Arria 3 Flashcards
Scribonianus arma in Illyrico contra Claudium moverat
Scribonianus had taken up arms against Claudius in Illyria
Fuerat Paetus in partibus et occiso Scriboniano Ronam trahebatur
Paetus had been (involved) in the conspiracy and after Scribonianus had been killed, was dragged to Rome.
Erat ascensurus navem
He was about to go on board the ship
Arria milites orabat ut simul imponerertur
Arria was begging the soldiers to put her on board at the same time
Nonne inquit dabatis consulari viro servos aliquos, quorum e manu cibum capiat, a quibus vestiatur, a quibus calcietur?
Surely she said you are going to give some slaves to a man of consular rank out of whose hand he might take food, by whom he might be dressed, by whom he might be shod.
Omnia haec ego sola paraestabo.
I shall take care of all these things on my own.
Non impetravit
She did not succeed
Conduxit puscatoriam naviculam, ingentemque navem minima secuta est.
She hired a small fishing boat and followed the huge ship in her very small one.