ART 100 - Final Exam Flashcards
irregular shapes that resemble the freely developed curves found in living organism
organic shapes
shapes that are created by the presence of the positive shapes: also known as “ground”
negative shapes
the best way to have a good idea is
generate lots of ideas
when areas of positive and negative are about equal in a design, and the shapes are interlocking __ can be achieved
figure-ground reversal
which of the following is NOT an element of design
these shapes imply movement
Dynamic shapes
when brainstorming it is best to __
be open to all ideas
curvilinear and rectilinear are examples of this category of shape
According to Adam Grant, which of the following is a quality of an “original”
Procrastination, questioning the status quo, fear of failure, ALL OF THE ABOVE
Time management can help you avoid
A line that describes the edge of an object, and can also define its interior planes and shapes
Contour lines
that which is desired from the mind, instead of physical reality and reflects a personal bias, emotion, or innovative interpretation the opposite of objective
A ___ is the path of a moving point made by a tool, instrument or medium as it moves across the area. Also a mark that is longer than it is wide
Grit is
A combination of passion and perseverance towards long term goals
___ criticism is used to access how ell a work of art or deign utilizes the elements and principles of design, while __ criticism is used to describe the personal impact of an image, the narrative implications of an idea or the cultural ramification of an action
Objective, Subjective
The three aspects to consider when evaluating a of a work of art are
form, subject, content
which of the following is NOT physical characteristic of line
when trying to push an idea, what should you do
reorganize elements, add, subtract , multiply and divide, transform elements, ALL OF THE ABOVE