Arguments For The Use Of The Electoral College System Flashcards
Why is the electoral college good for the federal system?
-it reflects + reinforces the federal nature of government
-ensures candidates have to campaign in range of states not simply the most populated - allowing all US form a better decisions
What is an example of the electoral college reflecting the federal nature of the US?
-electoral college gives each state certain number electors based on its representation in Congress
-ensures large + small states have a voice in pres election — California 52 reps + 2 senators giving it 54 electoral votes with Harris receiving 57% + Trump 40%
What does the electoral college normally deliver?
-normally delivers the ‘right’ result
-e.g. 2012
How did the electoral college produce the ‘right’ result in 2012 presidential election?
-accurately reflected the popular vote + federal system by awarding obama the presidency
What is an example of this?
-state by state outcome - each state’s electors awarded based on popular vote within state
-2012 Obama won 332 to Romney’s 206 popular votes
How is an advantage of the electoral college producing a clear winner?
-electoral college produces a clear winner as presidency can’t be shared out proportionally
-also no chance of a runoff election or protracted national recount
Despite this what is an instance of a recount?
-where controversy over final result in 2000 a recount is confined to one state - being the most controversially close one
-e.g. 2000 with Florida
Why were the votes recounted in Florida?
-extremely close margin - Bush led Gore by only few hundred votes out of nearly 6m
-under Florida law if margin between candidates less than 0.5% mandatory recount required
What does the electrical college prevent creating an advantage?
-prevents ‘tyranny of the majority’
-protection of minority interests ensuring pred elections not solely determined by most populous regions or groups
What does this reduce?
-reduces risks that large homogeneous group voters could dominate election + impose its will on the collective
What is an example of this?
-2016 election Clinton won popular vote by 2.9m votes but Trump won electoral vote + presidency
-urban v rural divide - Clinton string performance major cities offset by trumps support in rural less densely populated states
What was the impact of the urban and rural divide?
-if election been decided solely by popular vote
-urban areas with higher populations have had outsized influence sidelining interests + concerns of rural voters