artists Flashcards

the mona lisa
da vinci

the last supper
da vinci

vitruvian man
da vinci

the statue of david
michelangelo buonarotti

the pieta
micelangelo buonarotti

sistine chapel ceiling
michelangelo bounarotti

the night watch
rembrandt van rijn

the mill
rembrandt van rijn

rembrandt van rijn

Girl with a pearl earring
Jan Vermeer

the milkmaid
jan vermeer

view of delft
jan vermeer

the haywain
john constable

the white horse
john constable

the gulf stream
winslow homer

snap the whip
winslow homer

home sweet home
winslow homer

bronco buster (sculpture)
frederic remington

a dash for the timbers
frederic remington

the scout
frederic remington

Night Hawks
Edward hopper

table for ladies
edward hopper

the four freedoms
Norman rockwell

Triple Self-Portrait
Norman Rockwell