Articles 37-41 Flashcards
What is the true reason that God created human beings?
Not for death, but for eternal life.
What truth does God blowing his breath into Adam convey?
That God created our soul, and unites with our physical body at the beginning of our life thereby sharing his human divine with us.
What is murder so bad?
The murder of a human being is a sin against the sacred dignity of the human person and against the holiness of God.
And God alone is the author of life and death.
The power of life and death is God’s alone, so the murder of another person assumes a power that is not for human beings to claim.
What is the only thing that separates us from the animals?
Our intelligence.
What is the foundation for loving other people and loving ourselves?
Christian morality.
What does the “seamless garment of life” mean?
Reference to Christ’s seamless garment that the soldiers cast lots for at his crucifixion.
Womb to tomb
All 5th commandment issued are interconnected and rooted in the principle that all human life is sacred and precious to God.
The deliberate termination of a pregnancy by killing the unborn child.
Direct abortion
Abortion performed to end a pregnancy and the life of the unborn child; serious sin and strongly by the law of God.
Indirect abortion
When another procedure is done that terminates the pregnancy, but is not intended to.
An action or attitude or the failure to act that leads another person into sin.
Arguments and de-bunkers
Pregnant women- her own body. Baby’s body is separate.
No dad?
Two wrongs do not make a right.
Severe penalty the church imposes on a catholic who had committed a grave sin or offense against canon law in which the person is banned from celebrating or receiving the Sacraments.
Church’s stance on prenatal testing.
Morally permissible as long as it does not harm the fetus, and heals/safeguarding.
Morally wrong if purpose is to decide whether to abort the baby or not.
Church’s view on genetic engineering.
Designer baby.
Morally wrong (playing God)
Gene treatment gene therapy (helps prevent diseases or physical handicaps) these are fine. But no harm to fetus.
Church’s view of stem cell research.
It’s fine as long as they don’t use aborted embryos and fetuses and embryos created through in vitro fertilization.