Arguments For The Existence Of God: Aquinas’ Teleological Design Argument Flashcards
What are Aquinas’ 5 ‘ways’?
Argument from…
1. …motion
2. …efficient cause
3. …contingency
4. …gradation
5. …design
We will focus on the 5th way
What observation/empirical evidence is the argument from design based on?
The observation that natural beings and non intelligent things seem to behave in a way that moves them towards a certain goal/purpose (telos).
What does the fact objects move with regularity in a goal directed way rather than randomly, show?
That it is not mere chance - design.
What is needed in order for things to move towards a telos?
Direction & guidance from an intelligent being.
Illustrated by the arrow & human metaphor.
What are the premises & conclusion of Aquinas’ argument from design?
P1: The behaviour of objects is goal directed towards an end because they follow natural laws.
P1: Natural law cant have been created by objects themselves since they are non-intelligent or at least sufficiently so.
C1: Natural laws must have an intelligent designer - ‘that thing we call god’.