Arp Flashcards
Days of Creation
- Light
- Atmosphere
- Earth / Plants
- Sun, Moon, Stars
- Birds / Sea animals
- Land animals / Humans
- Sabbath Rest
Covenant of Redemption (God)
Covenant Works w/Adam
Covenant of Grace
Abrahamic Gen 15 & 17 Sign Circ.
Mosaic sign Law
Davidic sign Kingdom
There are five main types of sacrifices, or offerings, in the Old Testament.
Mostly Leviticus
1 The burnt offering (Lev 1
- the grain offering (Lev 2
- the peace offering (Lev 3;
- the sin offering (Lev 4/ 5. the trespass offering (Lev 5:
Day of Atonement
Yom Kippur
Lev 16 / 23
High Preist -sacrifice bull - holy of holies - sprinkle blood on ark
Jesus “It is finished”
Heb 7/8
12 Tribes
descendents of the 12 sons of Jacob
Deut 27
10 Commandments
Ex 20
- No other Gods
- No idol / worship
- No misuse the name of the Lord your God.
- Remember and keep the Sabbath day holy.
- Respect your father and mother.
- No murder.
- No adultery.
- No steal.
- No false evidence
- No Envy
Josh 7
Hid idols in tent
Grace - God limited wrath.
Cities of Refuge
6 cities where one guitly of accidental manslaughter could find asylum.
Protection from “blood for blood” justice .
“Everyone did right in own eyes.”
- one who brings justice - a champion
Repeating Cycle faithful stray suffer cry out judge rescue
15 Judges Othniel Ehud Shamgar Deborah Gideon Abimelech Tola Jair Jephthah Ibzan Elon Abdon Samson Eli Samuel
8th Century Prophets
Amos Hosea Jonah Isaiah Micah
Messianic Prophecies OT
Jesus said all OT spoke about him Gen 3: - HE Isaiah - Suffering Servant 53 Jer - New Covenant Ps 16 ressurection Ps 22 - suffering Zech 11 - betrayed 30 pieces of silver Micah 5 Bethlehem
began in reign of Josiah 630
“Son of Man”
Jesus ues to describe himself > 80 Gospel verses.
Refers back to Dan 7:13
Messianic figure given dominion, glory and a kingdom
also emphasizes humanity of Jesus
Ezra /Nehemiah
the fall of Babylon (539 BC to 470),
efforts to restore the worship of the God of Israel and to create a new nation
Messianic Psalms
over 25 psalms incl Messianic referrences
Ps 2 King Ps 22 Suffering Ps 23 Shepherd Ps 89 Ps 110 Order of Melchizadek
Imprecatory Psalms
Banish them for their many sins, for they have rebelled against you” (Psalm 5:10)
“Pour out your wrath on the nations that do not acknowledge you, on the kingdoms that do not call on your name; for they have devoured Jacob and devastated his homeland” (Psalm 79:6–7).
Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks” (Psalm 137:9).
Not personal vengence - it is just for God to punish sins against him / kingdom.
1st King of Northern Kingdom (Israel)
Between Galilee and Judea
Modern Palestine
capital of Israel (No Kingdom)
2 different cities
lit. “House of God”
No Kingdom Sanctuary/Temple
733 - 612 BC
against Israel - Rod of God
Jonah avoided Ninevah (Ass. Capital)
Conquered by Babylon
Daniel (person)
parallel Joseph (foreign, propsoerd, faithful) very wise 3 friends Main message - God's kingdom held position for 3 kings
Gospel of Matthew
High Priestly Prayer
John 17 longest recorded High Priest prayer of Jesus Right before arrest Indwelling - oneness - unity Father < Son < believers < others Glory Joy
Presbytery (or Gen Assbly)
Paul brought in to defend accusations of heresy.
Missionary journeys
1st - Acts 13-14 w/ Barn
2nd - Acts 15-18 Split w Barn - took Silas, PU Timothy
3rd - Acts 18-20
Spiritual Gifts
Define - skill given to Xns by HS for purpose of building up Body and advancing mission.
