Art, Revolution, and National Identity Flashcards

Benjamin West, Charles Willson Peale, c. 1767

Charles Willson Peale, Worthy of Liberty, Mr. Pitt Scorns to Invade the Liberties of Other People, c. 1769

Charles Willson Peale, Washington as a Colonel in the Virginia Regiment, 1772

Charles Willson Peale, George Washington, 1776

Charles Willson Peale, Washington at the battle of Princeton, 1784

Charles Willson Peale, George Washington, 1787

Charles Willson Peale, Washington after the Battle of Princeton, Jan. 3, 1777, 1789-92

Jean Antoine Houdon, George Washington, 1788

Charles Willson Peale, William Smith and His Grandson, 1788

Charles Willson Peale, The Artist’s Mother, Mrs. Charles Peale and her Grandchildren, c. 1783

The Peale Family

Charles Willson Peale, The Staircase Group, 1795

Charles Willson Peale, Exhumation of the Mastadon, 1805-08

Charles Willson Peale, The Artist in his Museum, 1822

John Trumbull, Self Portrait, 1777

John Trumbull, George Washington, 1780

John Trumbull, Death of Gen.Warren at the Battle of Bunker Hill, June 17,1775, 1786

John Trumbull, Death of General Montgomery in the Attack on Quebec, 1786

John Trumbull, The Declaration of Independence, 1786

John Trumbull, The Capture of the Hessiens at Trenton, Dec. 26, 1776, 1786

John Trumbull, Surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown, 1781

John Trumbull, Washington Before the Battle of Trenton, 1793

Sir Joshua Reynolds, General John Burgoyne, circa 1766