Arrthymias Flashcards
In supaventricular arrthymias, where can rhythms be initiated?
SA node
AV node
Atrial muscle
If an arrthymia starts from the AV node, what rhythm is it called
Junctional rhythm
What rhythms have narrow QRS complex?
Supraventricular arrhytmias
What rhythms have broad QRS complex?
Ventricular arrythmias
What is 1 example of non-ventricular arrythmia with broad QRS complex?
What are escape rhythms?
When ventricular contraction depolarisation is not initiated by the SA node. - AV node, septal, bundle of His, or ventricular
What is an extrasystole?
Aka ectopics, when conduction comes early from non-sinus nodal areas
How to tell the difference between supraventricular and ventricular ectopic?
Supraventricula ectopics have normal qrs complexes
What type of extrasystole affects p wave timing?
Supraventricular extrasystole