Rom 12:6-8
1 Cor 12
1 Peter 4:10
3 synoptics
40 days / 500 saints / > 10 appearances
Gospel of Luke
aimed at Gentiles
Theopholis (w Acts)
Orderly account
Gospel of Luke - Unique
First sermon Luke 4 - Isaiah
Prodigal Son Luke 15
Gospel of Matthew - Unique
Serm Mt
4 goals
Gen 2/Eph 5
earth only
Common Grace
only 2 biblical reasons
Adultery Mt 19:9
NonXn abandons 1 Co 7:10
Lord’s Supper
1 of 2 sacraments
sign and seal of Jesus’ redemption
Comunion - very real presence.
Angry letter of Paul Abandoned Grace 1 Defends his office 1-2 2. Defends Gospel of Rt by faith 3-4 3. Call to Repentance, Faith, Freedom 5-6
Angry letter of Paul Abandoned Grace 1 Defends his office 1-2 2. Defends Gospel of Rt by faith 3-4 3. Call to Repentance, Faith, Freedom 5-6 Keep in step with Spirit/ fruit
1-3 Xns Wealth
! chapter 2!
4-6 Xns Walk
1-2 Absolute Savior / Freedom
3-4 - Absolute Surrender
mortification, family, work
Return of Jesus
we cannot know the time but
Jesus promised - Jn,
Mt 24 in heaven we’ll see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven vwith power and great glory.
Angel - Acts 1:11 why looking
1 Thess 4-5
Titus 2:13 Glorious appearing
Rev 19
2 Tim 3:16
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
Hebrews outline
Jesus is better > Scripture > Moses > Sabbath Rest > High Priest > Covenant
Application: 10-13
James vs. Paul
P - Rt by faith alone
P - very opposed to works Rt
J - Rt faith + works
J - Emph works
2nd Miss Journey - Act 16-18 Phil, Thess, Corinth 5 NT letters to these 3 churches Lydia, Phil Jailer, Generosity!
Raising Laz Mary anointed Jesus feet Jesus entered Jerusalem from Bethany Palm Sunday near mt Olives Jesus ascension a place of caring for sick
God’s Goodness/Soveriegnty in light of presence of evil.
Problem of Evil
define evil as absence of good.
(ala light, heat)
Karl Barth
Swiss / German Reformed 1886-1968
“dialetical theology” / Church Dogmatics
Opposed liberalism
rejected Natural Revelation - Jesus Only!
Bible becomes Word when recvd
Paul Tillich
underemphasized Human Historical Jesus
Cornelius Van Til
died 1987
Apologist - Presuppositional Apologetics
Common Grace is key to Xn view of History
Trinity is the key to all theology
Jesus was baptized
Mt 28:19
Go make disciples baptizing them
Acts emphasizes baptism as public proclamation of Grace
Act 2:38 Repnt and be bapstized
Act 22:16 Rise be baptixed and wash away your sins calling on his name
Col 2:11 parallels Bapt + Circ
Ordo Salutis
The (chronological) Order of Salvation elements
Election/Predestination Calling Regeneration/Effectual Call Faith/repentance Justification Adoption Sanctification - act Sanctification - process Glorification
Liberation Theology
our rxn?
develop by catholics in So Am - height 70s
Fights poverty and social injustice/inequality by opposing greed (Kinda marxist)
Jesus / Xnty obligated to help poor
3 fold uses of Law
- Civil use - helps retrain evil
- Gospel use - Shows Rt of God > shows us sin > need for Jesus
- Spirit Use - Guides converted
Justin Martyr
1st ltr Emperor - defence of Xnty and Xns are great citizens
2nd ltr Emp Aurelius Xnty is rational logos
Apologist to Gnostics (highler spiritual knowledge)
> not historical Jesus
> not unified story of redemption
> not open to all - just those with “high knowledge”
early Pentecostalism “New Prophecy”
157 - Montanus trance & prophesy ecstatically - HS w/o rational mind
2 types of Xn - reg and Spirit filled
direct revelation & mystical experiences
legalistic moralism
against the angry God of OT - detached from OT
Jesus was love, grace - different from - Father law, wrath
Rise of Episcopacy
not sure of the roots bu tis seemed to be very prominent by 200s Xnty
Governed by Bishops
Closely tied to idea of apostolic succession
evolved into an excessively organized and an ecclesiastical bureaucracy/heirarchy
Reformers rejected this. for practical political reasons as biblical reasons
155-240 served in North Africa Father of Latin Theology a converted lawyer - he became a force - coined Trinity - fought abiblical traditions / religious liberty
later adopted Montanism -
Only church could administer sacraments
Baptism by non-officials were invalid
Only church could administer sacraments - keys of kingdom
Baptism by non-officials were invalid.
