Arterial, venous and lymphatic disorders Flashcards
Describe the differences between an ATE and an arterial thrombosis
- Thromboembolism is the result of arterial infarction from a thrombus derived at a distant site
- The underlying arterial wall at the site of ATE is normal
- Thromboembolism is typically the result of stagnant or reduced blood flow, with infectious (esp. endocarditis) and neoplastic (especially pulmonary neoplasia) thomboembolism also possible.
- Arterial thrombosis occurs secondary to arterial wall damage usually due to high shear flow within a narrowed vessel
- Both diseases cause disruption of the blood flow to an arterial vascular bed.
Briefly describe the processes necessary for the development of an arterial thromboembolism
- Primary haemostasis occures with subendothelial collagen following vascular wall injury
- Platelet adhesion to the underlying collagen and vWF occurs
- Platelet activation and aggregation
- pro-aggregation factors are released
- Localised vasoconstriction occurs
- Coagulation cascade is triggered and secondary haemostasis begins
- Haemostatic plug forms and endothelial injury repair commences
- Pro-fibrinolytic mechanisms are activated to prevent excessive thrombus formation
For pathological thrombosis to form, a combination of the following must be present:
- Epithelial injury
- Blood stasis
- Hyper-coagulable state
Note the potential sites of localisation for an arterial thromboembolism and the associated clinical signs
- Kidney
- Renal pain
- Mesentery
- Acute abdominal pain
- Vomiting / diarrhoea
- Spleen
- Lethargy
- Anorexia
- Vomiting / diarrhoea
- Brain
- Variable neurological impairment depending on site of localisation
- Distal aorta
- Pelvic limb pain, weakness and neurological deficits
- Signs are due to ischaemic neuromyopathy
- Brachial artery
- As for aortic obstruction but to a single forelimb
- Smaller arteries
- Firm painful muscles locally
- +/- neurological deficits
Discuss the major contributing mechanisms to the development of ischaemic neuromyopathy in the setting of acute aortic ATE.
- There is an extensive network of collateral circulation in the vertebral system and epaxial muscles in the normal cat. In experimental aortic obstruction, this network maintains normal pelvic limb perfusion
- With thromboembolism, vasoactive substances including serotonin are released from platelets
- Serotonin in the descending aorta contributes to vasoconstriction to the collateral circulatory network
List the disease known to cause aortic thromboembolism in dogs and cats
- Cardiac disease
- Hyperadrenocorticism
- Iatrogenic - corticosteroid excess
- Protein losing nephropathy
- Immune mediated haemolytic anaemia
- Sepsis
- Endocarditis
- Pulmonary neoplasia
Discuss the major management considerations for dogs of cats with acute thromboembolism
- Preventing further / ongoing thrombus formation
- Note: given most originate elsewhere, identification of the underlying cause is necessary to plan rational treatment
- Improve blood flow to the infarcted region / organ
- Provide pain relief
- Identify and treat concurrent clinical conditions and provide appropriate supportive care.
Discuss the evidence around the use of unfractionated and low molecular weight heparin in dogs and cats with arterial thromboembolism
- Good evidence of efficacy in prolonging clotting in human medicine
- Dosing for adequate inhibition of clotting is variable and changes over time due to variation in circulating AT levels
- Monitoring of effective dosing is controversial
- Prolongation of baseline APTT by 1.5-2.0 has been proposed
- APTT may not correlate well with ciruclating UH
- anti-Xa monitoring may be useful
- Not been evaluated with regard to efficacy of thrombus inhibition
- Prolongation of baseline APTT by 1.5-2.0 has been proposed
- When used in dogs, individual dose adjustment is essential or it should not be used. Helmond et al showed good survival to 6 months with individualised doses (7/8), but poor survival if given a constant dose (1/7)
- Minimal evidence available
- Clinical trial data not published
- Doses of 100IU/kg SC q 12-24 hrs or 1-1.5 mg/kg SC q 12-24 hours have been reported
Discuss the practical and evidence based limitations to using heparin therapy for thromboprophylaxis in small animal practice
- Good evidence ot support the use of heparin in human medicine
- Evidence suggests heparin therapy can be effective at prolonging the APTT and inhibiting Factor Xa (measured by assessing anti Xa activity).
