Artemis Greek God Of The Moon Flashcards
First African American actrees to win a tony for best actress in a play
Born in Houston in 48
Phu lisha ruh shad
Lena younger - rasain in the sun
Most known for Tv role - Clara hux duh bul
One of thr first women multi millionaire from starting own billion dollar company in 63
Born in hot wells Texas in 1918
Mary K ash
She and representatives are best remembered for color of car
Allison mom sold in driveway haha
Served as first female majority leader of a state representative of any state in arizona senate
Enrolled in Stanford at 16
Born in El Paso Texas but grew up on a 198K acre cattle ranch in Arizona
Sandra day O’Connor
Awarded presidential medal of freedom
3 years after her decision to retire in 09
First Supreme Court
Lady bird Johnson first
Claudia - no German model born in 70 ( shef er )
LBJ -36
She has a combined 30 Olympic
And world championship medals - most decorated in her sport , only second behind 2 commies
Simone biles - gymnast
1 of 2 major league players to have his number retired by 3 teams
Born in Texas
Nolan Ryan - rangers Astros ? Mets ?
Other is frank Robinson
Only wnba team to win championship 4 times in a row
Houston comets
By Cheryl swoops Tina Thompson Cynthia turner
Astros original team name
Started in 62
Colt 45s
Also a malt liquor
Worlds largest statue and of an American
Sam Houston the father of Texas - actually born in Virginia
Called tribute to courage
Located in Huntsville Texas
Statue of Liberty - a French girl
Presidents born in Texas
LBJ Lyndon baines Johnson
Dwight Eisenhower
W born in Connecticut
Bushes spent most of life on east coast
HW made most of money developing off shore oil rigs
In early 1900 a category 4 hurricane struck the shoreline of this US city killing 8K and destroying 20 M in property (700 M today value )
Deadliest hurricane and national disaster in US
Galveston Texas- was the big growing city in Texas but them movement to Houston and Dallas to get away from
Galveston cowboys
Haile of Ethiopia
First president to be born after American revolution and only president to speak English as second language
Martin van buren
Spoke Dutch
Old kinder hook
Books in George RR Martin series
Song of ice and fire -1
A clash of kings -2
A storm of swords -3
A feast for crows - 4
A dance with dragons -5
Winds of winter - 6
Vaguely autumnal title of 93 counting crows debut album with hit singles mr Jones and round here
August and everything after
The name of this automaker is taken from Latin translation of the name of its founder august horsche-
horsche- which is the German word for listen
Like audio
4 rings come from merging of 4 separate German automakers
Audi cornish r e Shapiro Alicia Chang Mary Louise Kelly are current hosts of this news program
All things considered
Oldest active parliament
In existence since 930
All thing
In 20 hilder gooth mull dulcher became the first from this country to win an academy award winning best original score for this movie
For joker
Also won emmy for best original Score for Chernobyl
Thunderstruck band
National language of Pakistan
A town in this country is the namesake for 4 different elements on periodic table
Sweeden - 5th largest in Europe ?
It ter be
Elements are
Yuh ter b um
Er b um
Yit tree um
Ter b um
This country electrical Grid ran off of 99.6% of renewable energy in 19
Costa Rica
How many years after inception in 1917 did it take for a woman to win the Pulitzer Prize
4 years
Edith Wharton - age of innocence in 21
When mixed with a little bit of water this seed which is also lowest value card in original game of Pitt can be used in place of an egg for vegans
Flaxen colored hair light hair
Chia also an egg alternative but not lowest value card in original game of Pitt
Dolly Parton Grammy wins
Parton has earned eleven Grammy Awards (including her 2011 Lifetime Achievement Award) and a total of 54 Grammy Award nominations, the second most nominations of any female artist in the history of the prestigious awards, following behind Beyoncé
Montenegro neighbor to the south
Disney film with hit song we don’t talk about Bruno
Apostle of Ireland, for short
St Pat
Boston Red Sox mascots
Wally the green monster
Little sister tessie the green monster
Space pioneer first and only person publicly acknowledged as an LGBTQ astronaut
Sally ride
First woman in space
Obviously first queer woman in space
World premiere insurance comapny since 1600s
Lloyds of London
In this computer adeventure game the 4 main ages that could be visited were selenitic stoneship mechanical and channel wood
The book eat this not that supermarket survival guide says to avoid anything with this on the box
A cartoon
German scientists have discovered a fungicide that they named foe this action star
Keanu reeves
Mih sins
Bury my heart and wounded knee by dee brown is a history of this group in the US
Indigenous peoples