only penance administered by a bishop was valid for forgiveness
1st Systematic Theology text
1st Textual Critic
seed of preisthood of all believers - interpretation is not limited to clergy
extreme ascetic - moral purity
denied Trinity
denied eternal existance of jesus - Jesus was created
denied Trinity
denied eternal existance of Jesus - Jesus was created
denied Jesus divinity
> > stimulated Nicene Creed
A reform movement within the Catholic Church that promoted the idea that church councils have authority over popes.
affirmed the deity and eternality of Jesus Christ
Arius vs. Athenasius
denied original sin - man is morally neutral
we can sin or not sin
> < Augustine
Leo the Great
d. 461
Pope Leo I
defender of orthodoxy - sought to protect from heresy :. Pope
Gregory the Great
Pope of missions - rooted in pastoral love.
Sent Xnty to Anglo-saxons (england)
“last good Pope” - Calvin
set up schools that taught catholic theology and ancient philosophies. faith + reason. Augustine + Aristotle.
-> scholasticism
“Carolingian Renaissance”
= Pope Gregory 7
-> Peter Abelard, Peter Lombard, Thomas Aquinas
faith + reason.
foundation for modern apologetics
Theologian and philosopher
- his writings,
- his approach to faith and reason (reason wo faith is unreliable)
- his theology of atonement (Jesus paid debt to GOD not satan)
precurser to Reformed idea of Subs Atonement
- his Ontological argument for the existence of God
if we can conceive of one thing greater than all others,
by definition that thing must exist.
Peter Abelard
Witty, unorthodox approach to theology, critical contemporaries kept him in near-constant trouble.
Heloise - preg, castrated,
Abelard’s stance on ethics, was that human actions are neither good nor bad in themselves; what makes something sinful is a wrong intention behind the action.
If Augustine was the first great scholar of the medieval period, Aquinas could be considered the last.
“Five Ways” of proving the existence of God are
- the First Mover Argument,
- the First Cause Argument,
- the Contingency (Necessity) Argument,
- the Ontological (Perfection) Argument, and
- the Teleological (Design) Argument.
354 -
Confessions, City of God
Much of Reformed doctrine (predestination, original sin, the bondage of the will, efficacious grace, visible/invisible church) has been attributed to the work of Augustine.
4th Lateran Council
most divisive of RC councils and ignited the need for Reformation
> reaffirmed many doctrines - RC only true church, 7 sacraments,
> inquisition
Babylonian Captivity
When the Roman Catholic pope resided in Avignon, France, instead of in Rome, from approximately 1309 to 1377.
approx 70 years
John Wycliffe
Morningstar of the Reformation
London - taught at oxford
He attacked the authority and doctrines of the Catholic Church,
“ungodly have no right to rule “ church or civic
He rejected transubstantiation
High view of Bible and favored Bible translation
Latin vulgate -> English
“Englishmen learn Christ’s law best in English.”
Lollards kept work going > Jan Hus
churches under the rule of Rome began teaching and practicing infant baptism. Anabaptist churches began re-baptizing those who made professions of faith after having been baptized in the official church.
> Hutterites, Mennonites, and Amish
Church of England began in 1532 due to a non-theological dispute between the Pope and King Henry VIII. Made King the Pope of English church.
John Knox
Scottish Reformer - Mass = Idolatry
Allowed for religious disobedience to Ungodly Rulers
National Covenant
a Scottish document resisting the attempt to make Scotland conform to English litergical practices and oversight.
