Article 7 Volume Four Flashcards
756-b. (Bard) Court review of placement in a qualified residential treatment program.
The provisions of this section shall apply when a respondent is placed on or after 09/29/2021 and resides in a qualified residential treatment program (QRTP), and whose care and custody were transferred to a local social services district
756-b. (Bard) Court review of placement in a qualified residential treatment program.
The provisions of this section shall apply when a respondent is placed on or after 09/29/2021 and resides in a qualified residential treatment program, and whose care and custody were transferred to a local social services district
756-b. (Bard) Court review of placement in a qualified residential treatment program.
The social services district shall report any anticipated placement of the respondent into a QRTP to the court and the attorneys for the parties/AFC no later than_________ following either the decision to place the respondent in the QRTP or the actual date the placement change occurred, whichever is sooner.
Such notice shall indicate the date that the initial placement or change in placement is anticipated to occur or the date the placement change occurred, as applicable.
If such notice lists an anticipated date for the placement change, there must be notification of the date the placement change occurred no later than ______________ following the placement change.
one business day …….. one business day
756-b. (Bard) Court review of placement in a qualified residential treatment program.
If a respondent is placed in a qualified residential treatment program or there is a change in placement upon notice of placement or change in placement, the court must schedule an assessment of the placement
The assessment will determine whether the placement is still necessary and appropriate.
Such assessment shall occur not later than ____________ after the initial placement begins or there is a change of placement.
Sixty (60)days
756-b. (Bard) Court review of placement in a qualified residential treatment program.
Within __________ of a respondent being placed in a qualified residential treatment program, the court will:
Review the assessment and documentation made by a qualified individual and determine if the respondent’s needs can be met in a foster family home or if a QRTP is the most effective, least restrictive and appropriate level of care consistent with Permanency Plan Goals.
Sixty (60) days
756-b. (Bard) Court review of placement in a qualified residential treatment program.
Approve or disapprove the QRTP placement.
Where the qualified individual determines that the placement of the respondent in a QRTP is not appropriate, the court may only approve the placement of the respondent in the QRTP if the court determines the following and states in the written order the reasons why:
- Circumstances exist that necessitate the continued placement of the respondent in the QRTP;
- there is not an alternative setting available that can meet the respondent’s needs in a less restrictive environment; and
- that it would be contrary to the welfare of the respondent to be placed in a less restrictive setting and that continued placement in the QRTP is in the respondent’s best interest
Nothing herein shall prohibit the court from considering other relevant and necessary information to make a determination.
756-b. (Bard) Court review of placement in a qualified residential treatment program.
Approve or disapprove the QRTP placement.
Where the qualified individual determines that the placement of the respondent in a QRTP is not appropriate, the court may only approve the placement of the respondent in the QRTP if the court determines the following and states in the written order the reasons why:
Circumstances exist that necessitate the continued placement of the respondent in the QRTP;
there is not an alternative setting available that can meet the respondent’s needs in a less restrictive environment; and
that it would be contrary to the welfare of the respondent to be placed in a less restrictive setting and that continued placement in the QRTP is in the respondent’s best interest
Nothing herein shall prohibit the court from considering other relevant and necessary information to make a determination.
756-b. (Bard) Court review of placement in a qualified residential treatment program.
If the court disapproves placement of a respondent in a QRTP, it will determine a schedule for the respondent’s return and direct the local social services district to make such other arrangements for the respondent’s care and welfare that is in the best interest of the respondent and in the most effective and least restrictive setting
The Court may issue a new order if necessary
756-b. (Bard) Court review of placement in a qualified residential treatment program.
If the court disapproves placement of a respondent in a QRTP, it will determine a schedule for the respondent’s return and direct the local social services district to make such other arrangements for the respondent’s care and welfare that is in the best interest of the respondent and in the most effective and least restrictive setting
The Court may issue a new order if necessary
756-b. (Bard) Court review of placement in a qualified residential treatment program.
Sua sponte or on the motion of any party/attorney, the court may review a QRTP placement by written records without a hearing if all parties agree.
If the court does review the placement without a hearing, it must issue a written order stating its findings and provide the order to the parties within ______________
five (5) days.
756-b. (Bard) Court review of placement in a qualified residential treatment program.
