Aristotle Flashcards
What type of argument is Aristotle’s?
-> based empirical knowledge
-> based on experience of the world
-> inductive argument =
works backwards from an effect to its causes
What is Aristotle typically referred to as?
“Father of Science”
“Father of Medicine”
-> some may believe this title belongs to Hippocrates
What is the Aristotelian concept of Causation?
Something fulfils it’s purpose
What is Aristotle’s Theory of the 4 Causes?
The 4 causes include:-
1. Material
2. Formal (shape)
3. Efficient (who invests energy)
4. Final (telos)
What is an example of Aristotle’s 4 causes?
Example of a house:-
- material = brick
- formal = blueprints
- efficient = bricklayers
- final = to be lived in
What is Potentiality according to Aristotle?
What you could become
What is Actuality according to Aristotle?
What you actually have become
-> gives example of a seed = may have multiple different telos
Why did Aristotle say that the chain of causes cannot go on forever?
There has to be an Ultimate Cause
What is the Ultimate Cause?
-> unmoved mover
-> uncaused causer - causes everything but does nothing
Aristotle said this was the PRIME MOVER
= outside and unaware of the universe
= contemplates himself
= unlike anything else
What are the strengths of Aristotle’s theory?
Based on Empiricism
-> widely accepted concept unlike Plato’s
Potentiality + Actuality concept shows how things interact with the world
Theory of the 4 causes is convincing
-> can be applied to everything and make sense
What are the weaknesses of Aristotle’s theory?
Reliance on empiricism is flawed
-> empiricism being a fundamentally flawed concept according to Socrates
Concept of prime mover completely juxtaposes his posteriori argument grounded in empiricism
-> ultimate cause is something that cannot be observed
His whole argument was based on an appeal to authority
-> he was correct because he had authority (Ad Hominem)
-> blind belief in science without logic/evidence is called Scientism
What type of argument did Aristotle reject?
-> he is an empiricist and so supports posteriori arguments