Articulation of vowels Flashcards
Long E
close your mouth and make your mouth and lips into a smile. Use your slow muscles. Make your muscles go slow and make a loud voice from your throat
Long A
For the first part of this vowel, open your mouth very big and make your mouth into a smile. Place the tip of the tongue forward so that it touches your lower front teeth. For the second part of this vowel, close your mouth and make a long ‘e’ vowel sound. Yse your slow muscles nad make them go double slow.
Long I
For the first part of this vowel, open your mouth very big and stretch your smiling muscles. For the second part of this vowel, close your mouth and stretch the muscles into a wide smile, making a long ‘e’ vowel sound. Use your slow muscles for this vowel and make them go double slow
Long O
1st part: mouth very big and open, positioned like a kiss
2nd part: close your mouth into a small kiss and say the “ooh” as in Sue
Long U
For “y” sound/1st part of the v: close teeth, muscles in tongue strong and stiff, hard, and push the sides up and against the roof/top of mouth
2nd part: say ‘ooh’ as in Sue, make your lips into a kiss
ex: unite, use, mute
Other U
like “ooh” in Sue and. Use youe slow muscles and make them go double slow
ex: rule, blue, suit