Arrays Flashcards
Pick from both sides
Given integer array A of size N you can pick B elements from either left or right end of the array, and return the maximum sum.
If B=4, n=10, you can pick 4 from left, 4 from right, or 1 from left end and 3 from right end and so on.
Two pointer and sliding window concept.
Maintain 2 pointers l and r for number of elements on left end and right end resp. Intially l=B, r =0.
sum= sum of first b elements, res= sum
Now we keep decreasing the number of elements on left by one and increasing those on right by one. Instead of calculating sum again, we use sliding window concept. That is we subtract the element we are excluding from the sum and add the new element on the right which we are now including.
Rather than calculating the whole sum again.
Res is Max of two
Update values of l and r and repeat as long as l greater than or equal to 0
Infinite Grid
On an infinite Grid, you can move in any one of the 8 directions. Given a sequence of points and the order in which you need to cover those points, find the minimum number of steps you can achieve it
For any two given points, we can have a rectangle formed by them of height h and breath b. Now to reach from one points to another in minimum steps, we move on the diagonal as much as we can, and cover the remaining part either horizontally or vertically.
No of diagonal steps=min(b,h)
No of remaining steps= max(b,h)- min(b,h)
Total= max(b,h)
This is for two given points. We need to repeat this for every two consecutive points in the array and add the total steps.
steps+= max( abs(a[i+1]-a[i]) , abs(b[i+1], b[i]))
Minimum lights to activate
A corridor n units long has lights in each unit. The light at ith position is 0 if it is faulty, otherwise 1. All lights are of power B, and when placed at position x can light the corridor from x-b+1 to x+b-1. Initially all lights are off. Return the min number of lights to be turned on to light the white corridor.
At a given position we look for the rightmost bulb in the window which can cover this position. The adv of looking for the rightmost bulb is that it can cover more elements to its right as well. That is more coverage.
Initially i=0
While i less than n repeat the following
right= min(i+b-1,n-1)
Left= max(0,i-b+1)
found= false
Starting from right search for bulb non faulty. It will definitely cover the current position as it is in its window.
If found is false return -1( as no working bulb in the window to light the current position) Else, count++ and jump to right+ b and repeat.
Maximum sum triplet
Given an array a of n integers, find the max sum of triplets ai +aj+ak such that i
For an element at a given position i in the array, we can get max sum including this element if we consider the greatest element on to its right, and the just smaller element on to its left. This will ensure that the sum is Max for the case we include this current element. We do this for every position and return the max of all such sums.
For this we maintain a right suffix array which stores the maximum element onto the right side of the given element.
We make use of set to find the just smaller element. We include all elements upto the current position including the current element. Search for current element in the set should return an iterator. The just smaller element will be at it-1.
Sum= *it-- + a[i]+ suffix[i] res= max(res, sum)
Given a non negative number represented as an array of digits, add 1 to the number. The digits are stored such that MSD is at the head of the list.The input can have 0s before MSD, the output cannot.
Find the starting index not including the zeros. Initialise carry as 1 Starting from the end till start index, If(a[i]+c >9) then a[i]=0, carry is 1 Else a[i]+=c, carry is 0 Push a[i] to new vector x
Do not forget to check if c=1 after processing element at start index. If so push 1 to the new vector.
Now reverse the vector and return
Maximum absolute difference
Given an array of n integers, return max Val of f(i,j) for all 1<=i<=j<=n , f(i,j) =|a[i]-a[j]|+ |i-j|
Let us consider 4 cases 1 a[i]>a[j] and i>j f(i,j) =(a[i]+i ) +(a[j]+j) 2. So on.
Max1=max(max1, a[i]+i)
Min1=min(min1, a[i]+i)
Max2=max(max2, a[i]-i)
Min2=min(min2, a[i]-i)
The above 4 cases fall under one of the 2 categories
Res= max( max1-min1, max2-min2)
Given a 1D array, count the number of ways to split the array into 3 contiguous parts, such that the sum of elements in each part is same.
Firstly check if the sum of the entire array is a multiple of 3. Else return 0
Maintain a prefix array which stores the indexes from left upto which the element sum to sum. There can be multiple indices as there can be zeros in the array( negative numbers?) So this way we are finding the partion on the left end which will add upto sum.
Similarly maintain a right suffix array which store index from right upto which elements add to sum. Again, there can be multiple.
For i in prefix and j in suffix, the region between prefix(i) to suffix(j) will anyway add upto sum. No need to check explicitly.
There should be atleast one element between prefix(i) and suffix(j) for third partition. So suffix(j) >= prefix(i)+2. For every such i and j we increment the count by one.
Given a binary string of char 0 and 1, in a single opery you choose 2 indices l and r, and flip all elements between l and r so that the number of one’s in the final string is maximum.
Everytime we flip a 0 we get one extra 1, everytime we flip a 1 we lose a one. So we can associate +1 to 0 and -1 to 1. In such an array the solution to the above problem reduces to finding the maximum contiguous array, which can be found using Kadanes algo.
Sort array with squares
Given a sorted array a with n elements both positive and negative, you need to create another array containing the squares of all elements in a and return it in non decreasing order.
That is if there is a 5 and -5 in the array, the sorted array of squares should contain 2 25s
We can make use of maps. For every element in the given vector, we find the square of the element and and use it as an index of the map. Everytime we get the same square either because of positive or negative elements, we increment the frequency of the square in the map. Then we iterate through the map and push the square into answer vector frq number of times.
Max number from list
Given a list of non negative numbers, arrange them such that they form the largest number.
We make use of custom sort function. static bool comp( int x, int y) { String X1= to_string(x) String y1= to_string(y) return (X1+y1> y1+X1}
We just sort the array using this custom sort function and they will be sorted in the order we want. Just traverse from left to right and convert each element to string and add to ans
What is the intuition behind custom sort func?
Rotate image by 90 degrees in place
Rotation by 90 degrees can be done by first transposing the given matrix followed by reversing the rows
Find permutation.
Given a positive integer n and a string s containing only letters i and d, find any permutation of first n positive numbers that satisfy the given string.
If i, pick the smallest number available, this would ensure that any number is greater than it, thus satisfying the condition i.
Similarly, if d, pick the greatest number available so that any number is lower than it.
Merge overlapping intervals
First sort the intervals in the increasing order of their first values.
Now res=0, i=1
Repeat while i is less than n
If there is an overlap between a[res] and a[i], then merge. a[res].end will be the max of a[res].end and a[i].end. similarly start will be the minimum of the two.
Else if there is no overlap, then res++,
a[res]= a[i]
Answer will be all the intervals upto res.
Noble integer
Given an integer array, find if an integer p exists such that the number of integers greater than p is equal to p. Return 1 if exists else -1
Cannot just order in decreasing order and check if a[i]=i, as there can be repeating digits.
Instead use a map to store the frequencies of each element.
Iterate through the map. This would be in increasing order. So the number of elements greater would be n-sum, where sum is sum of second values.
If(i.first==n-sum) return 1 else -1
Next permutation
Implement next permutation which rearranges numbers in numerically next greater permutation of the numbers in the given array. If not possible then Inc order
Observe that every lexographic entry has a Inc part on its right. Find position starting from the right where a[i] <a></a>