The court can review a placement in a qualified residential treatment program at the same time as another hearing for the respondent, as long as the review is completed within __________ of the start of placement.
Sixty (60) days
757- Probation.
The maximum period of probation shall not exceed _____________ , exceptional circumstances may require an additional ___________ of probation
An __________ awareness program may also be ordered
ONE (1) YEAR………… alcohol
Remember: 1 + 1
758-a Restitution.
In cases involving CHILDREN over (NEW) ___________ and less than (NEW) ____________ , the court may recommend as a condition:
-Restitution not to exceed $_____________ dollars,
-to replace property or damage and/or
-services for the public good in cases involving vandalism to grave sites and cemeteries,etc.
TWELVE (12) ……….. EIGHTEEN (18)…….. $1000.00
Take note: UR 205.65 indicates up to $1500.00 restitution as part of an ACOD
758-a Restitution.
If the court recommends restitution or requires services for the public good with an order of placement, the placement must be made to an authorized agency that has adopted rules and regulations to ensure the child’s safety and well-being and provide reports to the court not less frequently than every _____________ , unless the order provides otherwise.
The court, upon receipt of the reports may, on its own motion or the motion of any party or the agency, hold a hearing to determine whether the placement should be altered or modified.
six months
758-a Restitution.
If the court requires restitution or services for the public good as a condition of probation or suspended judgment, it must appoint an agency or person to supervise the restitution or services and they must report to the court not less frequently than every _____________ unless the order provides otherwise
The court may also allow a school district to supervise the performance of services for the public good
six months,
759- Order of protection
The court may make an order of protection setting forth all the standard conditions of behavior to be observed.
759- Order of protection
The court may make an order of protection setting forth all the standard conditions of behavior to be observed.
760- Duties of counsel.
It is the duty of the respondent’s ___________ to inform him of his rights to appeal and to serve and file the appeal on their behalf
760- Duties of counsel.
In absence of the counsel, it is THE DUTY OF ___________ to explain the appeal rights and the DUTY OF ______________ to file and serve the notice of appeal.
761 - New hearing.
For good cause, the court may grant a new fact finding or dispositional hearing
761 - New hearing.
For good cause, the court may grant a new fact finding or dispositional hearing
762- Staying, modifying, setting aside or vacating order.
The court, on its own motion or on the motion of any interested person, may stay execution of, set aside, modify or vacate a previously issued order under this article
762- Staying, modifying, setting aside or vacating order.
The court, on its own motion or on the motion of any interested person, may stay
execution of, set aside, modify or vacate a previously issued order under this article
763- Notice of motion.
A notice of motion for a New hearing or Staying, modifying, setting aside or vacating an order shall be served upon the parties not less than _____________ prior to the return date of the motion.
The answer shall be served not less _____________ before the return date
SEVEN (7) DAYS ………. TWO (2) DAYS
764- Petition to terminate placement.
Any parent, guardian, duly authorized agency or next friend may petition the court for an order terminating placement. The petition must be verified and must show:
- That an application for the respondent’s release was made to the duly authorized agency
- That the application was denied or not granted within ___________ of making the application
- The grounds for the petition
thirty days
765- Service of petition; answer.
The agency upon whom a petition for termination of placement is filed has the duty to file an answer within _____________
766- Examination of petition and answer
The court may hold a hearing on the matter or grant or deny the petition for termination of placement without a hearing (T/F?)
767- Orders on hearing
The court will make an appropriate order upon any changes it deems necessary in placement
767- Orders on hearing
The court will make an appropriate order upon any changes it deems necessary in placement
768- Successive petitions
If a petition for the termination of placement is denied it may not be renewed again for _______________ after the denial
771- Discontinuation of treatment by agency or institution
If an authorized agency in which a person is placed
- discontinues or suspends its _______ or
- is unwilling to continue to care for the person because ________ by the state has been discontinued or
- so _________ its program that the person can no longer benefit from it
then the person shall be returned by the agency to the court which entered the order
work………… alters
772 - (Bard) Action on return from agency or institution.
If a person is returned to the court following Discontinuation of treatment by agency or institution under FCA 771, the court may make any order that was previously authorized, but the duration of the order will be __________ by the time spent in placement
- (Bard) Petition for transfer.
