AS/A-Level Chemistry Edexcel- Atomic structure & Periodic Table Flashcards
Orbitals in subshells
- Each takes up a single electron before pairing up
- Pair up with 2 electrons of opposite spin
Quatum number formula:
2n^2 n= shell
-Total number of electrons that can occupy any principal shell
Arrangement of electrons
Levels- Sublevels- Orbitals
Energy in Shells:
Different shells have different amounts of energy. Level 1 contains electrons closest to the nucleus. They have the lowest energy
Define Orbital
A region in space where one is likely to find an electron
Each energy level, split into sub-levels which contain 1 or more orbitals
- order s<p></p>
Orbital rules:
1st shell= 1 s orbital
2nd shell= 1 s orbital 2 p orbital
3rd shell= 1 s orbital 3 p orbitals 5 d orbitals
-each orbital can hold to a maximum of 2 electrons
Electron configuration order:
1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 3d 4p 4d 4f
Pauli’s exclusion principle:
when 2 electrons occupy orbitals, they must spin in opposite directions
Filling up of Orbital rules for stability:
Filling the orbitals with the least energy to achieve maximum stability
Pauli’s exclusion principal:
No orbital can accommodate more than 2 electrons.
If there are two, they must have an opposite spin
Aufbau principal:
Electrons enter the orbital that is available with the lowest energy
Hund’s rule:
When there are a number of orbitals of equal energy, electrons first fill them up individually therefore repulsion between electrons is reduced and maximum stability is achieved.
- less repulsion
- lower energy
- more stability
Why is chromium’s electronic configuration 3d5 4s1 instead of 4s2 and 3d4?
This is to achieve a more stable arrangement of lower energy, 1 4s electron is promoted to 3d to give unpaired electrons with lower repulsion
Odd electronic configuration of elements:
Chromium, Copper, Scandium (d block elements) 4s comes after 3d
Copper-4s is higher than 3d here due to repulsion and to achieve maximum stability. 3d10 4s1
Chromium- 3d5 4s1 instead of 4s2 and 3d4 due to 1 electron being promoted to achieve stability. 3d4 4s2
Scandium- 3d1 4s2 the 4s2 is filled up first but it comes after the 3d orbital in the order.
Potassium- 4s is filled before 3d because 4s has a lower energy level than 3d
reminder: shorthand notation
you can abbreviate the first 10 electrons with a noble gas
D-block elements:
Transition metals, 4s has higher energy and come after 3d. Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Cu, Ni, Zn
Reminder: Cations and Anions
Ca2+ (you lose 2 electrons therefore electron is decreased by 2 in the structure as well as atomic no)
S2- (you gain 2 electrons, increased)
Periodic table facts:
Number of valence electron= group number (column)
shells/outermost quantum shell number= periods (rows)
How to find ions:
In ions, there are more electrons than protons
-less=+ more= -
Define first ionisation energy and state the equation:
The energy required to remove an electron from each atom in one mole of atoms in a gaseous state.
X(g) –> X+ (g) + e-
Define second ionisation energy and state the equation:
The energy required to remove an electron from each singly charged positive ion in 1 mole of positive ions in a gaseous state
X+(g) –> X2+(g) + e-
Define third ionisation energy and state the equation:
The energy required to remove an electron from each doubly charged positive ion in 1 mole of positive ions in a gaseous state
X2+(g) –> X3+(g) + e-
What are factors that affect the energy of an electron?
1- The orbital in which the electron exists
2- Nuclear charge of the atom (no. of protons in the nucleus)
3-Repulsion (shielding) experienced by the electron from all the other electrons present
What are the factors influencing ionisation energy?
1- Atomic Radii- distance from the centre of the atom to the edge of electron cloud (smaller=higherionisation)
2- Nuclear charge (greater=higher)
Periodicity of Atomic Radii:
- Across a period, radius decreases
- Down a group, radius increases
What happens as your go across a period?
- The number of protons in the nucleus increases.
- As this increases, the nuclear charge also increases.
- The nucleus is more positive
- Shielding does not change
What happens as your go down a group?
- Decrease in first ionisation energy
- Number of shells increases
- Inner shells of electrons repel the outer-shell of electrons
- Electrons are negative and will repel each other, shielding
What do larger atomic radii mean?
The larger the atomic radius, the further away the outer electrons are held, the smaller the nuclear attraction of the outer electron will be
How does nuclear charge affect the attractive force?
The higher the nuclear charge, the stronger the force of attraction
S-block elements:
- Elements in groups 1 and 2
- S-block element has its highest energy in the S orbital
P-block elements:
- Elements in groups 3 to 8
- Has its highest energy in the P orbital
D-block elements:
- Elements scandium to zinc
- Yttrium to Calcium in period 5
- No. of electrons in the d-orbitals gradually increases from left to right
- D sub0shell is filled
Atomic Radii formula:
distance between 2 nuclei and dividing it by 2