Article 21 Flashcards
Define “Penalty”
The suffering that is inflicted by the state for the transgression of a law
What does penalty in its general sense signify?
The different juridical conditions of penalty (7)
- Must be PRODUCTIVE OF SUFFERING, without however affecting the integrity of the human personality
- Must be COMMENSURATE with the offense - different crimes must be punished with different penalties
- Must be PERSONAL - no one should be punished for the crime of another
- Must be LEGAL - It is the consequence of a judgment according to law
- Must be CERTAIN - no one may escape its effects
- Must be EQUAL for all
What is the purpose of the State in punishing crimes?
To secure justice
Theories justifying penalty (5)
- Prevention
- Self-defense
- Reformation
- Exemplarity
- Justice
What does the theory justifying penalty of Prevention posit?
The State must punish the criminal to PREVENT or SUPPRESS the danger to the State arising from the criminal acts of the offender
What does the theory justifying penalty of Self-defense posit?
The State HAS A RIGHT to punish the criminal as a measure of SELF-DEFENSE so as to protect society from the threat and wrong inflicted by the criminal
What does the theory justifying penalty of Reformation posit?
The object of punishment in criminal cases is TO CORRECT AND REFORM the offender
What does the theory justifying penalty of Exemplaity posit?
The criminal is punished to serve as an EXAMPLE to DETER others from committing crimes
What does the theory justifying penalty of Justice posit?
That crime must be punished by the State as an act of RETRIBUTIVE JUSTICE, as vindication of absolute right and moral law violated by the criminal
The three-fold purpose of penalty under the RPC (3)
- Retribution or expiation
- Correction or reformation
- Social defense
What do you mean by retribution or expiation as one of the three purposes of penalty under the RPC?
The penalty is COMMENSURATE with the gravity of the offense
What do you mean by correction or reformation as one of the three purposes of penalty under the RPC?
As shown by the rules which REGULATE the execution of the penalties consisting in deprivation of liberty
What do you mean by social defense as one of the three purposes of penalty under the RPC?
Shown by its INFLEXIBLE SEVERITY to recidivists and habitual delinquents
What is the Constitutional restriction on penalties
When is a punishment “cruel and unusual”?
When it is disproportionate to the offense committed as to SHOCK the MORAL SENSE of all reasonable men as to what is right and proper under the circumstances
Are fines and imprisionment cruel and unusual punishment?
State Art. 21 of the RPC
Penalties that may be imposed - No felony shall be punishable by any penalty not prescribed by law prior to its commission
Does Art. 21 of the RPC apply to any of the provisions of the RPC?
No, because every felony defined in the Code has a penalty prescribed
When can Art. 21 of the RPC be invoked?
Only when a person is being tried for an act or omission for which no penalty has been prescribed by law
Is Art. 21 a penal provision?
No. It neither defines a crime nor provides a punishment for one
Can a subsidiary penalty for a crime be imposed if it was “not prescribed by law prior to its commission”?
No, it should have been in force during the commission