As Above Major Arcana Flashcards
The Fool
Creating the next lifetime
The Magician
The elements
The High Priestess
Divine Wisdom
The Empress
The Great Goddess and the life cycle
The Emperor
The Great God and the life cycle
The Hierophant
Your sacred beliefs
The Lovers
The Great Union that begins the life cycle
The Chariot
The Universe consciously transforming itself
Creating change on the spiritual plane
The Hermit
A spiritual journey to find truth
The Wheel
The life cycles of the world
Spiritual consequences
The Hanged Man
Creating sacred space for spiritual work
The darkness that heralds the light
Divine grace and inner balance
The Devil
Abandoning the spiritual for the physical
The Tower
Divine warnings
The Star
Spiritual healing and hope
The Moon
The world of the Crone and the Dark Lord
The Sun
The zenith of Universal Energy
A spiritual calling
The World
The wholeness of the Divine