Arm and Flexor Forearm Flashcards
What does the brachial fascia attach to? What spaces does it create?
Attached below to the humeral epicondyles and olecranon process of the ulna
Anterior - Flexor compartment
Posterior - Extensor compartment
What are the muscles, nerve supplies, and blood supplies of the anterior compartment of the arm?
- Muscles
Biceps brachii
Coracobrachialis - Blood supply - Brachial artery
- Nerve supply - Musculocutaneous nerve
Biceps brachii: N and A?
N. Musculocutaneous
A. Flexes and supinates forearm (most powerfu1 supinator), weak flexor of arm.
Brachialis: N and A?
N. Musculocutaneous
A. Chief flexor of the forearm
Coracobrachialis: N and A?
N. Musculocutaneous
A. Flexes and adducts the humerus
What are the muscles, nerves, and blood supplies of the posterior compartment of the arm?
- Muscles
Triceps brachii
Anconeus - Nerve supply - Radial nerve
- Blood supply - Profunda brachii and ulnar collateral arteries
Triceps brachii: N/A
N. Radial
A. Chief extensor of the forearm
Anconeus: N/A
N. Radial
A. Extension of the forearm
What does the brachial artery run with? split into?
Runs with median nerve on medial side of biceps
Splits into radial and ulnar nerves
What are the main branches of the brachial artery before it bifurcates?
What do they run with?
- deep brachial artery (profunda brachii) - splits to radial and middle collateral - runs with radial nerve (radial groove)
- superior ulnar collateral - runs with ulnar nerve
- inferior ulnar collateral
Describe the arterial anastamoses around the cubital fossa.
- radial collateral w/ radial recurrent (in front of lat. epicondyle)
- middle collateral w/ interosseous recurrent (behind lat. epicondyle)
- superior ulnar collateral w/ posterior ulnar recurrent (behind med. epicondyle)
- inferior ulnar collateral w/ anterior ulnar recurrent (in front of med. epicondyle)
What runs in the radial groove?
- radial nerve
- deep brachial artery
formed by medial and lateral head of biceps
What are the nerves of the arm?
- median nerve (no branches)
- musculocutaneous (becomes lateral antebrachial cutaneous)
- ulnar (no branches)
- radial (splits to superficial sensory and deep motor)
Boundaris of the cubital fossa?
Contents - medial to lateral?
- Boundaries
Lateral - Brachioradialis muscle
Medial - Pronator teres muscle
Floor - Supinator (lateral) and Brachialis (Medial) muscles
Roof- Bicipital aponeurosis
- Contents (Medial to Lateral)
Median nerve
Brachial artery and terminal branches
Biceps tendon
Radial nerve and terminal branches
What three structures does the antebrachial fossa form?
- Interosseous membrane
- Flexor retinaculum (transverse carpal ligament)
- Extensor retinaculum