Arterial Hypertension in children Flashcards
> 140/90 mmHg
SBP and / or DBP> 95th percentile for
age, sex and height at measurements on 3
different occasions.
- SBP or DBP between percentiles 90-95.
- Adolescents with BP 120/80 mm Hg will be considered prehypertension.
Indications for ABP measurements
< 3 years – in special cases:
◼ Affections from neonatal period,
◼ Congenital cardiac malformations,
◼ Renal affections or family history of familial renal disease,
◼ Intracranial hypertension,
◼ transplant,
◼ malignancy,
◼ Treatment with drugs that increase the BP,
◼ Other systemic diseases asociated with AHT (neurofibromatosis, tuberose sclerosis, etc).
Recommendations of BP
measurement in children
PREVIOUSLY: -RELAXATION, recreation min 5’.
NOT: food, drink exciting min 30 min prior
POSITION: seated with the arm supported at heart level, REST min 5’
WIDTH cuff
- 40% of the arm length and
80-100% of the circumference
Stethoscope: a brachial K1 and K5 (appearance and disappearance)
3 measurements x 3.
Attention tachycardia.
Family history of Essential AH
History of chronic renal disease, transplant
Other issues considered risk factors:
- low birth weight,
- malnutrition,
- smoking in adolescents,
- excessive consumption of energy drinks, - sleep apnea syndrome
Medication: sympathomimetic, oral contraceptives, steroids
headache, vertigo, dizziness,
epistaxis, faintness, visual
disturbances, tinnitus, etc.
PREHYPERTENSION - > Measure BP in 6 months
AH STD I - > X 2, in 1-2 weeks
AH STD II -> Confirmation in 1 week
Most common cause of HTN in neonates
1) Thrombosis/stenosis of the renal artery, 2) kidney malformations,
3) Co Ao,
4) bronchopulmonary dysplasia
Most common causes of HTN in Infant-6ys
1) renal parenchymal disease,
2) coarctation of the aorta,
3) renal artery stenosis
Most common causes of HTN in 6-10 ys
1) renal parenchymal disease,
2) renal artery stenosis,
3) essential HT
Most common causes of HTN in Adolescent
1) renal parenchymal disease,
2) essential HT,
3) obesity
Renal AHT
3 - 30% AHT in adult,
and between 1⁄2 - 2/3 in
children, being the most frequent
secondary AHT.
There are 2 forms:
◼ renoparenchimal AHT
◼ renovascular AHT
Renoparenchimal AHT
◼ In acute and chronic nephropathy
◼ There is a
- good corelation between volemy and ABP,
the diminished or absence of the plasmatic renin and high total peripheral resistence.
The most frequent renoparenchimal AHT are due to:
Acute or chronic glomerulonephrites
Chronic atrophic pielonephrites,
Renal polycystic disease
Wilms and juxtaglomerular cell tumors
Collagen diseases and others
Renovascular AHT
1-2 % in all AHT in adult.
↑in children
Low renal irigation due to the
- stenosis,
- trombosis,
- oclusion or compresive tumor at the renal artery,
- ↑ plasmatic renin,
- hipovolemy and high neurogen activity.