Arthroscopy Flashcards
What anatomical structures are considered when making a Anteriorlateral port?
Extensor digitorum longus and the superficial peroneal nerve
What anatomical structures are considered when making a Anteriormedial port?
Saphenous vein and Tibialis Anterior
What is the most common size and angulation of an arthroscope used?
2.7 mm and 30° or 0° of angulation
What is the minimum distance an accessory port between the two working ports?
One cm
In anterior soft tissue impingement of the ankle, pathology is generally limited to what?
The syndesmosis and the lateral gutter
What anatomical structures are considered when making a posterolateral port?
The sural nerve and the short saphenous vein
What are the basic joint surveying techniques and ankle arthroscopy?
Scanning, pistoning and rotating
Prior to beginning arthroscopy, which portal is developed first?
The medial portal is Developed first and the scope Is placed into survey the joint prior to lateral portal development
What type of specific synovitis occurs in three stages
Chronic synovial chondromatosis
What is using drilling and OCD of the Taylor dome?
.062K wire
What type and size of screw is used in arthroscopic ankle fusion of the ankle?
Cannulated 6.5 mm cancellous screw system
What are considered abnormal values in the anterior drawer stress test
Between 5 to 10 mm of anterior displacement of the talus from the distal tibia and over 10 mm of displacement Are considered grossly abnormal. In comparison with the unaffected extremity, The injured ankle should have an anterior drawer test result of 3 mm or more to be considered significant
What is the bernt hardy stage 1 Classification?
Compression of the articular cartilage
What is the bernt hardy stage 2 Classification?
An incomplete to fracture
What is the bernt hardy stage 3 Classification?
nondisplaced complete fracture
What is the bernt hardy stage 4 Classification?
Displaced complete fracture
Which side of the anterior half of the Taylor Dome usually produces a shallow wafer shaped fracture?
Which side of the posterior third of the Taylor Dome is subject to deep, cup shaped lesions?
Which instrument has a sharp point and is used to Pierce soft tissue and capsule?
ArthroScopes are available and what sizes?
1.7 mm to 8 mm
What radiographic views use to evaluate an anterior drawer test?
What radiographic views use to evaluate an Inversion stress test?
Fibers of what ligament make up the floor of the medial gutter?
Anterior tibiotalar ligament of the deep deltoid
Describe the hibbs procedure
The extensor digitorum longus tendons are tenodesed into the midfoot at the level of the third metatarsal base or the lateral cuneiform
The intermetatarsal neuroma most often involves which nerve?
Third common digital branch of the medial plantar nerve
What is the Lachman test?
With the second metatarsal immobilized and the proximal phalanx held in 20 to 25° of dorsiflexion, the proximal phalanx is translated vertically in a dorsal direction. This is a test for MPJ instability or the inability to resist dorsal subluxation
Unconscious proprioception is assessed by?
Romberg test
Positioning a joint in the position most likely to compress or stretch the nerves crossing is known as?
phalens sign
Fasciculations suggest dysfunction of?
Lower motor neuron disease
What anatomical structure is cited as an trapping the intermetatarsal nerve?
Deep transverse intermetatarsal ligament
Joplin’s neuroma involve which anatomical structure?
Plantar proper digital nerve
Which neuroma is in the first interspace and which is in the fourth interspace?
iselins and hueters
What is Freiberg’s infraction?
Osteochondrosis of the metatarsal head most commonly the second, and appearing most often in the second decade of life
How does an exostosis differ from osteochondroma?
Fibrocartilage caps the bone instead of Hayline cap
What is the proper sequence of steps used during the sequential reduction of a dorsally subluxed MPJ?
Release of a extensor hood expansion, release of collateral ligaments, release of plantar joint tissues
Which an injectable steroids should be reserve for damaged joints?
Acetate’s such as Kenalog or triamcinolone
What are the steps of Conversion of a percentage solution to mg?
1-Multiply the concentration percentage by 10.
2-Change percentage to mg/cc.
3- Multiply by the number of cc’s and injected
10 mL of .25% Marcaine is how many milligrams?
.25% x 10 = 2.5 mg/cc x 10 cc = 25 mg
What is the maximum amount of milligrams ofLidocaine which may be injected?
300 mg without epi and 500 mg with epi
What is the maximum amount of the bupivicain which can be injected
175 mg for 225 mg
What is the ratio of epinephrine mixed with local anesthetic?
1: 200,000-400,000
Which anestheticIs contraindicated in patients under 12 years of age due to its effects on growth plates?
What is the primary effect of diuretics to facilitate water loss?
excrete salt
What type of diuretics may increase serum uric acid or hypokalemia
Loop diuretics
Name the Loop diuretic that is most commonly used
Lasix a.k.a. furosemide
What is the action on the heart by beta blockers?
Used to treat tachyarrhythmia’s, Text to prolong AV conduction, decrease heart rate, contractility and decrease Blood pressure