Arthropod Vocab Flashcards
Flea lifecycle
Adult on host -> eggs fall off host -> L1 -> L2 -> L3-> pupate -> find new host and become adult
louse infestation
Lice lifecycle
All on host! Adult-> egg on hair -> immature nymph -> molts -> adult
Stages don’t all look like adult
All stages look like small adult
anchors mite to host during bloodmeal
surrounds hypos tome of mite
mite uses to find host
mite infestation
Mite lifecycle
All on host! egg -> larva (6 legs) -> nymph (8 legs)-> protonymph -> deudtronymph -> adult (8 legs)
Tick lifecycle (3 host)
egg laid in environment- larvae hatch (6 legs)- find small mammal host- feed- fall off - become nymph (8 legs)- hop onto small mammal- feed- drop off- molt to adult (8 legs)- hop on large animal
One host tick
complete both molts on host
two host tick
first molt on host, second in environment
Hard ticks
scutum, visible mouthparts, each stage feeds once, feeding takes days, adult lays eggs once
Soft ticks
leathery coat, not visible mouthparts, feeds repeatedly, feeds for minutes or hours, lays eggs after each meal
Cutaneous bot of cattle lifecycle
eggs glued on hair of cow- eggs hatch- larvae move through skin to SQ tissues of the back- warbles form with breathing holes- larvae molts two times- stage 3 larvae exits and falls to ground- pupate in soil- adult finds new host
maggot infection (any type of fly)
Cuterebra life cycle
eggs laid near rabbit burrow- host moves by- hatch and larvae grabs on- migration- burrow SQ with breathing hole- larvae molt- larva emerge- burrows in soil and pupates- overwinters- adult fly emerges
Screw worm life cycle
Adults lay eggs on wounds- eggs hatch- maggots feed on living flesh- mature larvae leave host and pupate in soil- adults emerge from pupae
Ked life cycle
winged adult ked flies to a sheep- adult loses its wings when it lands- adults mate- adult female nourishes maggots within her uterus- maggots are born- maggots become pupae- pupae remain glued to sheep- mature to release an adult ked
Sheep nasal botfly life cycle
deposit clutch onto nares of sheep- l1 larvae migrate into nasal passage- 2 further instars- l3 larvae migrate back, sneezed out- burrow into ground before pupating
Stomach bot in horse lifecycle
eggs on hairs around lips- eggs hatch and larvae burrow- 2nd stage larvae migrate to stomach- mature larvae passed in feces- pupate in soil- release adults
molting pouches in what species?
sarcoptic mange burrowing