Arrival In madeenah / MAsjid un Nabawee Flashcards
chapter 1 and 2
Who did Rasoolullah sent to Makkah and who did he bring (2)
- Sayyidina Zaid Bin Hoaith and Sayyidina Aboo Raff with 2 camels, 500 dirahmas
- Fatima, Umme Kulthum, Umme Aymen
Nikkah of Rasoolullah and Sayyidina Ayesha date
10th year of Nubuwwat
Nikkah of Sayyidina Fatima & Ali (5 Points)
- 2nd of Hijra
- Fatima (15) & Ali (20)
- Mahr was 480 Dirhams
- Rasoolullah gave his daugther Bamboo, reed bedstead, quilt of date palm leaves, leather water bag , 2 grindsones , 2 earthen water pots (2)
Muaakhaat meaning
What is Hoojra
PRivate dweliing for woemen in mosque
where was masjid un nabawee made (3points)
In the former land of the Ansari orphans, Sahl and Suhail Bin Amr Najjari
1. Rasoolullah paid 10 dinars
2. In the masjid there was a section of the masjid called “Hoojra”
What month was the masjid made in Madeenah
Where did prophet (as) ‘s camel stop in medina (1 point) + Extra point included
Camel sopped at the uncultivated piece of land belonged to the orphans of Banno Najjar
EXTRA: Aminah, Mother of Rasoolullah was from Banno Najjar
Name of Rasoolullah’s Camel
When did Rasoolullah arrive Madina(1point) + EXTRA POINT INCLUDED
- Friday 12th Rab-l-Awwal
2. He delivered the first Jummah Khutbah
What happened in Quba
Foundation of the first Masjid; Masjid-Al-Quba
Who attempted to attacked Rasoolullah? Explain what happend
- Suraqa Bin Malik, Quraish warrior
- The legs of the warrior’s horse sacnk into rock ground
- He beged for Rasollulllah’s forgiveness and returned to Makkah
- Rasoolullah stayed in Quba for 14 days
When did Rasoolullah leave and who guided them(3 Points)
They left cave 3 days after (1) and Abdullah Bin Areeqat (2 ) guided them to the west cost(3)
What was the reward for catring Rasoolullah
100 camels
What happend in the cave?
Pigen layed eggs and spider made a web at the entrance
Where d Rasoolullah hide from the Quraish
Cave of Thor
Who left wih Rasoolullah
Aboo Bakr
Describe what happend before Rasoolullah left Makkah (6 Points)
- The Quraish were planning on assasinating Rasoolullah
- Aboo Jahl suggested different men from different triben attacked him together
- Rasoolullah recivied a divine command to migrate that night
- Sayindina Ali spent the night in Rasoolulah’s bed & to return all the goods and property that was left on his trust(2)
- Rasoolulah recited the first 9 ayat of YASEEN over sands and left
When did Rasoolullah (as) levae Makkah
13th Nubuwwat