ARM Templates, BASH and Powershell Commands Flashcards
What command do you use to connect to Azure via Powershell
What dose CLI stand for?
Command Line Interface
What dose Azure CLI achieve?
It’s a cross-platform command-line program to connect and execute administrative commands on Azure resources.
Create a resource group using CLI?
az group create –name StorageRG –location westus
Create a storage account using CLI?
az storage account create –name WLblobSA123 –reseource-group storageRG –ksu Standard_RAGRS –kind StorageV2
Command used to login to CLI?
az login
Create VM using CLI?
az VM create –resource-group WLRG –name WLVM1 –image UbuntuLTS
Azure CLI command group for the following:
Resource Groups
Key Vault
SQL Databases
Storage Accounts
Virtual Machines
Web Applications
az group
az keyvault
az sql server
az storage account
az vm
az webapp
What are the Azure CLI command groups?
Resource Groups
Key Vault
SQL Databases
Storage Accounts
Virtual Machines
Web Applications
In an ARM template what is the element $schema used for
This describes the version of the template language.
Example below
“$schema”: “”,
In an ARM template what is the element contentVersion used for
This is the version of the template.
Example below
“contentVersion”: “”,
In an ARM template what is the element resource used for
This is the main section where you define the resources that need to be deployed as part of the template.
In an ARM template what is the element parameters used for
These are values that can be provided to template that can be used to customize the deployment of the resources.
In an ARM template what is the element variables used for
These are values that can be reused in the template.
In an ARM template what is the element functions used for
These are user-defined functions that can be used in the template.