The covenant reaffirmed Reformed faith and Presbyterian discipline and denounced the attempted changes,
John McMillian
Scottish reformer - procovenanters
started the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Scotland
John Cuthbertson
Scottish Covenanter
the first Reformed Presbyterian minister/missionary in America
Gairney Bridge
Villiage where the Associate Presbytery was formed. December of 1733, that Ebenezer Erskine, along with the ministers James Fisher, Alexander Moncrieff, and William Wilson, formed an Associate Presbytery of the Church of Scotland.
Ebenezer Erskine
Defended the book Marrow of Mod. Divinity
established the Secession Church (dissenters from the Church of Scotland).
Ebenezer Erskine
1680-1754 in Scotland
Defended the book Marrow of Mod. Divinity
est. Associate Presbytery
est. the Secession Church (dissenters from the Church of Scotland).
Gallatly & Arnot
Alexander Gallatly & Andrew Arnbot
sent from Scotland as Missionaries to US
they formed the Associate Presbytery of Pennsylvania.
Synod of A.R. Church 1782
Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church in the United States was organized in Philadelphia.
Synod of the South
later called the General Synod, was organized in 1803 and became known as the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church.
Westminster Assembly
Called by Parlament to decide what the Bible teaches - to advance purity, prevent heresy, and devel unity with Church of Scotland.
150 English & Scottish scholars, ministers, and laypeople represented four church governments
1500-1700 in Europe
Sought purity of worship and doctrine
Some wanted to separate from others.
non-separating wanted to stay and reform from within.
1500-1700 in Europe
Sought purity of worship and doctrine
Some wanted to separate from others > Pilgrims
non-separating wanted to stay and reform from within.
Francis Makemie
1682 - Missionary to America
Father of American Presbyterinaism
planted 7 Presby churches all over US
1706 1st Amercan Prebytery mtg
holding strictly to the WCF
focuses on individual holiness and a consistent Christian life
Wycliffe, Hus > reformation
John Wesley
1703-1791 (same as Edwards) Born in England -> trained in ministry ->moved to Am colonies 1735 Heart warmed 1738 arminian and perfectionism >> Methodism
George Whitfield
spoke 1,000/yr for 30 years - to 10 milion people
Gilbert Tennent
Am Presb - pietist, revivalist
part of Great Awakening
Preached Dangers of Unconverted Ministry” -> Great Schism
an artistic, literary, musical and intellectual movement
revival of emotion and individualism
rxn to Enlightenment, rationalism, and Industrial Revolution
did not alter Xn theology, doctrines, or beliefs
Start of liberalism - rooting religion in human experience.
Rom began to replace Xn worldview.
God is ONE
Reject the Bible and
knowledge of reality comes from our own intuition, thought processes, rather than from scientific evidence.
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau.
William Carey
Calvinistic Baptist
Father of modern missions - Missionary to India
William Booth
founded Salvation Army - 1865
rooted in Xn ministry to poor, homeless
“three S’s” - Soup, Soap, and Salvation.
Charles Finney
1792–1875 in America
Altar Call
Social Justice
Abolition/Civil Rights
2nd Great Awakening
Charles Hodge
American Pope” of Presbyterian
Princeton School
“old school” Calvinist
Horace Bushnell
Stood between Puritans & Romantics
“the father of American liberalism”
Albert Schweitzer
The Quest of the Historical Jesus 1906
since Jesus believed in the imminent end of the world, that he was wrong, and that therefore he was not infallible or inspired or divine.
rather than to atone for sin, Jesus sought to usher in the Kingdom of God
> Jesus Seminar
movement or tendency toward worldwide Christian unity or cooperation.
> World Council of Churches 1948
How to deal with
Rom 1
Social Gospel
Protestant movt applying Xn ethics to social problems such as poverty, slums, racism, poor nutrition and education, alcoholism, crime, and war.
