Article 6 Constitution Of The Government Flashcards
Deals with the framework of government and its powers, and defines the electorate
Constitution of Government
The power to make laws and to alter or amend them.
Legislative power
Upon whom is the legislative power vested
In the congress of the Philippines
What are the scope of legislative power
Special power
Implied power
Inherent power
This is the power to enact laws intended as rules of conduct to govern the relationship among individuals or between individuals and the state
Powers that directs or authorize congress
Special power
The powers essential or necessary to the effective exercise of the powers expressly granted.
Implied powers
Powers which are possessed and can be exercised by every government
Inherent power
How many senators are there in the senate
24 senators
What are the qualifications of senators
Natural born Filipino citizen
At least 35 years old at the day of the election
Able to read and write
Registered voter
resident of the Philippines for at least 2 years
What is the term of office of senators
Term of six years
Members of the representative
Or more than 250 members
What are the qualifications of the members of the house of the representative
Must be natural-born Filipino citizen
At least 25 years of age on the day of the election
Able to rad and write
A registered voter
A resident of such district for not less than one year
A sectoral party representing different sector such as labor fee some Orban poor in the JUNOs cultural minorities women youth and other sectors
Party List system
When Is the regular election of the members of the Congress
On The second Monday of May
How Salary does the member of Congress receive annually
240,000 year for senate president and speaker of the house, 204,000 year for member of the warehouse
What Are the requirements for privilege of arrest
The offenses punishable for not more than six years, the Congress is in session
This We first more specifically to the representatives right not to be questioned nor be held liable to anyone for any speech or debate in Congress or in any committee of Congress or in any other place
Parliamentarian immunity or freedom from being question for privilege speech or debate
Either chamber during session without the consent of the other line for more than three day
Interval between the session of other congress as of another
Adjournment sine dei
Who are the officers of Congress
Officers, Member
The term is defined as any number sufficient to transact business
The official record of what is done or what part is a legislative assembly
The electoral tribunal with nine members each
3 justices of the Supreme Court, designated by the chief justice
6 members from each house
Composition of commission and appointments
1 chairman (senate president)
12 senators
12 members of the lower house e
Power of legislative investigation limitation
-Must Be an aid of legislation
-In accordance with duly published rule of procedure
-right of person appearing in, or affected by such inquiry shall be respected
One of the primary and specific aim of which is to make appropriations of money from the public treasury
Appropriation bill
Kinds of appropriation
- Annual or general appropriation
- Special or supplemental appropriation
- Specific appropriation
- Continuing appropriation
They set aside the annual expenses for the general operations of the government, known as the budget
Annual or general appropriation
They include all appropriations not contained in the budget
Special or supplemental appropriation
One which sets aside a named sum of money for the payment of a particular expense
Specific appropriation
One which provides a definite sum to be always available from year to year
Continuing appropriation
What are the bills originating exclusively in the lower house
Appropriation bill
Tariff bill
Revenue bill
Bill authorizing increase of the public debt
Bill of local application
Private bill
One of the primary and specific purposes of which is to raise revenue
Revenue bill
If has reference to one imposing customs duties for revenue purposes
Tariff bill
One which creates public indebtedness such as a bill providing for the issuance of bonds and other forms of obligations
Bill authorizing increase of the public debt
One affecting purely local or municipal concerns like one creating a city or municipality or it name
Bill of local application
One affecting purely private interest, such as one granting a franchise to a person or corporation or compensation to a person for damages suffered by him for whom the government considers itself liable
Private bill
The financial program of the national government for a designated calendar year
What is the end and the beginning of fiscal year
Beginning Jan 1 and end in dec 31
What are the steps in the passage of the bill
Introduction or sponsorship
First reading
Reference to the house committee
Second reading
Printing and distribution
Third reading
Referral to the other chambers
Action by the president
Is a draft of a law submitted to the consideration of a legislative body for its adaptation
The written will of the legislature as an organized body expressed according to the form necessary to constitute it into law of the state and rendered authentic by certain prescribed forms and solemnities
It Explains the reason for the enactment of law and the object sought to be attained
What are the formal parts of the law
Enacting clause
Effectively clause
Latin term for “I forbid” or “deny”
The power vested in the president to disapprove acts passed by congress
The reserved power of the people to directly propose and enact laws at polls called for the purpose independently of congress or of a local legislative body
The process by which any act or law or part thereof passed by congress or by a local legislative body is submitted to the people for their approval or disapproval