Article: What are we worried about? CO2 Flashcards
What did a group of scientists prove about climate change in 2013?
In 2013, a group of scientists proved climate change was actually real and was caused by human activity.
In 2013, a group of scientists proved climate change was actually real and was caused by what?
In 2013, a group of scientists proved climate change was actually real and was caused by human activity.
What percentage of scientists agree that climate change is caused by human behaviour?
97 % of scientists agree that climate change is caused by human behaviour.
What is the difference between the opinions of scientists and the opinions or beliefs of the public.
The public don’t all believe global warming is caused by humans or even believe it is real.
In fact, only 42% of the US public think climate change is caused by human activity. 33% of the US public still think there is no solid evidence the earth’s average temperature is increasing.
The public don’t even know that _________ almost all agree that global warming is caused by humans.
The public don’t even know that scientists almost all agree that global warming is caused by humans.
Do big companies keep the public informed about scientists’ beliefs about global warming?
Many industries have actively tried to make it seem scientists are divided about global warming.
How does the media “mislead” the public regarding scientists’ views on global warming?
The media has a practice of providing a “balanced” view. A tiny minority of scientists therefore get an unequal voice.
By giving ______ time to scientists in the minority, the media makes it look as if scientists are divided regarding global warming.
By giving equal time to scientists in the minority, the media makes it look as if scientists are divided regarding global warming.
Does it matter what the public thinks about global warming?
Public opinion about global warming is very important. It could affect our attitudes towards it.
Public __________ could help make politicians act.
Public attitudes could help make politicians act.
Political will is required to help make changes needed to slow global ________.
Political will is required to help make changes needed to slow global warming.
Political will is ___________ to help make changes needed to slow global warming.
Political will is required to help make changes needed to slow global warming.
Why doesn’t the media tell us scientists agree?
Telling us scientists agree about something does not seem to sell newspapers or get attention.
What sorts of things seem to grab our attention in the headlines?
Judging by the content of newspapers, the public wants to know about money, sports, television and immigration.
Judging by the content of newspapers, the public wants to ____ about money, sports, television and immigration.
Judging by the content of newspapers, the public wants to know about money, sports, television and immigration.
In 2013, how did scientists learn that climate change is almost certainly caused by human activity?
In 2013, scientists learnt that climate change is almost certainly caused by human activity. They did this by reviewing thousands of academic papers.