Arthritis Flashcards
4 major CT diseases:
Autoinflammatory or autoimmune disease:
In autoimmune diseases it is predominantly polymorphisms in adaptive immune system
Anti-nuclear antibodies
This patients have AB binding to nucleus which then bind to marker
Targets of an anti-nuclear antibody:
-Anti double stranded DNA binding ones-SLE commonly
SLE genetic predisposition:
- Increase in cell debris and lots of nuclei around
- High level of active B cells
- Promotes loss of tolerance so get antibodies to double stranded DNA
- ABs bind to antigens forming immune complexes and they get stuck in small blood vessels and activate and use up complement
Immune complexes
SLE symptoms:
- Skin-malar rash
- Kidneys-glomerulonephritis leading to acute renal failure
- Pleurisy with pleural effusion
- Pericarditis and pericardial effusion
- Joints-arthritis
- Autoimmune cytopenias
Immunological investigations
High levels of ds DNA antibodies
High ESR-due to high inflammation, CRP is often normal in lupus
C4 complement is low as complexes are using up complement
ANA pos and ds DNA pos, high ESR, low C4
Hydroxychloroquine-most patients
Commonly mycophenolate
Immunosuppression targets B cells
Compromise drug toxicity and disease activity
Primary Sjogren’s syndrome:
Primary Sjogrens syndrome investigations:
Unlike Lupus, don’t tend to be dsDNA positive
Ro and La positive
Not usually necessary to do lip gland biopsy
Management isn’t to immunopsuppress but is tear replacement because damage has already been done to glands and immunosuppressive drugs are very toxic
Idiopathic inflammatory myositis-What are the 2 types? Both affect muscles but dermatomyositis affects skin mainly
Especially proximal muscles. Typically around the thighs and sometimes upper arms
Dermatomyosis-heliotrop rash over eyes
Gottron’s papules
Shawl sign over chest
IIM: management and investigations
Manage with immunosuppression otherwise patients will become increasingly weak.
Steroid and then add in methotrexate
Systemic Sclerosis (scleroderma):
No ds-DNA positive
- Inflammation
- But also get activation of fibroblasts and fibrosis which underpins tightening of skin
- Activation of eosinophils-vascular disease
Scleroderma symptoms
Tightening of skin around fingers and particularly around the mouth