Arthurian Legend Flashcards
Repeating sound at the beginning of a word
Universal idea in a story
The something special, what distinguishes a knight, linked to birth right
Repeating things such as numbers or symbols
Stories based on history, the describe history
Stories about knights and their the adventures, around well known figure, quests, supernatural elements
Medieval romance
The code for knights
Story with both literal and figurative meanings and
A knight’s behavior at court, behavior towards women
Arthur’s mother?
Lady Igraine
Arthur’s mentor?
Arthur’s father?
Utter pendragon
Arthur’s foster father?
Sid Ector
Arthur’s sister?
Morgan le Fey
Arthur’s wife?
Arthur’s son?
Arthur’s uncle? The king after Vortigern, king until death- murdered
Ambrosius Aurelius
Arthur’s foster brother?
Sir Kay
Who was put on a love potion?
Tristan and Isolde
Who gave Excalibur to Arthur?
Lady of the lake
Last knight to live?
How did Lucan die?
Gut wound, when trying to pick up Arthur split open.
Who gave Arthur his round table?
Duke that hid lady igraine (his wife)
Duke Gorlois
Woman who Merlin fell in love with and was imprisoned by
Who is the demon child?
Thomas Malory
Gawain’s two brothers that were killed
Gareth and Gaheris
Who does Arthur commit incest with
What does the questing beast represent?
Arthur’s incestuous acts with Morgan
Knight that betrayed Arthur?
Lancelot (by affair)
Who turned Morgan from a healer to a villain
Cistercian monks
Who had a wound that could never be healed?
Fisher king
Lancelot’s son
Who couldn’t board the ship unless he saved a woman from sexual assault
Who let Gawain come to warn Arthur?
Virgin Mary, he had her in his shield
Green knight was actually who?
Lord Bertilak
Who tried to take credit for pulling the sword and the stone
Sir Kay
Who stabbed Jesus with a spear
Who brought the holy grail to England?
Joseph of arimathea
What knight lives in Joyous garde in France?
Who is king of corbenic? Blanchefleur’s husband?
Queen of wasteland
Who wants and does expose Lancelot and Guinevere in
Gawain went up against who?
The green knight
Other name for Excalibur?
Who many times did it take bedivere to return the sword?
3 times
The ship enchanted went to?
Wasteland corbenic
Where did nimue trap Merlin?
Forest called broceliande
Who is know as the cowardly king because he fled to a tower?
The place above where the dragons lay, where the tower was built
Where was stone hedge originally from
Ireland, mt. killaraus
In what castle was Arthur born
Isle of apples, Arthur was taken after death
What knight never got the castle for the holy grail?
What is Gawain given at the lord’s castle that will protect him (should’ve given it to the lord)
The green belt
Which dragon represents the British?
Red dragon
Which dragon represents the saxons
White dragon
What was the green knights purpose?
To test reputation
The poet of Gawain and the green knight his name is?
The pearl poet or Gawain poet
The chair at the round table can only the purest of heart sit at, what’s its called and who can sit there?
The siege perilous, Galahad
3 pattern
3 knights left, wait 3 days before battle, lord and lady’s gifts, 3 times til sword got thrown back, 3 times she spun in the air, 3 women took Arthur’s body, 3 times the axe comes down, 3 days at castle (G&GK)
Disguises and enchantments
‘Utter’s disguise’, needs a wife for bloodline and falls in love with lady igraine who is married to duke Gorliois when he learns of utters desires moves to a castle called Tintagel which is surrounded by water, Merlin warns utter who begs to use his magic, agrees but only for a favor- if they conceive a child the child goes with him- Utter agrees, when the duke is called away for battle utter disguises as the him, is allowed entrance and goes to the bedroom with lady then leaves, they conceive a child, the next day duke’s body is brought in from battle- he died, Utter ask for lady’s had, she says yes but confesses what happened- so does he, she forgives him and they have a boy. Merlin takes Arthur (knew utter killed, Arthur vulnerable)
Tristen and Isolde (enchantment)
Tristen is nephew to king mark, who is married to Isolde who is across the sea, he boards boat to go get her, on their way back they have wine which was a love potion, they fall in love that night and they start an affair even after the effects, overtime mark gets suspicious, one day Tristin and Isolde are sitting together and mark finds them and stabs Tristin in the back
Sir ector (warned to not go on quest for the holy grail)
Arthur #1 (questing beast- his realization (with Merlin’s help) of his incestuous action with Morgan)
Arthur #2 the dragon and the bear (idk)