Problem was under-emphasis on sin, grace, heaven/hell
each call to faith is a call to repentance
Act 2 Peter “Repent and be baptized”
Acts 3:19 Repent turn again, that your sins may be blotted out
Rom 2: His kindeness leads us to repentance
How to deal with
Rom 1
the problem of brokenness, falleness
Gospel of Grace - includes ability to live Rt
How to deal with
as issue
in couseling
John 1:
Gal spirit of sonship Abba
1 John 3:1
Adoption is an act of God’s free grace, whereby we are received into the number, and have a right to all the privileges of the Sons of God.
any lack of conformity to or transgression of God’s law - lawlessness
includes glorious sins (damnable acts of Rt)
add violation of relationship with God. Independence
Jer 2:12 2 sins
Rom 3:23 - falling short of the glory of God
How to deal with
Church Discipline
Mt 18
over a period of time
How to deal with
examine hearts and actions of each individual
examine the behaviors as a couple
offer the higher way of living/marraige by grace
How to deal with
How to deal with Remarriage
Mt 19:9 whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery.
1 Cor 7
ministry of women
NT the two principles of equality and submission for women exist side by side. Galatians 3:28 points to the equality, indicating that the way of salvation is the same for both men and women and that they are members of equal standing in the body of Christ. 1A. Lydia, Phoebe
But there are verses that speak to roles
1 Tim 2:12 - does not permit women to teach or exercise authority over men.
lay ministry
Mt 5 Salt and Light 1 cor 12 Spiritual gifts Eph 2:10 Works of service Eph 4:11 - build up the body 1 Peter
capital punishment
Pro Life side
God gives life
God forbids the taking of life
Pro Justice side
God calls the State to punish sin in protion to the offense
God gives life
God forbids the taking of life
God gives grace to handle trials of life - faith
Sin is taking control, independence
How to deal with Church conflict
Peacemakers beforehand / Mt 18
final state of redeemed mankind removal of sin and making us holy - accompanies resurection at 2nd coming.
Rom 8:30
WSC 33 Justification is an act of God’s free grace, wherein he pardons all our sins, and
accepts us as righteous in his sight,
only for the righteousness of Christ imputed to us, and received by faith alone.
legal term
AKA Et. Security
John 10 No one can snatch them from my hand
Rom Nothing can separate you from the love of God
1Cor 1:8 He will keep you firm to the end - blameless on day of the Lord.
Phil 1:6 He who began a good work in you will carry it to completion
Any lack of conformity to or transgression of God’s law - lawlessness
includes glorious sins (damnable acts of Rt)
add violation of relationship with God. Independence
Jer 2:12 2 sins
Rom 3:23 - falling short of the glory of God
Outline of Romans
1-3 Why the Gospel is Needed 3-5 Why the Gospel Works - Jesus 6-8 What the Gospel Changes 9:1-11 When the Gospel (Appears to) Fail / Israel 12-16 How the Gospel Should be Applied
AKA Xn Reconstruction
> the world should be sunjected to the lordship of Jesus Christ in all areas - civic and moral Laws of OT
In Charismatic - “Kingdom Now” teaching
Federal Vision
Post Mill
Similar to Theonomy
Baptismal Regeneration
a dispensation is the divine administration of a period of time;
Classical dispensationalism identifies seven dispensations in God’s plan for humanity.
Dispensationalism is a theological system that recognizes these ages ordained by God to order the affairs of the world.
Dispensationalism has two primary distinctives:
1) a consistently literal interpretation of Scripture, especially Bible prophecy, and
2) a view of the uniqueness of Israel as separate from the Church in God’s program.
to give a defense for Xnty
1 Peter 3:15, “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.”
Classical - involves sharing proofs and evidences
Presuppositional - involves confronting the presuppositions behind anti-Christian positions.
New Perspectives of Paul
N.T. Wright
Xnty has “misunderstood” Paul and his teachings
- Jews were not works-based
- Jews rejected Gentiles bc of national thinking
- Salvation brought us into the Kingdom
Gospel of John
Purpose “that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name”
Several conversations
- Sam woman, Nicodemus
- High Preistly Prayer
7 I Am statments
7 Miracles
- Weddin water -> wine
- Raising of Laz