artist study Flashcards
Sorry (2008)
- meaning
reflect on ATSI history and intergenerational impact events resulting in deaths
response (Kevin Rudd) apology
acknowledges how it cannot be undone
specific elements of the artwork symbolise things e.g
Historical images/objects symbolising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander identity
sorry 2008
-personal elemets
-impact he has flet
-events tat impact him (speech)
sorry 2008
-cultral elemets
- historical events
imapct of speech
Sorry (2008)
Random objects linking to ATSI culture
letters made from vinyl.
Sorry (2008)
- art style
mixed media
Sorry (2008)
-historical or contempary
- cntempary
-uses cintermpary methods and practices
-process bases
Sorry (2008)
- how it reflets culture
- historic events
apology - 2008 - dtolen gerertaion
-political events
tony albert methods/ ways of making and presenting art
Assemblage, combining collected objects, photographs (e.g. as seen in ‘Sorry’).
The objects/images are a combination of historical photos or references to popular culture and are generally linked to his Aboriginal heritage.
photographs taken by himself or repurposed from a historical context.
interactive installations, with digital components
Artworks are created specifically for the space it will be exhibited.
Mixed media - e.g. painting, drawing, photography, assemblage, installation, different sized texts.
TA historical context of art
- psat poitical events
past historical venents
stolen generstion
invasion of australia
TA contermpary context of art
current social or political issues/themes, to do with ATSI people and culture.
Combines cultural, personal and historical influences
Artworks are displayed in interactive/immersive ways, challenging traditional artistic norms.
variety of materials and techniques, rather than one specifically
- influneces
- past political events
- culture
- personal perspective
- his and his falilys experances
-mixed media
- birth year
- race
-birth place
- art styles
- townsville
- culture
- experances
- Aboriginal
- political impacts
-historical events impacts
-ATSI culture
-Aus culture and attitudes
artistic practice
- mediums
- aus culture
- national odentity
- oil on canvas
-plain en air - impressionisom
- aus impressionism
methods of making and presenting works
canvas stretching
, en plein air technique, use of different brushes preliminary sketches, studies,
arrangement of subjects.
aus impressionisim
oil paint,
, brushes,