Arthritis Flashcards
5 broad categories of arthritis
- Degenerative )OA)
- inflammatory (RA, spondyloarthropathy, JIA)
- Crystal deposition (Gout, CPPD, HADD)
- hematologic
- metabolic
radiographic hallmarks of OA
Asymmetical joint space narrowing
sclerosis of subchondral bone
subchondral cystic change
lack of periarticular osteopenia
OA in hand
- Distribution in hand
- DIPs (2nd dip is most common). 1st CMC, PIPs.
Unlike RA, MCPs not usually involved
- Heberden node - soft tissue swelling around DIP
Bouchard node: swelling around PIP
- OA in shoulder - which view is best?
- OA in foot (which 2 joints)
- Grashey, shows loss of joint space
- 1st MTP - Hallux Rigidus.
talonavicular joint - dorsal beaking
OA in knee - tends to be bilateral
- Which compartment is most involved
- Which view is best for assessment of joint narrowing?
- asymmetric involvement of medial tibiofemoral comp.
- Standing weight bearing views.
OA in hip - tends to be bilateral
- Direction of femoral head migration?
- Femoral head migration is usually superiolateral, and less often medial. (axial migration is seen inRA)
Degenerative chane in spine - Vertebral body-disc articulations are cartilagenous joints
- What are 3 parts of intervertebral disck?
- Which joints in spine get OA (aka, which joints are synovail)
- findings of DDD
- Vacuum phenomenon vs. Kummel disease
- Complications of DDD
- Annulus fibrosis, nucleuous pulposis, cartilagenous endplates
- facet, atlanto-axial, uncovertebral, costovertebral, inferior inferior sacroiliac
- Dessication, disc endplate sclerosis, osteophytosis.
- Vacuum phenomenon. Gas in Disc, pathognomonic of DDD. Kummel: Gas in vertebral body. compression fracture - representing necrosis.
- Spinal stenosis, nf stenosis, spondylolisthesis.
DISH - Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis
- Describe
- A/w what?
- Exuberant osteophytes - at least 4 vertebral bodies.Normal disc spaces and SI joint.
- Ossification of posterior longitudinal ligament.
OA at the SI joint. Which area is affected?
Only inferior portion is effected because that is the synovial portion.
The upper 1/3 is syndesmotic ligament
Erosive OA
- clinical findings and demograpics
- Findings
- erroisve changes and swelling in hand. Occurs in elderly women
- swelling and erosions. Only in the hand. Distribution of OA
Central erosions = gullwing sign
- Which joints are involved
- radiographic hallmarks (5)
- Explain Marginal erosions and ‘bare areas”
- First foot and hands, then Cervical spine, knees, shoulders, and hips.
- marginal erosions (bare areas), soft tissue swelling, diffuse, symmetric joint space narrowing, periarticular osteopenia, joint subluxations
- Marginal erosions explanation: They occur because at the “bare areas” there is synovium directly on bone with no cartilage protection. Therefore, the inflammatory process eats the bone which is not protected by overlying articular cartilage
- RA in the hand/wrist.
- Earlierst radiographic sign?
- where are first erosions typically
- Late disease has bony ankylosis, irriducible ulnar deviation, and swan neck/boutiers. What is difference between swan neck and Boutiers
- MCPs, PIPs, carpal articulations. DIPs are usually spared.
- Articular soft tissue swelling. Periarticuluar osteopenia (synovitis and hyperemia)
- radial aspects of 2nd and 3rd metacarpal heads. bases of proximal phalanges, and ulnar styloid.
- Swan neck has DIP flexion
- RA in foot: Which joints are involved?
- RA in hip. Name of severe deformity in hip
- RA in knee
- MtP, talocalcaneonavicular
- Symmetric acetabular cartilage loss, axial migration of femoral head
Protrusio deformity is severe axial migration: >3mm medial deviation of femoral head beyond ilioischial line in males and >6mm in females
- All 3 joint compartments involved. Erosions not as prominent as you would think.
RA in spine - mostly cervical spine. Osteopenia, erosions of odontoid, facet joints, vertebral endplates, spinous process.
- Characteristic finding
- atlantoaxial subluxation (most commonly anterior, but can be any direction)
Anterior: Laxity of transverse ligament. >2.5mm ADI
Vertical: results from facet erosion and collapse. Protrosion of odontoid through foramen magnum.
Posterior: usually due to odontoid erosion or odontoid fracture.
- RA in shoulder - characteristic finding. Where do erosions occur?
RA can involve elbow in 1/3 of patients.
- chronic rotator cuff tears - high riding humerus.
Erosions occur at latera aspect of humeral heads, AC joints. Erosions may lead to penciling of distal clavicle
Seronegative Spondyloarthropathies - by definition RF negative. Usually HLA B27 positive
- Name the 4, Which are symmetric vs. asymmetric
- Which portion of the SI joint is involved?
Septic joint - unilateral
- Ankylosing Spondylitis and IBD associated (symmetric)
Reiter’s and psoriatic (asymmetric)
- Inferior portion is synovial