Article 2 Flashcards
what does ITD stand for and what does it refer to?
interaural time differences. refers to the slight difference in the time in takes for sound to reach each of our ears. our brain uses these time differences to determine the direction or location of a sound source
what does MSO stand for?
medial superior olive
what does sensitivity to ITD’s require?
requires neuronal processing with a temporal acuity far beyond that normally observed in the mammalian CNS
how has ITD processing been traditionally examined in mammals and birds?
is explained by means of a model devised by Jeffress more than 50 years ago.
what does Jeffress model assume?
that the existence of arrays of coincidence-detector neurons receiving excitatory inputs from the two ears
how do neurons in the Jeffress model respond maximally?
respond maximally when stimuli-evoked action potentials, phase-locked to the stimulus waveform, converge from each ear simultaneously
what is the role of conduction delays in the Jeffress model?
Different conduction delays from each ear, assumed to result from a system of delay lines, provide a means by which different coincidence-detector neurons encode different ITDs.
what does the systematic arrangement of delay lines in the Jeffress model create?
assumed to create a topographic representation of ITDs and a map of sound positions in the azimuthal plane
what is the ITD-processing structure in birds?
is called the nucleus laminaris
has the existence of a similar arrangement been confirmed for the mammal equivalent of the nucleus laminaris?
no, has not been directly confirmed for the MSO
what is the mammalian equivalent of the nucleus laminaris?
MSO - medial superior olive
what kind of input do spherical bushy cells from each cochlear nucleus provide to MSO neurons?
provide binaural excitatory input to MSO neurons
where else do MSO neurons receive input form?
receive glycine-containing inputs directly onto their somata, arising from the medial, and lateral nucleus of the trapezoid body
what was the goal of the study
to directly test the relevance of the jeffress model for the processing of ITD in mammals
how did the study test the extent to which the jeffress model is relevant
recorded responses of ITD-sensitive neurons from the MSO of Mongolian gerbil
how did they test the role of inhibition in the mammalian ITD detector?
used iontophoretic application of glycine and its antagonist strychnine
how many responses were recorded?
36 low-frequency MSOs, 24 were binaurally excited
how many were sensitive to ITDs
of the 24, 20 were
what was the range of ITDs that were sensitive
30-85% change in discharge rate, which corresponds to the physiologically relevant range for gerbils (120 ms)
what is the commonly held view of the jeffress model?
ITDs are systematically represented by individual coincidence-detector neurons, creating a place code of azimuthal position based on their max firing rates
what did the study reveal about how MSO neurons respond to interauraly delayed tones?
MSO neurons respond maximally to interaurally delayed ‘best-frequency’ tones outside the physiologically relevant range
- peaks present outside of range
where were ITD functions the steepest?
within the physiological range
what relationship was observed between a neuron’s best frequency and the ITD that evokes the peak response?
Neurons with relatively low best frequencies respond maximally at relatively long ITDs, while neurons with relatively high best frequencies respond maximally at relatively short ITDs, with a slight scatter for neurons with best frequencies higher than 700 Hz.
how does the map of best ITDs in the MSO appear to be organized?
run along the tonotopic gradient, suggesting that there is no ‘place map’ of ITDs within individual frequency channels in the MSO
what else did researchers want to investigate
the glycinergic inhibitory input to the MSO
how did they look at the role of this input on ITD coding?
glycine (inhibitory transmitter) or strychnine (its antagonist) was applied during recordings from MSO neurons
what effect did glycine have?
almost completely abolished the response to the test tone in all 5 neurons, confirming their existence and inhibitory effect on MSO neurons
what happened when strychine was applied to six neurons sensitive to ITDs?
Strychnine increased the discharge rate in all six neurons (by 50-86% at or close to zero ITD) and shifted the peak of the ITD functions towards zero ITD for the five neurons sensitive to ITDs.
How did strychnine affect the ITD function of one of the neurons?
Initially, the neuron’s peak ITD was +170 ms, outside the physiologically relevant range. With strychnine, the best ITD shifted downwards to +50 ms, reducing the dynamic range within the physiological range from 83% to 21%.
What was the average shift in equivalent IPD for the five neurons after strychnine application?
The average shift was -0.127 cycles, indicating a significant change in ITD sensitivity (paired t-test, P < 0.014).
What did the researchers do with the averaged IPD functions for the five neurons?
The researchers normalized each function to the maximum discharge rate in the presence of strychnine
How much reduction in dynamic range did iontophoresis of strychnine produce on average?
