Art of South and Southeast Asia after 1200 Flashcards
the Bodhisattva
By James Torrance (1850s - 1910s)
Bodhisattvas are enlightened beings who postpone nirvana and buddhahood to help others achieve enlightenment. They are distinguished from buddhas in art by their princely garments. This bodhisattva is lavishly adorned with delicate ornaments: a bejeweled crown, large earrings, a pearl necklace, armbands, and bracelets. A striped cloth covers his lower body. The graceful bending posture and serene gaze impart a sympathetic attitude
Qutb Monar
In Dehli, India
1199 - 1220
This minaret was begun by Aibak and completed under his successor, Iltutmish. It stands over 237 feet high and was among the tallest structures in South Asia at the time. It was constructed of sandstone in five segments, each of which is marked by the presence of a balcony that encircles the tower
Jahangir and Shah Abbas
A symbolic representation of peace, Jahangir’s dominant portrayal, the use of a globe as a backdrop, and the painting’s likely function as a propaganda tool to project power