- Dosing in both dogs and cats can be highly variable
- Dosing needs adjustment over time - likely due to reductions in circulating AT
- APTT in cats may not correlate well with plasma unfractionate heparin concentration
- Initially, IV injection is required followed by SC injection each 6-8 hours
- Long courses of treatment are recommended in humans and small animals
- LMWH can be administered q 12 hours, but is more expensive
- Clinical trials demonstrating effective thrombus inhibition are lacking with LMWH in dog/cats
List the various thrombolytic therapies that have been assessed or used in small animal medicine
- Streptokinase
- Urokinase
- Tissue Fibrinogen Activator
Note when thrombolytic therapy may or may not be indicated in cats or dogs
- Thrombolytic therapy could be considered in patients with known cerebral, renal or splanchnic infarction
- Ideally, therapy needs to be commenced within 18 hours of initial clinical signs (or 6 hours if following human literature)
- It is often difficult to achieve a definitive diagnosis within this time frame for all but aortic TE.
- Treatment of aortic thromboembolism in cats is highly controversial due to the high prevalence of reperfusion injury - reported in 40-70 % of cases and the most common cause of death when thrombolytic therapy is used.
- A study looking at the use of tissue plasminogen activator revealed a similar % of reperfusion injury in treated versus non-treated cats
Briefly note the method of action of streptokinase and note available evidence for use in canine/feline patients.
- Streptokinase is derived from streptococci
- Can lead to antigenic stimulation and antibody production
- Complexes with plasminogen to form an activator complex - converts plasminogen to plasmin
- The complex converts both circulating and fibrin-bound plasminogen and is considered a non-specific plasmin activator
- No reports of streptokinase use since 2000?.
- High complication rate reported
- spontaneous bleeding in 24%, with 27% of those requiring blood transfusion
- Repurfusion injury reported in 40% - no worse than when not used in more recent reports
- Responses showing return of arterial pulse was present in ~50% of cases, with better responses when only a single limb was involved.
Briefly detail the method of action and evidence supporting the use of tissue plasminogen activator in cats (and dogs) with thromboembolic disease
- Tissue plasminogen activator is the major activator of plasmin in vivo
- t-PA does not bind to circulating plasminogen, but rather has a high affinity for fibrin.
- t-PA is bound within thrombi as is fibrin-associated plasminogen, resulting in fibrin specific conversion of plasminogen to plasmin and local thrombolysis.
- When administered in high doses, t-PA can cause a systemic proteolytic state and promote bleeding
- t-PA was used in 16 cats and retrospectively compared to SOC treatment in 38 cats with aortic thromboembolism affecting 2 limbs
- Survival and complication rates were similar between the two groups
- Under-powered study to identify a small difference
- Retrospective nature of the study of significant limitation
Discuss the therapeutic options for improving collateral circulation following acute arterial thromboembolism
- Collateral circulation appears to be inhibited by constriction secondary to release of vasoactive substances from platelets
- serotonin
- thromboxane
- Anti-platelet drugs such as aspirin and clopidogrel can inhibit platelet activation and aggregation or prevention of thromboxane production
- Clopidogrel - active metabolite irreversibly binds to membrane ADP binding site.
- Aspirin - inactivates COX-1 prevention thromboxane formation
- Initial high doses of clopidogrel can reduce circulating serotonin and a significant reduction in clinical signs associated with ATE has been demonstrated in experimental models
- Aspirin has been shown to reduce thromboxane release and improve collateral flow in experimental studies, but high doses are required - associated with toxicosis
- Clopidogrel may also reduce thromboxane production
- No objective clinical data to support their use, but clopidogrel could help and should not have significant adverse effects
ATE - Prevention
Discuss the difference between primary and secondary prevention of ATE
When might primary or secondary prevention be recommended?
- Primary prevention of ATE refers to administration of medications in a patient considered to be at risk of having an ATE event
- Secondary prevention refers to treatment with medications to limit or reduce the risk of a second or subsequent ATE in a patient having already suffered a known ATE.
- Primary prevention with clopidogrel is recommended in cats with cardiac disease when the left atrium is significantly enlarged (>1.7 cm) or LA:ao ratio of > 2.0.
- Clopidogrel is also recommended if there is evidence of spontaenous echo contrast in the left atrium / left auricle or a noted thrombus within the chamber
- Prevention should also be considered for patients with IMHA and PLN.
- Secondary prevention is recommended for all patients having a known ATE event
Detail the major findings to arise from the FAT CAT study:
Secondary prevention of cardiogenic thromboembolism in the cat
- Clopidogrel group: 443 days to recurrence of ATE
- Clopdigrel was dosed at 18.75 mg / cat PO q 24 hours
- Aspirin group: 192 days to recurrence of ATE
- Aspirin was dosef at 81 mg PO / cat q 72 hours
- No placebo group
- Significant reduction in the liklihood of recurrent ATE with clopidogrel versus aspirin
- Both drugs were well tolerated