Arrival Of The British And The Expanding Frontiers Of European Settlement Term 4 Flashcards
Who were the original inhabitants of the Cape?
The Khoi and San
When did the Dutch begin to colonize the Cape?
The mid 17th century
Look at the picture.
Where was this engraving done?
Who are the people?
What are they doing?
What is your impression of the engraving is it an accurate reflection
Dutch Settlers trading with the Khoi Khoi at the Cape
The engraving is subjective showing the Dutch to be more powerful
How did the Dutch get to the Cape?
By Ship
Who challenged the Dutch for power in the Cape and in which century did this take place?
The British in the 18th Century
What does proclaimed mean?
To publically announce something
What is a frontier?
An area of land where two different groups meet and fight for control of the land
Give the dates of the 3 frontier wars and who they were fought between
The fronter wars were fought between the Dutch and the Xhosa
True or False
The proclaimation of the Fish River as the frontier between the Cape Colony and the Xhosa was agreed by both sides
The procalimation by the Dutch was done without consultation with the Xhosa
What is an expanding frontier and describe how this happened between the Dutch and the Xhosa?
An expanding frontier is one when one group begins to control more of the land.
The frontier beween European settlers and Xhosa inhabitants expanded as the settlers took more and more control and more land.
What two rivers marked the boundaries of the land occupied by Xhosa communities
Sundays River and Fish River
What was the name given to this area of land by the Trek Boers?
What does it mean?
Why was this area important?
Means Sour Grass
The sour grass provided good grazing for cattle and sheep during Summer. The sweet grass of the river valleys of the Zuurveld provided good grazing in Winter
What is the practice of gaining political control over another country?
What is a raid and what context is it used in, in relation to the European settlers and local communities
A raid is a surpise attack on people also to steal cattle.
Both the Trekboer and Xhosa communities kept cattle and would raid from one another
When did the British arrive in the Cape and how did they gain control?
The British arrived in 1795.
The won control of the Cape at the Battle of Muizenburg defeating the French
Why did the British want control of the Cape?
To secure the profitable sea route to the East
True or False The third frontier was was fought under the Dutch
False it was fought under the British
True or False the Xhosa and Khoi Khoi communities worked for the Dutch and chased out the British settlers
What took place in 1803?
The Cape was given back to the Dutch as part of a peace treaty
How long did the peace treaty last and what happened afterwards?
The peace treaty lasted for 3 years until 1806 when once again the British took over the Cape colony