An institution, society, or agency in which a person was placed may petition the court to transfer the person to a different institution, society, or agency if the person is:
- Seriously detrimental to the ________ of the applicant institution, society, agency, or other persons in its care; or
- Released on parole or probation from the applicant institution, society, or agency and willfully ________ a term or condition of the release.
- The petition must be _________ by an officer of the applicant institution, society, or agency and must specify the reason(s) for the transfer.
welfare ……violated……… verified
- (Bard) Action on petition for transfer
When a petition for transfer is filed under section 773, the court may issue a summons or warrant.
Due notice of the petition and a copy of the petition must also be served personally or by ____________ upon the office of the locality chargeable for the support of the person involved and upon the person involved and his or her parents and other persons.
775- Order on hearing.
After a hearing on a petition for transfer the court may:
- Dismiss the petition
- Grant the petition and transfer the respondent to another institution
- Terminate the prior order of placement and discharge the respondent or place him on probation
If the court grants the petition and orders placement, the respondent shall thereupon be transferred to the custody of the person, agency or institution provided by the court’s order.
775- Order on hearing.
After a hearing on a petition for transfer the court may:
- Dismiss the petition
- Grant the petition and transfer the respondent to another institution
- Terminate the prior order of placement and discharge the respondent or place him on probation
If the court grants the petition and orders placement, the respondent shall thereupon be transferred to the custody of the person, agency or institution provided by the court’s order.
Where there is failure to comply with the terms and conditions of a suspended judgment, placement, probation, the court may make any order as it may have made at the time of the original order was made
Where there is failure to comply with the terms and conditions of a suspended judgment, placement, probation, the court may make any order as it may have made at the time of the original order was made
779-a- Petition and hearing on violation of order of probation or suspended judgment.
At any time during the period of a disposition of probation, if the court has reasonable cause to believe the respondent has violated a condition of the disposition, it may declare the respondent delinquent and file a ________________________
written declaration of delinquency
780- Failure to comply with order of protection.
If the court finds that there is willful failure to obey an order of protection, the court may modify or revoke the order of protection or commit the person for a jail term not to exceed ___________
780-a Firearms; surrender and license suspension, revocation and ineligibility.
Repeat of new law requiring a determination be made by the court regarding the suspension or revocation of firearms licenses upon the issuance of a TOP or OP
780-a Firearms; surrender and license suspension, revocation and ineligibility.
Repeat of new law requiring a determination be made by the court regarding the suspension or revocation of firearms licenses upon the issuance of a TOP or OP
781- Nature of adjudication
No person adjudicated under this article may be denominated a ____________ or to having a conviction as a result of such
782- Effect of adjudication
No adjudication shall result in the forfeiture of any right or privilege to hold public office or receive a public authority license
782- Effect of adjudication
No adjudication shall result in the forfeiture of any right or privilege to hold public office or receive a public authority license
782-a Transfer of records and information to institutions and agencies
Whenever a person is placed with an institution suitable for PINS, the family court shall forthwith transmit any orders or probation reports to the institution
782-a Transfer of records and information to institutions and agencies
Whenever a person is placed with an institution suitable for PINS, the family court shall forthwith transmit any orders or probation reports to the institution
783- Use of record in other court
The fact that a person was before the family court under this article for a hearing or any other proceeding, as well as any statements made by the respondent is not admissible as evidence against him in any other court, with the exception, that a court ________________ upon an adult after conviction, may consider the records on file with the family court concerning such person when they were a child
imposing a sentence
In short, a person’s history and records in PINS proceedings cannot be used as evidence against them in another court except when sentencing an adult for an offense.
783-a Consolidation of records within a city having a population of one million or more
In a city having a population of _____________ or more, an index of the records of the local probation service shall be made available to the family court.
one million
783-a Consolidation of records within a city having a population of one million or more
After consulting with the state administrative judge, the commissioner of the division of criminal justice services (DCJS) in consultation with the director of the office of probation and correctional alternatives, shall specify the information to be contained in such index and its organization
783-a Consolidation of records within a city having a population of one million or more
After consulting with the state administrative judge, the commissioner of the division of criminal justice services (DCJS) in consultation with the director of the office of probation and correctional alternatives, shall specify the information to be contained in such index and its organization