Arterial Gross Anatomy Flashcards
Proximal to arch the 1st branches of Ascending Aorta are the?
Coronary artery
Divides into the right common carotid and subclavian arteries
Innominate/ brachiocephalic
Runs laterally to outer border of 1st rib becoming axillary artery
Subclavian artery
After giving off several branches becomes brachial artery
Axillary artery
Branches into the radial and ulnar arteries at the inner aspect of the elbow also known (antecubital fossa).
Brachial artery
Runs down the lateral/ thumb side of the hand and terminates in deep palmar arch
Radial artery
Travels down Medial/pinky side a forearm and terminates in Superficial Palmer arch
Ulnar artery
Predominant source of blood flow to the hand
Ulnar artery
Supplies stomach liver pancrea duodenum spleen
Celiac artery
Branches and to left gastric splenic and common hepatic arteries
Celiac artery (the first branch)
Supplies the small intestine cecum parts of colon
Superior mesenteric artery (SMA)
Located about one cm distal to the celiac artery
Can be a common trunk of the celiac artery and (normal variant)
Superior mesenteric artery
Supply blood to the kidneys supra renal glands ureters
Renal arteries
Collateral pathway
In ________, a Landmark for locating __________ is the left renal V which crosses the aorta anteriorly; the artery being just posterior
left renal artery
Comes off left side of the aorta
Inferior mesenteric artery
Arises from abdominal Aorta about 3 to 4 cm above bifurcation
Inferior mesenteric artery
Most distal branches of the aorta carrying blood to the pelvis abdominal wall in lower limbs
Common iliac arteries (CIA)
The common iliac arteries divides into
Internal iliac artery
External iliac artery
Internal iliac artery
Travels along the medial side of the psoas major muscle. Passing underneath inguinal ligament, becomes the
Common femoral artery
Runs the length of the thigh, and ends at the adductor canal, or hunter’s canal), becomes the popliteal.
Superficial femoral artery
Arises 5 cm. From the inguinal ligament on the lateral side and can act as a collateral connection
Deep femoral (profunda femoris) artery
Anterior tibial, posterior tibial, peroneal
Starts at the adductor hiatus and terminates into the anterior and posterior tibia arteries
Popliteal artery
Genicular branches (known as all the little branches)
Popliteal artery
First branch of the distal popliteal A.
Anterior tibial artery
At its lower end becomes _________ and is directed across dorsum of foot towards base of great toe
Dorsalis pedis A. (DPA)
Major branch of DPA
Deep plantar artery
Extends obliquely down posterior/medial side of the leg
Posterior tibial artery
Major branches of the PTA
Lateral and medial plantar arteries
Supplies structures of the lateral side of leg/foot, travels down medial side of the fibula bone
Peroneal A.
Branch of the PTA which unites with the deep plantar A.
Lateral plantar A.
Consists of deep plantar artery (branch of DPA)
Plantar arch
Transport gases, nutrients and other essential substances to the capillaries
Considered resistance vessels
Regulating blood flow through contraction and relaxation (to give O2)
Nutrients and waste products are exchanged between the tissue and blood (where everything happens semiperneable)
Smooth endothelium (thin)
Tunica intima/inner layer
Smooth muscle and connective tissue, largely of the elastic type
Tunica media/intermediate layer
Somewhat thinner than media
Contains fibrous connective tissue
Tunica externa/outer layer
Tunica externa/outer layer
Adventitial layer contains the
Vasa vasorum
Has it’s own blood supply
Adventitial layer