Artificial selection Flashcards
What do we call it when humans choose which animals to breed?
Artificial selection OR selective breeding
What do we mean by artificial selection or selective breeding?
When humans choose which animals to breed
Why do humans do artificial selection?
To produce offspring with desirable characteristics (e.g. lots of milk from cows)
Name an animal that has been selectively bred for thousands of years?
Dogs. They came from wolves
Why do farmers selectively breed chickens?
More eggs
Bigger eggs
More meat
Why do farmers selectively breed cattle (cows)
More milk
More meat
What is the benefit to farmers of selectively breeding their animals?
They can make more money by selling more meat and eggs etc.
What is meant by the word ‘yield’?
The amount of a product that is produced e.g. the yield of milk.
Name 4 types of cattle (cows)
Aberdeen Angus
What is the special features of a Friesian cow?
They produce the most milk
What is the special feature of a Jersey cow?
They produce milk that contains a lot of cream
What is the special feature of a Charolais cow?
They grow quickly and produce lots of beef
What is the special feature of an Aberdeen Angus cow?
They grow slow
Produce nice tasting meat
What is the name of a male cow?
A bull
What is the name of baby cattle?
To produce a new young calf, sperm from a ______ must join up with an egg from a ______
A farmer keep cattle for meat. What features should he look for in the cattle she is going to breed from?
The cattle that grow fastest
The cattle that grow the biggest
A farmer keep cattle for milk. What should she look for in the cattle she is going to breed from?
The cows that produce the most milk