Articles 14, 15, 17, 22, 28, 45 Flashcards
Art 14 Probationary
If probation (for new hire) isn’t competed after 1 yr:
May extend 30days due to absence or unsat performance
Promotional probation:
is 4 mo, extended for 2 more after written notice to the FF. They could be kept in same position and it can’t be disbuted
Art 15 Disciplinary
Action and Discharge
If the grievance procedure is instituted over discipline, any written disciplinary action will not be placed in the personnel file or any permanent file until
the grievance procedure is completed
During the promotion process, disciplinary material on file for two years or older (or one (1) year or older in the case of reprimands or counseling)
will not be given to any interview board.
Discharge shall be considered a suspension without pay until
completion of Step 3 of the grievance procedure.
Art 17 Performance Review
Evaluations take place:
Annually, periodically, and in special occasions
Any employee may
file a grievance over a performance rating but cannot be taken to arbitration unless it’s “unacceptable”
Receiving an “unacceptable” or “needs improvement”
on an annual review, will have step increase stopped and will have to pay back the money
FF must work at least 4 months out of the year:
to have an accurate performance rating
Less than 4 months:
no rating & no step increase
Probies receive performance reviews for:
after recruit class
after 4 months
after 8 months &
after 12 months
Art 28 Vacations
1 yr = 5 vaca days
Leave due to job related disability shall not qualify for
accrued vacation benefits after the first thirty (30) days of leave.
Vacations are scheduled from beginning of 1st Kelly Day cycle after Dec 31:
until end of Kelly cycle including Dec 31 of the following yr.
County determines # of employees:
who can be off on vacation
May not schedule vacation time off :
in excess of anticipated accruals including existing banks
In October the county
advises how many FF can have vaca for next yr
Days off allowed per Bat:
up to 4 sta: 1 per position
up to 11 sta: 2 per position
more than 12 sta : 3 per
But not exceed total # of shift employees
1st round vaca we MUST:
submit a minimum of 4 consecutive shifts with a Kelly Day within a 14 day period and it can’t be canceled
2n round vaca we MAY:
submit requests for single group, with a minimum of 3 or more consecutive shifts (may include Kelly Days) within 14 day period
3rd round vaca we
first come first serve to pick days and can ONLY be rescinded for a major emergency
Cancel or request vaca must be
at least 67hrs notice from start of the leave period, including Kelly Days.
Emergency leave approved by:
BC or DC if BC not available and time is charged in qtr hr increments
How it’s charged:
If qualifies as sick leave, emergency leave shall be charged to the employee’s sick allotment. If not then it goes to reserve vacation and finally vacation
Vaca time is taken
at min of 4hrs then half or more after that
On April 1 of each year all hours in excess of five hundred (500) not taken:
shall be contributed to the Union Time Pool.
If an employee notifies the department, prior to March 1st they are entering the D.R.O.P. or retiring during the next 12 months
he is exempt from the vacation cap and sweep on April 1st to figure vacation buyout prior to entering the D.R.O.P
If he doesn’t enter the D.R.O.P. or retire, his vacation time is
retroactive at the value it exceeded the cap at the time of the previous April 1st sweep
Art 45 Wellness
Wellness Steering Committee is:
made up of 3 Union reps &
3 reps from Fire Admin
When Training & Safety Division completes a written summary of the of the Probie who completes Recruit Academy:
This written summary replaces the 4 mo Perf. Rvw
Hired probationary FF’s get reviews:
twice during their 12 mo prob. period
After the Supervisor does a final review on the new hire, he recommends:
Permanent status or termination