Armed Deployment Flashcards
What does the term EMD “emotionally or mentally distressed” mean?
The term emotionally or mentally distressed is used to describe individuals who may behave in an
unexpected, extreme or challenging manner
as a result of a
mental health issue or
emotional distress.
What is a provoked shooting?
The term provoked shooting refers to a situation in which a subject engages in life-threatening behaviour or criminal activity in an attempt to create a situation where a police officer will shoot them.
What are the stay safe principles?
stay safe – think about your own and the public’s safety
see – what is happening and where
tell – communicate, describe incident/type of weapon
act – stay safe, update, observe/contain and give first aid
How can unarmed police responders be used?
1) providing a physical or visible deterrent, or reassurance
2) directing potential victims or other vulnerable persons from locations where harm may occur
3) dealing with casualties and, where possible, providing immediate first aid
4) gathering information and reporting back
5) implementing cordons
What are Environmental and behavioural influencers?
Environmental and behavioural influencers can affect a subject’s behaviour and their response to any contact with police officers.
- crowd dynamics and peer group pressure
- environments where communication is difficult
- sensory impairment or communication difficulties, for example, hearing impairment or where the subject may have difficulty in understanding or communicating in English
- the effects of drugs or alcohol
- subjects whose movements are impaired or exaggerated by reason of a medical condition
subjects who have learning difficulties.
What are the 4 criteria for deployment of AFOs?
The deployment of AFOs should only be authorised in the following circumstances:
where the officer authorising the deployment has reason to suppose that
officers may have to protect themselves or others from a person who:
is in possession of, or has immediate access to, a firearm or other potentially lethal weapon,
is otherwise so dangerous that the deployment of armed officers is considered to be appropriate,
as an operational contingency in a specific operation (based on the threat assessment),
for the destruction of animals which are dangerous or are suffering unnecessarily.
What are the options for dealing with an individual who is EMD?
BUGEEL Back off (if safe) Use of effective cover by police Give time and space to the subject Evacuation of immediate area Early negotiation advice Less lethal options to be considered
What is a marauding terrorist attack (MTA)?
A marauding attack will involve attacker(s) actively and deliberately seeking out new victims. The “marauding” element may involve attackers moving between or within structures or other populated areas searching for victims. It may also include the circumstances where an attacker seeks out new victims with little or no need for such movement; for example an attacker discharging a high powered firearm from a vantage point into a crowded area.
The motivation for a marauding attack may be terrorism, and where this is the case it will be referred to as a Marauding Terrorist Attack (MTA). Operation Plato is the agreed national identifier for the multi-agency response to such an attack which is designed to inform and prepare personnel from all three emergency services for the response to an extraordinary event.
What advice is given to the public regarding firearms attacks?
First responders should report with the METHANE report. What does it stand for?
Major Incident Exact Location Type of Incident (i.e MTA) Hazards (e.g. guns, knives, IEDs) Access (i.e. describe the route in to save time) Number of casualties Emergency Services Required
What is the hot zone?
A hot zone is an area assessed to contain a credible and continuing threat to life, including the presence of attackers with weapons.
What is the warm zone?
The warm zone is an area assessed as where the attackers are not believed to be present but an identified threat remains.
What is the cold zone?
The cold zone is an area where no known threat exists or where appropriate control measures have been implemented. Some cold zones will not require any control measures. The RVP and FCP will be within this zone.
Can unarmed responders be deployed into hot or warm zones?
Taser officers can confront a subject with a knife
Can distract attackers
Provide first aid
Create cordons
Direct public to evacuation routes
What are the recommended cordon distances for person borne IEDs?
Cordon distances
Recommended Minimum cordon distance guidance.
100m for smaller items (eg, rucksacks or briefcases or PBIED).
200m for medium items (eg, suitcases, wheelie bins or car).
400m for larger items (eg, vans or lorries).
Will an incident resulting in an Op Plato declaration always be a major incident?
A marauding attack that results in the declaration of Operation PLATO is likely to be declared as a major incident.
Is Op Plato to be declared for any active shooter or for terrorist motivated attacks only?
It is also recognised that not all marauding attacks may be motivated by terrorism. The motivation may also include personal disaffection with family, an employer or school. During the early stages of an incident, it may not be possible to identify the motivation of the subject(s) and the initial response may be informed more by the nature of the attack than its motivation. If the attacker’s motivation is not known, then Operation PLATO should be declared. If it becomes known that the attacker’s motivation is not terrorism, then the Op PLATO declaration should be rescinded and plain speech should be used to share information about what is taking place.
However where it is clear that it is a non-terrorist marauding attack, whilst some or all of the principles contained within this document may be used, Operation PLATO should not be declared and plain speech should be utilised to describe what is taking place and the response required.
What is the overarching strategic aim of an op PLATO response?
The overarching strategic aim of an Operation PLATO response will be the preservation of life and neutralising the ongoing threat.
In order to achieve the overarching strategic aim it is expected that the policing response will be to identify, locate and confront subjects in order to neutralise the threat.
Why is the traditional response to firearms incidents unsuitable for Op Plato incidents?
The traditional response of containing the threat is unlikely to be appropriate as it may fail to stop subjects where their capability and intent appears to be to indiscriminately kill as many people as possible.
What is ICI?