Articles and Books: Set 1 Flashcards
to leap and prance about in a playful manner; an illegal act; a capricious escapade
Dogs caper about outside as children play with them.
ad nauseam
to a disgusting and ridiculous degree; to the point of nausea
Every pause is dissected ad nauseam by pundits (social critics).
a social bumbling that gives embarrassment
She experienced deep regret for her gaffe.
socially awkward and lacks grace
Nerds are stereotyped as gauche individuals, who socially interact better online rather than in person.
describes the awkward ways of a gauche person
My gaucherie amuses me even more when I see people baffled by it.
clumsy; usually relates to physically clumsy
Bruises blotched all over her body; no one is as maladroit as she is.
any breach in social etiquette; an ungrammatical combination of words in a sentence; also : a minor blunder in speech
The solecism of asking one’s hosts how much something in their house cost them…
ill-chosen words; describes inappropriate behavior
An infelicitous phrase, on the other hand, makes people in the room cringe, and the person guilty of the verbal gaffe blush.
: to put ashore on a desolate island or coast and leave to one’s fate; to place or leave in isolation or without hope of ready escape
The uninhabited island was named for a marooned eighteenth-century adventurer who likely inspired the first English novel.
marked by originality, resourcefulness, and cleverness in invention or execution; shows an unusual aptitude for creating, inventing or contriving; clever
Though eccentric, he is quite an ingenious detective.
A chair that won’t tip over is an ingenious invention.
firmly established by long persistence; habitual
He was an inveterate do it yourselfer.
located, related to or in the northern regions
The boreal waters.
becoming obsolete
I had Tom’s obsolescent red Gerry backpack.
to consume in great amounts
I am gorging books so quickly that I fear these books are not enough.
muddy; foggy; opaque; characterized by or producing obscurity (as of mind or emotions)
She gave an emotionally turbid response.
overabundant supply; excess; an intemperate or immoderate abundance of something
Having surfeited ourselves on raw oysters, we had to decline the rest of the restaurant’s offerings.
something that covers, surrounds, or obscures : shroud
a penumbra of secrecy
A penumbra of somber dignity has descended over his reputation — James Atlas
dark and gloomy; of a serious mien
The movie is a somber portrait of life in the streets.
flippantly cocky and assured; lively and vivacious; piquantly stimulating
Her pert reply irritated the teacher.
engagingly stimulating; spicy
A piquant piece of gossip
Not to be moved, persuaded or stopped
The inexorable progression of AB deposits engulf most of the cerebral cortex.
: an inclination or predisposition toward something; especially : a strong inherent inclination toward something objectionable
AB proteins’ proclivity to alter the forms of neighboring like molecules.
encroach; to make an impression; to strike or dash as in a collision
I heard the rain impinge upon the earth — James Joyce
Waiting for the germ of a new idea to impinge upon my mind — Phyllis Bentley>
to roam about and raid in search of plunder; despoil
Just for kicks, bored teenagers marauded neighborhood houses while their owners were away.
of or relating to rogues or rascals; also : of, relating to, suggesting, or being a type of fiction dealing with the episodic adventures of a usually roguish protagonist
I prefer picaresque novels.
model of excellence or perfection
David considered her to be the “paragon of womanhood.”
a set of terms or articles constituting an agreement
a : the act of surrendering or yielding
b : the terms of surrender
Her sudden capitulation surprised everyone; she usually debated for hours.
a word or expression used in a figurative sense : figure of speech
a common or overused theme or device
a : a space between things; especially : one between closely spaced things
b : a gap or break in something generally continuous
: a short space of time between events
dupe, hoodwink; to confuse, frustrate, or throw off thoroughly or completely
the study of the design or purpose of nature or natural processes
inclined to frequent and often pointless change; inconstant; causing or tending to cause dizziness
lacks interesting qualities; dull; does not belong to a certain class or kind
I work in one of the nondescript office buildings downtown.
1 a : to bring together : fuse
b : confuse
2 : to combine (as two readings of a text) into a composite whole
The movie conflates documentary footage and dramatized reenactments so seamlessly and ingeniously that viewers may not know what is real and what is not.
1 a : having the nap worn off so that the thread shows : shabby
b : wearing threadbare clothing : very poor
c : barely adequate because of cheapness or shabbiness <a>
2 : exhausted of interest or freshness</a>
1 : marked by impulsive vehemence or passion
2 : marked by force and violence of movement or action
inflexible and ultra conservative in character
Oncology has become a hidebound field.
Taking a prophylactic approach
to insert, introduce surreptitiously or without warrant;t to force another to accept especially by stealth or deceit
: to pass off as genuine or worthy
He foisted the unproven drugs on the cancer patients.
too evident to be doubted
The empire of cancer is indubitably vast.
drooping or flagging from or as if from exhaustion : weak
: sluggish in character or disposition : listless
: lacking force or quickness of movement : slow
of or characteristic of a slave; especially : basely or abjectly servile
b archaic : despicable, low
archaic : oppressive, tyrannical
: copying obsequiously or without originality : imitative
cri de coeur
a passionate appeal, complaint or protest
in French means: cry from the heart
easily made to feel sick, faint or disgusted esp by unpleasant images : He was a bit squeamish at the sight of giant needles.
having strong moral views; scrupulous: She was not squeamish about using her social influence in support of her son.
sotto voce
under the breath : in an undertone; also : in a private manner; very softly —used as a direction in music
a body of troops or polic officers, standing or moving in close formation; a group of people of a similar type grouped together in a compact body
a deep and full voice or sound; using imposing language: We expected the lawyers to use sonorous lamentations.
to put to death (as by hanging) by mob action without legal sanction
The accused killer was lynched by an angry mob.
to induce someone to convert to one’s faith
: to recruit someone to join one’s party, institution, or cause
He uses his position to proselytize for the causes that he supports.
division, separation; also : discord, disharmony <a></a>
a raised platform (as in a hall or large room)
The speaker took his place on the dais.
wearing glasses
high seriousness (as in a person’s bearing or in the treatment of a subject)
The new leader has an air of gravitas that commands respect.
A comic actress who lacks the gravitas for dramatic roles.
The new leader has a certain gravitas.
the upper regions of space: heavens
The balloon disappeared into the ether.
to thrash or punish severely; especially : to defeat decisively
Our candidate trounced her opponent in the election, winning with 76% of the vote.
shelter; conceal; settle or establish
The artwork is safely ensconced inside the glass.
He ensconced himself in front of the television.
to show obsequious deference : fawn
: to kneel and touch the forehead to the ground in token of homage, worship, or deep respect
a brief news item intended for immediate publication or broadcast
What communiques they are sending out on their phones
a visible disembodied spirit : ghost
: something that haunts or perturbs the mind : phantasm
well supplied or provided
: full of or accompanied by something specified —used with with <a></a>
: causing or characterized by emotional distress or tension : uneasy <a></a>
an act or instance of depriving : deprivation
: the state of being deprived; especially : lack of what is needed for existence
The constant privation of sleep was starting to affect my work.
dirty, unclean; shabby, squalid
He’s been living in a dingy motel.
not attractive
in the parlance of psychologists
full of wiles : crafty <a></a>
pull, influence ; piece of cloth; to hit forcefully
He’ll clout me around the head if he finds out what I’ve done.
to drink liquor freely or excessively
to take part in a carouse : engage in dissolute behavior