about intra-cultural variations of attachment
Procedure: meta analysis comparing 32 studies across 8 countries that used the Strange Situation
Describe the findings of the meta analysis for UK
Based on 1 study in the UK, 22% were Type A, 75% were Type B and 3% were Type C
Summarise the data of van Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg’s meta analysis
- Type B was always the most common type (other than one German sample, where A was most common), with the highest proportion of Type B being in UK (75%), and lowest in China (50%)
- Highest proportion of Type A was found in Germany (35%) and lowest in Japan (5%)
- Highest proportion of Type C was found in Israel (29%) and lowest in UK (3%)
- Type A was far more common in Western cultures, whilst Type C was far more common in Eastern cultures
Describe the findings of the meta analysis for China
Based on 1 study in China, 25% were Type A, 50% were Type B and 25% were Type C
Describe the findings of the meta analysis for Germany
Based on 3 studies in Germany, 35% were Type A, 57% were Type B and 8% were Type C
Describe the findings of the meta analysis for Holland
Based on 4 studies in Holland, 26% were Type A, 67% were Type B and 6% were Type C
Describe the findings of the meta analysis for Israel
Based on 2 studies in Israel, 7% were Type A, 64% were Type B and 29% were Type C
Describe the findings of the meta analysis for Japan
Based on 2 studies in Japan, 5% were Type A, 68% were Type B and 27% were Type C
Describe the findings of the meta analysis for Sweden
Based on 1 study in Sweden, 22% were Type A, 74% were Type B and 4% were Type C
Describe the findings of the meta analysis for USA
Based on 18 studies in USA, 21% were Type A, 65% were Type B and 14% were Type C.
Describe conclusions that can be drawn from the van Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg meta analysis
- Type B is consistently the most common so attachment could be innate; supports Bowlby’s idea
- Cultural differences do have some influence over attachment type so its probably an interaction between nature and nurture, with factors including child rearing practices, lifestyle choices and cultural attitudes
Evaluate van Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg’s meta analysis
(+) Very large sample used which means that any effects of anomalous results that were due to unusual ppts or bad methodology will be minimised; inc validity
(-) Used Ainsworth’s Strange Situation, which is a culture bound test; imposed etic, e.g. beh classed as insecure aviodant may just be seen as independent in Germany
(-) Some cultures aren’t represented e.g. no African cultures in the meta analysis
(-) Instead of Bowlby’s theory that attachment is innate, van Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg put forward an alternative explanation as to why there is relatively small differences across cultures. Mass media which reaches almost all countries and influence parenting styles, which could then lead to more similar attachment types