Iontophoresis of strychnine, on average, produced a 67% reduction in the dynamic range of the response across the physiologically relevant range of ITDs.
What is indicated by the yellow arrows in Fig. 3c?
The yellow arrows in Fig. 3c indicate the apparent effect of glycinergic inhibition, which varied at different ITDs. It was stronger when the ipsilateral stimulus was leading in time compared to when the contralateral stimulus was leading.
Why is the observed influence of inhibition on ITD functions puzzling?
influence of inhibition on shifting the peaks of ITD functions is puzzling because glycinergic inputs to the MSO are insensitive to ITDs. The only explanation for this effect is that the inhibition occurs in specific phase relation to the excitatory inputs, meaning it is precisely phase-locked.
What are the possible explanations for the influence of inhibition in shifting the peaks of ITD functions?
The possible explanations include ipsilaterally-driven inhibition that follows (phase lags) the ipsilateral excitation, contralateral inhibition that precedes contralateral excitation, or a combination of both. However, contralateral inhibition preceding contralateral excitation is a common phenomenon in the bat MSO, and contralateral inhibition has been shown to be more prominent than ipsilateral inhibition.
How was the shift in ITD tuning resulting from phase-locked contralateral inhibition simulated?
The shift in ITD tuning due to phase-locked contralateral inhibition was simulated using a modified Hodgkin–Huxley model based on physiological findings in neurons of the anteroventral cochlear nucleus (AVCN).
What specific properties of neurons in the AVCN were considered in the model?
The model incorporated properties such as nonlinear membrane properties, and it introduced an additional voltage-dependent, low-threshold potassium channel to make the single-compartment model sensitive to the relative timing of spike inputs.
What effect did increasing the strength of timed inhibition have on the simulated ITD tuning?
Increasing the strength (conductance GI,max) of timed inhibition progressively shifted the central peak of the ITD tuning function towards longer values of ITD and reduced the overall discharge rate.
How were the physiological results from the stimulation frequency of 1,000 Hz simulated in the model?
To simulate the physiological results at a stimulation frequency of 1,000 Hz, both the excitatory and inhibitory synaptic time constants were set to t = 0.1 ms, resulting in a half-time of 0.25 ms.
What patterns were observed in the ITD functions for different stimulus frequencies in the model?
The ITD functions for various stimulus frequencies showed the typical pattern of a coincidence-detector neuron, with the position of the central peak being largely independent of stimulus frequency. However, there was a systematic tendency for the peak to shift toward lower ITDs as input level decreased, due to peripheral auditory filtering.
What did the simulation results indicate about the role of phase-locked contralateral inhibition in neural responses?
The simulation results suggested that phase-locked and precisely timed contralateral inhibition, similar to what innervates the MSO from the MNTB, preceding contralateral excitation, can explain the observed neural responses.
What is the main factor responsible for ITD tuning in the gerbil MSO?
ITD tuning in the gerbil MSO results from the interaction of precisely timed excitatory and inhibitory inputs.
What role does glycinergic inhibition play in shaping ITD functions?
Glycinergic inhibition is responsible for tuning the steep slope of ITD functions to the physiologically relevant range by suppressing responses to ITDs where the ipsilateral stimulus leads in time.
What is the likely source of the inhibitory input responsible for shaping ITD functions?
The most likely source of this inhibitory input is a monaural phase-locked inhibitory input, particularly from the contralateral medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB).
What special features of the MNTB-derived inhibition are important for ITD processing?
The MNTB-derived inhibition has unique morphological and physiological features, including calyx synapses, which enable highly temporally precise transmission of neural signals. This contralateral inhibition must precede contralateral excitation to influence responses to negative ITDs.
How does the temporal adjustment of the inhibitory time constant relate to the refinement of inputs in the MSO?
The fast time constant of inhibitory transmission may be related to the experience-dependent elimination of glycinergic synapses on MSO neurons, which occurs during the first days after hearing onset and refines inputs to MSO somata.
What implications do these findings have for age-related hearing deficits?
The role of inhibitory transmitters in processing ITDs and evidence of age-related downregulation of inhibitory transmitters suggest new explanations for age-related hearing deficits, including difficulties in segregating sound sources.
How do these results challenge the traditional model of low-frequency spatial hearing?
These results suggest that the traditional model of low-frequency spatial hearing, which focuses on the peaks of ITD functions, is inadequate. Instead, the slopes of ITD functions are considered critical for sound source localization in azimuth in the mammalian auditory system.