Arson (PT 1) **Police instructions** Flashcards
Who must all Police co-operate with at a fire, suspected fire or other emergency (S.32, Fire Service Act 1975)?
With the person in charge of the Fire Service at a fire.
A person in charge of the Fire Service at a fire is charged with the directions of operations, Section 28 of the Fire Service Act 1975, the powers confer the right to do what?
- Enter private property, when it is on fire/or endangered or entry is essential to preform a necessary duty.
- Close roads.
- Remove vehicles which are impeding the fire service, if necessary can break into vehicle.
- Remove people who are in danger/or interfering with operations, using reasonable force if necessary.
- Do anything else that is reasonably necessary for the protection of life and property.
Do Police have the power to exercise duties under section 28 of the Fire Service Act 1975?
Police may exercise powers if called upon by the member of the fire service in charge of the fire.
Police officers have NO right to exercise these powers simply because they are present at a fire.
In relation to Fire and Police MOU, what do both agencies want to ensure when determining the origin and cause of fires?
- Investigations of fire scenes by fire and police are efficiently coordinated, and expertly and independently conducted; and
- Any relevant evidence is protected and collected for potential criminal prosecutions or coronial enquiries.
What are the 2 circumstances that the fire service will notify police regarding a fire?
- A fire results in serious injury or death
- A fire is considered suspicious
(Police established) Fire Investigation liaison officers (FILO) have the responsibility for?
- attending every fire which results in Serious Injury or Death.
- co ordinate fire investigations in there area/district
- arrange police attendance at fire scenes where required
- maintain effective working relationship with Fire service investigation liaison officer and fire service specialist fire investigators
- assist area/district with fire investigation related queries
- Ensure communication with, Police national fire investigation co ordinator, Police district intelligence manager and district manager criminal investigations, where appropriate
- co ordinate fire investigation training for any Police employees within the area or district, where needed.
- providing other advice and expertise as required.
Fire service employs specialist fire investigators, they will be called to attend and investigate what?
- fires where fatalities occur
- fires where serious (life threatening) fire related injury has occurred
- structure fires where the cause is suspicious or cannot be determined
- significant fire spread across a property boundary
- fires in buildings where built in safety features have failed, or not preformed to known or expected standards.
- structure fires of 3rd alarm equivalent (at least 6 appliance) or greater, that may have a significant regional or national consequence; and
- any other fire upon request from Police or another agency.
What is the minimum amount of specialist fire investigators required at any fire related fatality or life threatening injury which has occurred?
Two specialist fire investigators will be called to attend and support an investigation where there is a fire related fatality or life-threatening injury has occurred.
The fire service has designated fire service investigation liaison officers, they have a responsibility for?
- arranging fire service specialist fire investigators attendance at fire scenes where requested by police
- establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with relevant police fire investigation liaison officers in their respective area/district
A specialist fire investigator will liaise with the designated fire investigation liaison officer (where applicable) or other member of Police in relation to what matters?
- handover of the fire scene
- access to the fire scene
- process for examination and investigation
- identification and collection of evidence at the fire scene
What is the Police responsibility in relation to a fire investigation?
- Conduct the criminal investigation or coronial enquiry
- Undertake responsibility for the protection, collection and recording of forensic evidence
Fire scenes are unstable environments, the fire scene may be safe initially, however, may become unsafe during the post fire incident investigation (due to the effects of the fire). risk assessments must remain UPDATED and REVIEWED to ensure staff safety, investigators often find themselves?
- Searching through unstable structures
- Excavating the scene to identify the cause of the fire
At fire scenes, what hazards cause the most injuries?
- inhalation of toxic substances
- ingestion of particles
- cuts/wounds from sharpe objects
- air borne dust/particles
- tripping on fire debris
- falling down, over, onto or into any obstructions or cavities
- items from above falling onto you or hitting objects and causing a chain reaction
To identify the best method of protection (in relation to hazards), you must consider?
- An assessment of each of the above (hazards)
- A strategy to prevent an occurrences or to mitigate its impact
What protective clothing must be used by the on-scene investigator?
- a suitable helmet (complies with safety standards)
- overalls
- nose and mouth filter, a full face respirator or full BA
- gloves
- safety glasses
- heavy duty footwear with steel soles and toe caps
What are the four main building materials?
- Timber (take note of the thickness and load it is carrying, and any sound emanating from structure).
- Steel
- Concrete
- Masonry