Art Flashcards
Name of instrument that measures temperature and humidity
Optimum temperature
20-22 degrees celcius
Light level for paper
50 lux
Who painted Flowers
Who painted metamorphosis Ned Kelly
Albert Tucker
What are the art principles? X7
Repetition, rhythm, balance, contrast, space, scale, pattern
Name of art elements x8
Shape, tone, texture, form, colour, sound, light, line
Moral rights involve 3 areas
Reputation, is it offensive?
Manipulation: Has the work been harmed or manipulated in a way the artist does not want
Appropriation x2
The use of elements, imagery or style in the creation of a new work
Often making a statement about originality, art, politics, so must be careful about moral and copy right
Copyright law x3
Protection from date of creation against direct copying
Life of artist plus 70 years
To explicitly copy another’s work you need written permission from artist or copyright owner
If permission not granted, plagiarism applies and allows artist to take legal action
Copyright act 1968
Photography, c lasts 70 years from when image taken, not printed
Aboriginal art, symbols and colours are protected
Licensing Agreement x3
An arrangement between artist and another to use the work for a set amount of time
Must not breach moral rights
May involve payment of a fee
Who painted ‘the bride’ series?
Arthur Boyd
What is optimum relative humidity?
50 % plus or minus 5
Mould grows at 68%
Art damaged by x7
Light Humidity Temperature Insects Dust Pollutants Vibration
Charles Meere
Died 1961 Australian Beach Pattern Oil on canvas 1940 Bondi, athletic, casual, white Picture postcard style