Arthur Final Review Flashcards
place where the Holy Grail resides; place of the Dolorous Stroke
Castle Carbonek
king and queen of North Wales; parents of Launcelot
King Pant & Elayne
brother of Balyn; the one Balyn loved most in the world
Germanic tribe that invaded Britain in the 5th & 6th centuries
name of Arthur’s kingdom
capital of Arthur’s kingdom; modern-day Winchester, England
the sword of Arthur
king of Briton; father of Arthur
Uther Pendragon
knight who struck the Dolorous Stroke
King Mark’s castle in Cornwall; castle where Igrayne was tricked by Uther
Launcelot’s half-brother
Knight of the Lake; the Green Knight
Sir Bernlak
sister of Lady Linnet; practices evil magic
Lady Liones
Percivale’s love
under the curse of Morgana; marries Gawain
Lady Ragnell
daughter of King Pelles; in love with Launcelot
Elaine of Astolat
hermit who raised Galahad
Grail Priest
ship that takes Dindrane and the knights to their destination
Enchanted Ship
the only surviving knight to keep the legend of Logres alive
the most evil knight in Logres
criminal, villain, lawbreaker
strife, conflict, disagreement
encouraged, nurtured
abandoned, deserted
to aid, assist, relieve
contemptuously, disdainfully
vague, hazy, murky
miserable, woeful
to help, benefit
malicious falsehood
weak, frail
one who lives in solitude
menacing, threatening
urgent, fearful
a watch, surveillance
fame, celebrity
became infected, rotted
King Arthur’s foster father
Sir Ector
Balan does not recognize Balyn because he does not have his own ..
Who does Merlin say will bring about the downfall of Logress?
the knight whose coming to the Round Table signifies one year before the Holy Grail
Where will the best knight sit?
Siege Perilous
The Green Knight has come to Arthur’s court to test the Round Table
The person who sent the Green Knight to Arthur’s court
the chapel where Launcelot has to go to save the injured knight
Chapel Perilous
Sir Gareth’s brother
the best knight Launcelot has ever jousted with
What does Queen Isaud keep to avenge the death of her brother
a sword chip
Who does Geraint go to hunt with?
What happened to Oringle?
he was beheaded
the mistress of the damsel who lures Arthur to Tarn Wathelyne
Morgana le Fay
Percivale does not see another living soul besides his mother until he is how old?
According to the damsel int eh castle, who will the downfall of Logres be caused by?
The hermit who comes to Arthur’s court predicts whose birth?
Why can Launcelot not touch the Grail?
Galahad was a descendant of who?
Joseph of Arimathea
the unworthy knight who tries to take the golden crown
Land of Mystery; place where Merlin took Arthur as an infant
Sir Lionel does penance for killing the monk for how long?
1 year + 1 day
The cure for the sick lady of the castle
blood from a. pure virgin
Who was lying in the great hall at Castle Carbonek?
King Pelles
Against whom did Naciens sin, which results in his long life?
Joseph of Arimathea
Who joins Percivale and Blanchefleur in marriage?
How does Launcelot free himself from Melliagraunce’s dungeon?
He kisses the damsel
Who advises Launcelot against visiting the queen in her room?
Sir Bors
Who rules Britain in King Arthur’s absence?
To where does Guinevere escape from Mordred?
Tower of London
After Launcelot’s death, where do Hector and Bars go?
to the Holy Land
“A little while after his birth at dark Tintagel, Uther, who hearkened to my words, gave the child into my care, and I bore him to Avalon, the Land of Mystery” Who said it and to whom?
Merlin to angry kings and knights
“Bury us, I pray you, in the same tomb, and write upon it that here lie two brothers who slew one another by mischance …” Who said it and to whom?
Balan to Lady of the Castle
“Yet I would that you loved another; for by her very beauty shall come the end of Logres.” Who said it and to whom?
Merlin to Arthur
“A knight without mercy is dishonored: but to kill a fair lady is shame unto the world’s end!” Who said it and to whom?
four armed knights to Gawain
“For though I lack a weapon, yet shall I lack no honor – and if you slay me weaponless, it is you who will be shamed.” Who said it and to whom?
Arthur to Sir Accolon
“I have loved her long, and she me. And I promised to fight and slay whom she would, even though it were Arthur the King.” Who said it and to whom?
Sir Accolon to Arthur
“As for the lace, you hid it but for love of your life – and that is a little sin, and for it I pardon you.” Who said it and to whom?
Sir Bernlak to Gawain
“Merlin has spoken his name to you – and see, that name grows in letters of gold upon the empty siege on the right hand of the Siege Perilous!” Who said it and to whom?
Lady Nimue to Arthur
“When you are a noble knight of noble birth, you shall have my love – but not before!” Who said it and to whom?
Lady Liones to Sir Gareth
“Only Launcelot bowed his head in his hands, and the tears ran between his fingers as he thought of his own love for Guinevere.” Why does Launcelot cry?
Launcelot cries because he knows exactly how Tristram feels.
“I have no lady. And yet … there is none fairer that ever I have seen than his damsel your daughter, the lady Enid …” Who said it and to whom?
Geraint to Duke Liconal
“This is devil’s work!” When was this spoken?
It was spoken when Arthur charged at Gromer Somer Joure
“By this your choice – to leave the choice to me – you have undone the enchantment forever …” Who said it and to whom?
Ragnell to Gawain
“In the days long past, Merlin the good enchanter told me that you would come when the highest moment of the realm of Logres drew near.” Who said it and to whom?
Arthur to Percivale
“Alas! I have lived too long, for now I am dishonored!” Who said it?
“Sir, this is not my sword, nor am I worthy to wear it at my side. Evil shall come to any who seeks to draw it knowing that he is not worthy …” Who said it and to whom?
Launcelot to Arthur
“Now blessed be the good fortune that brings this shield to me.” Who said it and to whom?
Galahad to the squire
“I give you my word that never again will I feel envy towards Sir Galahad.” Who said it and to whom?
Percivale to the hermit
“Go forward in the fear of God, and live to tell of the ending of the quest of the Holy Grail …” Who said it and to whom?
Naciens to Sir Bors
“Alas, all my great deeds of arms have I done for the sake of Queen Guinevere, without stopping to think if they were right or wrong.” Who said it and to whom?
Launcelot to Naciens
“So shall the darkness fall upon Logres.” Who thought it? What was he witnessing?
Gawain; He was witnessing a hand putting out the handles
“And when he died, this penance was laid on me: that I should live beyond the span of mortal men to be the Priest of the Grail until the coming of Sir Galahad the Good Knight.” Who said it and to whom?
Naciens to Gawain
“Come out and fight, and all your treacherous curs with you – for here am I, Sir Launcelot of the Lake, ready to do battle with you all!” Who said it and where was he?
Launcelot; outside Melliagraunce’s castle
” … here now you lie dying, the man whom I loved best in all the world … For you and Launcelot I loved best of all my knights: and I have lost you both.” Who said it and to whom?
Arthur to Gawain
“But be you sure that I will come again when the land of Britain has need of me, and the realm of Logres shall rise once more out of the darkness.” Who said it and to whom?
Arthur to Sir Bedivere
criminal, villain, lawbreaker
strife, conflict, disagreement
encouraged, nurtured
abandoned, deserted
to aid, assist, relieve
contemptuously, disdainfully
vague, hazy, murky
miserable, woeful
to help, benefit
malicious falsehood
weak, frail
one who lives in solitude
menacing, threatening
urgent, fearful
a watch, surveillance
fame, celebrity
became infected, rotted